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学校家庭法规 阻止小传旺受伤安全闸为何失灵--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  家庭学校、义务教育法、劳动法规…… family、The school、Compulsory education law、Labor rules......


Biographies of popular“Safety brake”Why were scattered failure

小传旺在接受治疗。网友提供 Flourishing in the treatment of biographies。Net friend provide


【Research background】

13 years old XiaJin shandong DuChuanWang boy,This spring to drop out of a motor repair team as an apprentice。In the morning on June 30,,He is the same for the motor repair team ZhaoMou and the workers of the work his way up,With the correct spray injury,Cause intestinal appeared in more damage、perforation,Multiple internal organs was seriously injured,Fell into a coma,And are facing various bacterial infections,Still lying in hospital ward sterile。


13 years old children,Should be in the parents' love life,The family grew up in withstanding,In the school education in futures,In the law of the building for network security of person,These are all stop them a harm to the gate。In DuChuanWang's body,These should have to provide protection of the gate why all the failure?


7岁丧母 家庭贫困 被父亲送去当学徒 7 years old mother's death by father sent to poverty as an apprentice


“The key is for the popular learning situation general,Went on reading the hope is not big。He didn't want to。”Du thick said up,“Just thinking about,Can't let him to learn a trade,The future may not have a job!”


According to understand,In the local,Junior high school graduation after that left school children were not working out of a minority。


LuXiBei plain in a village of calm,Be a young had broken。


With the villagers DuJiYu as saying,“AnCun now,Estimate the national knows!”


Shandong Texas,XiaJinXian beicheng street agency DongCang village。About 13 years ago,Young DuChuanWang was born here。In June this year,When out of here three months later,He was two workers with the correct spray injury,intestinal、Visceral many infections,Still lying in hospital ward sterile。


The reporter comes to DongCang village。Article a few dirt road will village division,Pedestrian scarce。When the summer,The village is surrounded by a large cotton field,Cotton branch've drawn a pink flowers,Flowers swaying gently in the breeze。


CunZhiShu DuZhongJun introduced,In the village of 900 villagers,Last name DongDu two dominated the most,For many years,The villagers to grow cotton for a living。


The house is located in the village du clearing in the south,A little of the courtyard,Three other things to house。Outer spread brick、For adobe in,DuChuanWang grandfather built in the 1980 s,At the time of the house in the village is best,And now is the worst。


Watch the house of ShenZi alone opened the closed for many days,In the past few years,DuChuanWang、Father gave the thick and brother du DuChuanYe has lived in Westinghouse inside。Dark house,A few bed sheets in the bed of the old,For a long time no cleaning,BeiJiao blackened。


here,DuChuanWang had a complete family;here,This should be protect his first gate。


1999 years,Father in clearing up thick du between east,KongShuYing married his wife。The next year on January 4,,In a light snow,DuChuanWang was born。


Speaking of the popular KongShuYing mother,Character cheerful and lively is almost the same villagers in her evaluation,To speak with local,Is a very“clear”people。however,But she had family genetic high blood pressure,Six years ago for high blood pressure caused by cerebral haemorrhage died,Only 31,Then DuChuanWang 7 years old,And brother DuChuanYe only 1 years old。


After the death of his wife,Give a thick du two children only guardian。


Du shy character up thick,To the villagers DuJiYu impression is the biggest“Honesty is”。Junior high school graduation is up at home after thick du farming,There has been no engaged in any other profession。His wife died,He had to take care of a child alone,Life became more distress。And the young DuChuanWang are beginning to learn to the housework,Care brother。According to the villagers told,Often see the popular with younger brother out gather sticks,Cook at home。Just to learn the steamed bread when know not with yeast,Directly and the good surface threw it into the pot。


Remove daily life the red tape,The family economic pressure also gradually increasing。


Du pieces of thick actually under 3 acres of land on the half all cotton。Producers, compared,Cotton daily management need to cost much more time and labor。And take care of two children make up thick can't put all du effort in farm work,Their cotton than others to less per in almost 100 catties,To dig to plant costs,Only 3500 yuan each year of net income。ZhongMian only a,Already make up quite possible du thick,No more work out their family。


