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校长涉嫌强奸多名小学生 谎称亲亲可以长得高点--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:日,广东阳春市一读者向南方农村报爆料称,阳春市石望镇和民小学校长陈世鹏因涉嫌强奸本校学生被逮捕,近日即将开庭审理。校长性侵小学生时间为何频频爆发,到底是校长心理有问题还是学校的监管不力,这背后的原因值得所有家长和校方深思,并坚决打击惩治这种行为。 th,Guangdong YangChunShi one reader for a source says to the south to rural areas,The people at home enterprise and primary school ChenShiPeng for alleged rape of our students were arrested,Recently to trial。The principal of sexual abuse pupils time why break out frequently,What is the principal psychological problems or school regulation is slack,The reasoning behind this is worth all the parents and the school thinking,And strike resolutely punish this kind of behavior。更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>>>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>>>

  南方农村报讯 (记者李秀林)近日,广东阳春市一读者向南方农村报爆料称,阳春市石望镇和民小学校长陈世鹏因涉嫌强奸本校学生被逮捕,近日即将开庭审理。爆料者还称,该校长实际强奸6人,不过仅2人到警方报案。南方农村报记者从有关部门获悉,陈世鹏1973年生,大专学历,阳春人,案发前任和民小学校长。2012年2月7日,陈世鹏因涉嫌强奸罪被刑事拘留,3月15日被执行逮捕,现羁押在阳春市看守所。

Rural south for inquiry (Reporter LiXiuLin)recently,Guangdong YangChunShi one reader for a source says to the south to rural areas,The people at home enterprise and primary school ChenShiPeng for alleged rape of our students were arrested,Recently to trial。Also said the leaks,The principal actual rape six people,But just two people to the police。The southern rural news reporter learn from concerned branch,ChenShiPeng born in 1973,College degree in,Spring people,The former and people primary school principals。On feb. 7, 2012,ChenShiPeng for alleged rape was criminal detention,March 15, were arrests,Now in custody YangChunShi jail。


Local police after investigation to find out:In November 2011 to January 2012,The criminal suspect ChenShiPeng to help the victim ZhangYi increase on the height,The three times to the implementation of the dormitory cheat rape。In November of 2011,ChenShiPeng with same means ZhangTing cheat to the principal victims dormitory implemented a rape。It is reported,Two victims are all the students,Are all born in 1999。Family members of the victims are revealed,ChenShiPeng crime to the victims before that“touch、Kiss can grow points”。


Immediately after the crime,The victim has kept things bottled,Until the parents of abnormal before to the police。On February 2, 2012,ZhangTing victims in the company of the mother to the police,ZhangYi on February 6, the report to the police。


Family members of the victims are said to reporters,In addition to ZhangTing murdered students、ZhangYi outside,And four students,The parents of the students for all kinds of concerns not to the police。For the families of the claim,At a police station of stone on July 18, to the south to rural news reporter confirmed,To the police only 2 people,The police over the procuratorate also only 2,As for whether 4 person is being raped inconvenience disclosed。


(The victims are aliases)


source:Rural south for

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Expert analysis,Even if the girl accept goods,Voluntary betray body,Because the mind is not mature cannot afford coerced,In this case,Designed to protect the mental and physical health of the girl law should first mandatory adults abide by the moral bottom line,Or let a minor share the blame?"Whoring sin"The legal recognition of the original is"rapist"Become patron,And by sexual abuse has become the pet of female prostitution,Those who commit adultery's infant daughter criminals,Can use"Don't know each other age"or"On a voluntary and compensatory"alibi。


According to the current《Criminal law》provisions,Removal of the rape as adultery legal heavier plot,According to the rape conviction,The highest punishment to the death penalty;Whoring legal punishment for sin shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 5 years,Concurrently impose a fine,The highest average of 15 years imprisonment penalty。From the legal provisions and see,Whoring sentencing obviously less than rape's infant daughter。【detailed】


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