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  “眼保健操残害中国青少年49年了!”“不仅无法改善视力,还易导致红眼病!”近日,网上一则“眼保健操无用论”的微博将中国人做了几十年的眼保健操推上了风口浪尖。网友们对这个曾经一直坚持做的眼保健操提出了质疑,也对其功能表达了困惑。 “Eye exercises in 49 Chinese teenagers who......!”“Not only can't improve vision,Also easy to screech!”recently,Online a“Eye exercises useless theory”Micro bo will Chinese do the decades of eye exercises bolted the outlet wave。This had been the net friend to do eye exercises put forward the question,Also on its function puzzled expression。


Sina micro bo launched“You think doing eye exercises useful?”investigation,In 8799 votes,Only twenty percent net friend think useful。Faced with such“Difficult complex”form,Eye experts were stand up for eye exercises name,denied“Eye exercises useless theory”。Many noted an eye specialist told reporters,It is the eye exercises“Lay shot in the”,but,The event also conveys a message:Most people lack of the common sense。For this,Southern daily joint sun yat-sen university, sun yat-sen memorial hospital、Shanghai people's hospital on the first hospital more than an eye specialist,The incident triggered a few big focus on solutions,And guidance on how to correct eye。


焦点1:眼保健操到底能不能预防近视 Focus 1:Eye exercises exactly can prevent myopia?


微博观点: Micro bo view:  网友“直播上海”在其微博上写道:“眼保健操残害中国青少年49年了,全世界仅中国做眼保健操,按摩毫无作用的穴位,49年来中国青少年近视率升至世界第二,达3.6亿人。

the“Live Shanghai”In the micro blog wrote:“Eye exercises in 49 Chinese teenagers who......,The world only China doing eye exercises,Massage acupuncture had no effect,49 years China youth myopia rate rose to the world's second,360 million。


In 2007,Science writer fang had the effect of eye exercises has challenged,In its April 26, 2007 blog《When eye exercises become traditional》In an,Had explicitly pointed out that“What science theory、Clinical trials or investigation statistics prove doing eye exercises can actually prevent myopia?no。”Fang said,Myopic happening by genetic factors influence,The world only China pursues eye exercises,And Chinese students in the rate of myopia is the world's second row,Pupils for 28%、Junior high school students is 60%、High school students is 85%。Not doing eye exercises of the United States,Myopia rate is only 25%。


专家观点: Experts point:  中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院眼科主任蓝育青解释道,造成近视的原因有很多,除了遗传因素外,像饮食习惯、用眼习惯、学习和工作的压力以及周围生活的环境对眼睛的影响都较大,现在医学界也还没有完全弄清楚。但眼保健操绝对有它的作用,通过对眼部穴位的按摩可以达到改善眼部周围血液循环,起到缓解视疲劳的作用。

Zhongshan university sun yat-sen memorial hospital, director of the blue and green eye explained,There are many reasons that causes myopic,In addition to the genetic factors,Like eating habits、Use eye habit、Learning and the pressure of work and life of the environment around the influence of the eyes are bigger,Now the medical profession also is not fully understood。But eye exercises absolutely it role,Through the meridians to eye massage to improve blood circulation around the eye,Rise to alleviate visual fatigue effect。


Shanghai first people's hospital of doctor eye ophthalmic center XuXun said,The pathogenesis of myopia is not very clear,The main and genetic、Environment and unhealthy use eye on three aspects,If both husband and wife are myopia,The incidence of its children myopia is 6.4 times of the normal people,Genetic risk is as high as 80% above。But the environment factors and not with the eye health situation is more complicated。Do eye exercises does not mean that will not myopia,What will not have to myopia,This and individual genes closer together,But eye exercises to eye and head through the meridians massage,Make eye、Brain angry hematic unobstructed,Eye muscles relax,For a long time can improve with eye brought eye fatigue symptoms,Should continue to push down。


焦点2:做眼保健操做成红眼病? Focus 2:Doing eye exercises his make it?