Another five acres of a home du seven points of the land,Because of the reservoirs and occupied。The government of each year to RMB 1000 per hectare land of subsidies,Plus ZhongMian,Up to all three of the thick du each year income is less than $ten thousand,This in the village has belongs to lowest level。


Up in his wife's death du thick after,Once with family to the village on the poor and puts forward the application for advanced beicheng subsidies。According to CunZhiShu DuZhongJun said,Considering his family situation at that time,The evaluation to the village,The application will be submitted to the civil affairs departments。Apply for finally got county civil affairs bureau official reply,For county civil affairs bureau registration data updated every year,At that time the house du subsidies of the amount of accurate has not check up,According to the county civil affairs bureau, deputy director of the high estimate the peak,There are about 50 yuan per month。


And give du thick said,Enjoy after subsidies,Remove can get ready money,The government also provide oil、Face real subsidies。


But this time the subsidies for home du last time is not long,Because of the reservoir covers an area badly roughed issue in position,Du home is beyond the scope of the subsidies enjoy low,The civil affairs department after audit,Cancelled its low qualification。ManDaManSuan,Father and son of low income home du enjoy time of about one year。


Family of distress,Let up gradually thick du determined:Let the son apprentice。


Is can not afford to pay tuition fees?The reporter asked him。


Du thick to think up,said,Go to school not heavy burden。


This in XiaJinXian beicheng street lee floor school principal ZhangHongBing get confirm。ZhangHongBing said,Just in sixth grade in education stage DuChuanWang obligations,Tuition and textbook is free of charge,Considering that he comes from single-parent families,The school also specifically for the poor students he applied for the dole,300 yuan a year。


“The key is for the popular learning situation general,Went on reading the hope is not big。He didn't want to。”Du thick said up,“Just thinking about,Can't let him to learn a trade,The future may not have a job!”


CunZhiShu DuZhongJun said,In the local,Junior high school graduation after that left school children were not working out of a minority。


Give thought of in thick du do business of iron man DongYuXiu motor repair。


DuChuanWang home and DongYuXiu home facing across the street,Two people is the primary school to junior high school students,Relations are close like brothers。According to DuZhongJun speak,After DongYuXiu junior high school graduation,Just when the motor repair apprentice,Ten years has lived in the county。


“I told DongYuXiu relationship for many years,To his character very understanding,He is a good,The child gave him can rest assured。”Du thick said up。The father didn't realize car hazardous,Just think a little dirty。


this,DuChuanWang out of the door,Come to the DongYuXiu motor repair of the team,At this time,From the tragedy and 3 months。

  家长坚持辍学 学校劝说无效 法律无强制措施

Parents dropped out of school to persuade invalid law is compulsory measures


The reporter asked:Why not stop DuChuanWang drop out?


GengHongZhou a little helpless:“In this matter,Education department has been trying to do the work to the parents of the students,But he still insist that their children to learn skills!”


As the obligation education children of school age,The school also had tried to put DuChuanWang to stay in the classroom。


According to DuChuanWang in six, grade 1 teacher in charge WangRuiXian said,DuChuanWang at ordinary times in the class of the results of more than 40 kid row pour a dozen or so。And DuChuanWang character,For teachers and students of impression is honest and do not love to talk。Live in LiLouCun LiRongHui is the DuChuanWang classmates,Every time after class is almost DuChuanWang for him to speak,And DuChuanWang rarely actively looking for him。


Early spring this year,A very accidental things,Let WangRuiXian understanding to this ordinary silent children to leave the school。


According to WangRuiXian memories,In early march,DuChuanWang suddenly left at the school benches moved back home。This started WangRuiXian attention,After asking,And learned that it up thick want du son dropped out of ideas。


WangRuiXian said,He soon give up thick du a call。Du pieces in a telephone call in thick said,DuChuanWang learning result is bad,Continue reading little sense,Want to let children to learn some repair skills。WangRuiXian with his explanation,DuChuanWang too young,It is in school age,As parents should let their children to learn after,But gave no accept thick du。


