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广州促学前教育公平 公办园七成名额向社会开放--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Take out authority kindergarten seventy percent degree,To society are the computer 1 school places allocation;Increase public kindergarten teaching fee,At the same time that prohibit firmly into the park and the value of the town、contribution……a,Guangzhou to the public《Deepening the preschool education three years action plan work plan》Three supporting documents,At present for advice period was over。The reporter learns,Education department is arranging the public opinions were summarized,In the final version will be documented and put into practice。


资源如何共享? How resources sharing?


约1万个机关幼儿园学位名额通过电脑派位向社会开放 About 10000 authority kindergarten through computer 1 school places allocation degree places open to the society


July 10,,Guangzhou announced《Guangzhou public kindergarten enrollment work opinion》。Opinion provisions,Used to only for civil servants children of the authority of the kindergarten,Since next year to give 70% degree,Faces the society computer 1 school places allocation;Since then the proportion will also increased year by year,To 2016 will not be less than 90%。“Authorities kindergarten is these unusual people think we all dare not to think,Later also have a chance。”Heard the news,Guangzhou sea bead area citizens XieYongCheng said happily。


According to submit 14 th National People's Congress earlier this year in guangzhou a meeting of deliberation《Guangzhou 2012 draft department budget》shows,Under 8 authority budget funds for kindergarten 83.4982 million yuan。Because these organs kindergarten long-term enjoy high fiscal subsidies are always closed recruit students,Trigger social question and the media were consistent。


Guangzhou bureau chief flexor sentry said,This reform to“Equal opportunity”As for the principles of the relevant documents,Gradually will authority kindergarten degree open to the society,Realize the education fair public kindergarten。


In fact,As early as in last year,Guangzhou panyu district took the lead in the district departments under the kindergarten、Jiro kindergarten、Beicheng kindergarten 3 authority such as kindergarten pilot,In the form of wave bead 1 school places allocation,Take out degree open enrolment for the society。Last year, the first year when the pilot,Three authority provides 30% of degree in kindergarten open to the society,This year, rising to 40%,Next year is expected to reach 50%。


And in city level,The reporter understands,2011 of the 14000 organs kindergarten provides-15000 degree。In this--,Take out 70% is about 10000 degrees。“Although this to the city's 350000 children in the garden is only scratch the surface,But after all a foot in the door。”The government of guangdong province, this king chu board approved it,“Private garden by high fees and public school garden sponsored bitter citizens,Need most is that their children can read and public garden quite‘Normative kindergarten’。”


In addition to authorities take out the degree of kindergarten,According to the law of《Guangzhou public kindergarten determination standards(trial)》Provisions of the,And with hundreds of the collective、Unit to join public kindergarten do kindergarten team,Make public kindergarten always degree expansion to 100000,Is expected to benefit more“Grassroots children”。


收费为何上涨? Fees rise why?


原收费沿用12年前标准,提价后公办幼儿园收费明升实降 The original charge used standard 12 years ago,After the price increase public kindergarten/real drop the charges


According to newly released documents public kindergarten fee standards:Guangzhou province level 1 full-time kindergarten 1050 yuan/raw/month,The original standard than rose 780 yuan;Boarding provincial kindergarten 1575 yuan/raw/month,The original standard than rose 1155 yuan;City level 1 full-time kindergarten 729 yuan/raw/month,The original standard than rose 509 yuan;City level 1094 yuan/boarding kindergarten born/month,The original standard than rose 734 yuan。


“Suddenly rose 3 times as much,Too wide of the mark,!”Public kindergarten fee standards a,Some children to public kindergarten to will the parents exclaimed。


Public kindergarten fees,Your or not expensive?Why will go up?


Guangzhou bureau deputy director jiang dong introduced said,Public kindergarten current charge standards in 2000,12 years haven't set a price,At present the highest fee standards is 270 yuan/raw/month,The lowest price is 130 yuan/raw/month。For the determination of reasonable pricing range,City bureau of education and the municipal price control bureau joint entrust city price association,To the public kindergarten education research on the cost。After investigation,Guangzhou public kindergarten explores the training cost about 1400 yuan on average birth/month /,Provincial kindergarten is 2040 yuan/raw/month。“According to the state council and the provinces‘Perfect the government and society、Preschool education cost family reasonable share of the mechanism’principle,In did not make clear all parties of the distribution of the cost sharing,Sure parents for part of no more than 49%。According to the standard calculation,New standard that charge。”


The reporter interviews found,There are many parents on the prices of understands that。The daughter of a public kindergarten in yuexiu district of ms jiang calculate a bill:To enter this garden,Every year tuition fee is 10000 yuan to donate funding,Add $270 a month in teaching fee,A year on 9 months,Total cost(Excluding food and other fees)Is 12430 yuan。After the reform of,Even if the maximum 1050 yuan/month calculate,Because didn't donate funding tuition fees,The cost of a year to 9450 yuan,“Is the real drop rise”。


Live in the pearl river royal of the db hai ms Chen said,Children in private garden,The monthly fee of 1600 multivariate establishment,Even with the public garden after prices than,Also a much higher。It was only the guangzhou run by the medium level of charge kindergarten。Ms. Chen think,Now give public garden carried a price,At least let them feel the heart“Balance a”。


赞助费能否杜绝? Sponsorship money can put an end to?


招生需公开透明,同时扩充整个学前教育的优质资源 Recruit students need to open and transparent,At the same time the whole pre-school education expansion of the excellent resources


Guangzhou at present the public 396,In the 350000 people in children。Even if is all degree for the draw,Public garden degree is very tight,A difficult beg。


In the investigation of yuexiu district,Also confirmed that the reporter's judgment。Yuexiu of doing the finance of 12,Every year is expected to recruit new students about 1000 people,It also means that,Next year at least 700 public garden degree can take out 1 school places allocation。But on the other hand,Each year the number of school-age children yuexiu district for 5500-about 6000 people,“Public garden who all want to,6000 people for a degree in 700,How to meet these requirements?”Yuexiu district, deputy director of the bureau of LiuXiaoMing said。


Everyone rob high-quality degree,In such a rigid market,Only by a ban on paper,Sponsorship fees really will disappear?Many parents said lack of confidence。this,The sentry bowed make it clear:“New Deal after coming on stage,And the degree of funding link to donate tuition fees、contribution、Such as tuition‘Charge level’。Good faith to see from the government,We can not do this thing。”


The head of the bureau also responded,“If enrollment way justice open,Wave bead wave to me,What other parents would pay the fee?Only in the recruit students not transparent,Will appear this kind of circumstance。”The official stressed,If this happens to receive the money in private,Parents can at any time to report it。

  专家表示,要从根本上杜绝赞助费,唯有靠持续投入,在加大投入建设公办园的同时,利用财政支持促进民办园规范发展,扩充整个学前教育的优质资源,“把蛋糕做大”。(记者 贺林平)

Experts say,To basically put an end to sponsor fee,Only by continuously invest,In the increasing investment and construction of public garden,Use of financial support to promote private garden criterion development,The whole pre-school education expansion of the excellent resources,“The big cake”。(Reporter LinPing royal)