微博观点: Micro bo view:  网友“直播上海”在微博上表示,做眼保健操无法改善视力,许多学生用脏手按摩导致红眼病、眼部感染等。在新浪微博发起的“你觉得做眼保健操有用么?”调查中,认为“不仅没用,脏手按眼还伤眼”的比例占到了20.4%。

the“Live Shanghai”In the blog says,Doing eye exercises can't improve vision,Many students with dirty hands to massage jealous、Eye infections, etc。In sina micro bo launched“You think doing eye exercises useful?”survey,think“Not only useless,Dirty hands eye also hurt eyes”The ratio to 20.4%。


专家观点: Experts point:  对于“许多学生用脏手按摩导致红眼病、眼部感染等”的说法,许迅表示,从医这么多年,他还没有听说过因为做眼保健操导致眼部感染的,这种说法耸人听闻,缺少最基本的公共卫生常识。手接触的只是眼睛周边,而红眼病是需要手上的细菌接触眼睛的结膜才会传染。

for“Many students with dirty hands to massage jealous、Eye infections, etc”that,XuXun said,For so many years working,He had not heard because doing eye exercises cause eye infections,This statement sensational,The most basic lack of public health issues。Hand contact is only around the eyes,And his need is the bacterium on contact with eyes of conjunctival will infect。


Blue and green points out that,The occurrence of his personal hygiene and relevant,For example,Don't wash your hands go directly contact with eyes。For this,A new version of the eye care to improve the operation,Try to avoid direct and rubbed my eyes,In order to reduce bacterial infections。Before the old version of the eye exercises for the second quarter“Crowded according to the point isn”,That is to the left hand or right thumb in the nose,By pushing down on first、Then up crowded,This movement is close to the eye recently,Also likely to encounter eye,But a new version of the eye exercises after out have cancelled this section of actions,Does not appear infections。She suggested that,In addition to do eye exercises,In personal eye also to be attention,Such as using eye for more than a hour will rest your eyes,In the work and rest also should have laws。


焦点3:中国青少年近视率为何高居世界第二? Focus 3:China youth myopia rate stands at the world why the second?


调查数据: Survey data:  据卫生部、教育部的联合调查显示,我国青少年的近视发生率居世界第二位,仅次于日本。我国近视及眼疾患者总体人数已达2.8亿人,因近视而致盲的人数达30万人,而且近视发病人数以每年5%的速度在递增,中国堪称为“近视王国”。

The health department、The ministry of education of the joint investigation shows,Our country young people's myopia rate ranking second in the world,After Japan。Our country and the overall number of eye disease patients myopia has reached 280 million,Because the number of myopia and blind 300000 people,And the number of myopia to an annual rate of 5% in the future,China is for“Myopia kingdom”。


National student physical health survey data also show that,Primary school students in China myopia rate was 22.78%,High school students is 55.22%,High school students is 70.34%,Above data have been increasing trend。According to the provinces of light to finish on to guangzhou 2.96 million students statistics show,Guangzhou youth myopic incidence among the city first。Among them,Pupils myopia rate was 30%,Junior high school students' 60%,High school students 80%。The survey also showed,In kindergarten in a nearly 20% of children have bad vision phenomenon,In recent years students growing at the rate of more than 10% incidence of myopia,That new 100000 each year“Four eyes son”。Myopia has become guangzhou adolescents“The first disease”。


专家观点: Experts point:  蓝育青表示,眼保健操自20世纪60年代推行以来,已有50余载,最初是本着改善和预防学生近视的目的,但现今我国的近视率还是高居不下,甚至有不降反升的趋势,这与我国学生学习压力过大,学习任务过重有很大关系,加上一系列硬件和软件因素导致我国近视率高居不下。比如,在灯光照明及生活环境等软环境上,我国学生与某些国家相比也有较大差距。

Blue and green said,Eye exercises since the 1960 s since the implementation,Than 50 more years,First is to improve the and prevent the students the purpose of myopia,But nowadays, our country's high rate of myopia or not,Or even up not down trend,This and our students learn too much stress,Learning tasks overweight has the very big relations,Plus a series of hardware and software factors resulted in high myopia rate is not。For example,In the lighting and living environment etc on the soft environment,Our students with some countries also have a large gap。


XuXun said,With the development of modern society,The increase of the pressure of competition,Many people work、Learning and become a workaholic、Learning crazy,Work in the learning process,Frequent the excessive use of both eyes,The eyes too much capacity,Time is too long,Eventually resulted。Some people some incorrect use eye habit,For example,In a mobile carriers see ebook、Look at the news,These mobile carrier because smaller font,The light contrast is stronger,Can lead to myopia or deepen myopia。


Australian national university researchers don't dry in recent medical journals《lancet》Articles on said,Increase the outdoor sports and physical exercise can effectively reduce the student myopic incidence of a disease。Singapore pupils on an average day, only have 30 minutes to be outdoors,So 90% of young people myopia,And Australia in outdoor time for primary school students have three hours,Children's myopia rate of only 10%。




