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大学生开发类似脸谱网站 评比学校美女帅哥--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  2004年,哈佛大学大二学生扎克伯格从学校电脑系统里盗取了9座宿舍楼中所有学生照片,搭建了一个网站,让其他学生分性别对照片打分,以选出学校里人气最高的学生。这个网站正是FACEBOOK的雏形。继上月华中科技大学推出HUST FACEMASH后,武大学生也推出了WHUFACE(如右图,网络图片)。

2004 years,Harvard University sophomore zack's computer system from the school in plastering stole 9 in all the students' photos,Build a web site,Let the other students points a photo to gender studies,To choose the most popular students in the school。This site is the prototype of the FACEBOOK。Following last month launched HUST FACEMASH, huazhong university of science and technology,Wu3 da4 students also introduced a WHUFACE(As pictured,Network pictures)。


Southern daily reporter open the web site,Just two boys randomly appear the photos,Under the picture a button,Users can click on the one you like,Can also choose“1-1 with”,Still can choose“Gender switch”,Switch to the girl。In addition,The web site and list function,on“like”Most of the top 12 boys and girls is added to the list。The functionality of the site with zack's founded in 2004 campus web site are very similar。

  据了解,该网站的建立者自称是武汉大学毕业生。“当我们看着浏览器里教务部网站上自己的毕业生标准照片,就联想到了《社交网络》里扎克伯格搭建Facemash(盗取学生的照片的网站)的一幕。随即经过简单调研后便得知,要打造一个武大的Facemash实为kid stuff(容易的事情)。”网站的建立者在网站介绍中表示。

According to understand,The website claimed to be a builder of wuhan university graduates。“When we look at the browser the educational ministry web site of their graduates standard photo,Will associate it《Social network》Zack's building in Facemash(Steal photos of the students of the website)scene。Immediately after he learned that simple research,To create a wu3 da4 actually kid stuff the Facemash(Easy thing)。”Site set up on the web site says。


“According to that I,Educational administration department may in the system of the filename is standard graduates photos by student id row,Can directly grab,Of course may also transfer a server。”Long engaged in the construction of campus web site had students said。


According to the web site set up said,They do this is the purpose of meditating on the graduation,“In fact,In this slightly sad graduation summer,Students can provide such a web site,As usual,And friends walking together in a familiar LuoJiaShan campus,Comment on your side passing hotties,You don't know me,I don't know you,Fall is not necessarily a bad thing。”


The reporter interviewed wuhan university, vice minister of educational administration HuangBenXiao,He said to understand it。“Within the law,We encourage students' innovation、venture。”

  黄本笑说,到记者采访为止,还没有接到学生的相关投诉,也没有学生反映自己的肖像权受到了侵犯,他认为,学生这种创新行为是值得赞许的。针对学生对教务部系统保密问题的担心,黄本笑也表示,武大的教务部网站目前正在进行升级和改进,武大将不断完善教务部网站的保密功能。(记者/闫昆仑 实习生/郭琛 刘晨)

HuangBenXiao said,So far to reporters,Haven't received the claims from students,And no student reflects his portrait was violated,He thinks,Students this innovation behavior is laudable。Aiming at the student academic department system of confidentiality issues of worry,HuangBenXiao also said,Wu3 da4 of educational administration department website is currently to upgrade and improve,Wu3 da4 will constantly improve the educational administration department web site security function。(Reporter/kunlun intern/GuoChen LiuChen leap)