WangRuiXian then DuChuanWang want to drop out the conditions about to the school。The principal ZhangHongBing decided to family visit,Face to face up to dissuade du thick。Two days after,Two people came to d home,But found no du thick I give。


That DuChuanWang to drop out from school to he finally leave school,About a week's time among。WangRuiXian had asked for DuChuanWang face to face,Say father wouldn't let the study,Asked his own idea,DuChuanWang into silence。so,WangRuiXian and to give play to the thick du phone。


“I told him that,DuChuanWang or obligation education stage,As parents,Have the obligation to let the child finish school,But he still said to let their children to learn the craft。”WangRuiXian said。


For the son of dropping out,Du thick said up,DuChuanWang is his claim is don't want to continue to go to school,Oneself also persuade,Finally only comply with the child's opinion。


“I told him the words TiaoMing all......,If not to go to school,Future don't regret。”Du thick said up。


WangRuiXian it is safe to say,In the communication process,Never mention up thick du school is DuChuanWang what you mean。


In repeated dissuade du pieces after thick invalid,The school will drop out DuChuanWang of education department report。


The reporter interviewed XiaJinXian education bureau chief GengHongZhou:Compulsory education law,The government should take measures to prevent the children drop out。In DuChuanWang this things,XiaJinXian take measures?


GengHongZhou answer:How do not take?Measures also many miles!


According to he introduced,XiaJinXian carried out the country“Two avoid a”policy,Rural compulsory education phase from poor families of the textbooks and miscellaneous fees for students;At the same time,Also in between schools and parents set up effective communication mechanism,Undertake to the student two pipe double teaching。

  “目前我们夏津县范围内,小学入学率达到100%,初中辍学率不到1%。”耿洪洲说,“像杜传旺这样的情况,属于极少数” 。

“At present, we XiaJinXian range,Primary school enrollment rate reached 100%,Junior high school dropout rates of less than 1%。”GengHongZhou said,“Like DuChuanWang this situation,Belong to a few” 。


The reporter ask again:That is what did not stop DuChuanWang drop out?


GengHongZhou a little helpless:“In this matter,Education department has been trying to do the work to the parents of the students,But he still insist that their children to learn skills!”


According to the provisions of the compulsory education law,Guardian not let their children to school,The local education department“Giving critical education,Rectification shall be ordered to”;But if parents insist on not“corrective”,Who can constraint he?The method and without explanation。


In the education department and school after the surrender,DuChuanWang to leave the classroom,From students into the apprentice。

  从事辅助性工作 因劳动关系无法确认 不能认定为童工

Assistance for labor relations in could not confirm should not be considered for child labor


Didn't sign the contract,And without a salary,GaoHongSheng said,According to the present standards,Even if the preliminary investigations the motor repair team,Also should not be considered DuChuanWang for child labor


DuChuanWang after an accident,And immediately there motor repair team boss DongYuXiu media question suspected illegal use of child labor。


But according to local labor supervision department as the preliminary survey,DuChuanWang not child labor。


Hire 13 years old children work,Why not?With this problem,The reporter walks into XiaJinXian labor security supervision battalion。


Captain GaoHongSheng to reporters,According to the relevant laws,That the illegal use of child labor,Remove the age of the minors to check out(Under 16),The key to see whether both sides has already formed the Labour relations。For this labor inspection department will first survey whether both sides sign a labor contract,If not sign labor contract,Labor inspection department will also see the payroll survey unit、Attendance sheet and social insurance pay record,At the same time to ask questions and make relevant personnel so as to determine the record,Whether factual labor relations form。


GaoHongSheng issued to reporters after the incident,Labor inspection department in DongYuXiu is illegal use child Labour,To the labor security supervision in the investigative records。


First DongYuXiu marked with the signature of the investigative records show and fingerprints,DongYuXiu a subordinate(team)No name,No business license,Hired to implement the damage DuChuanWang including ZhaoMou and work his way up, four people,But did not sign labor contract with them,Wages to extend by the month,Cash settlement,About 3000 yuan per person。Motor repair team without a fixed place,Flow of homework。


In the book DongYuXiu in survey expressly denied DuChuanWang is its hired worker,Also not give them access to pay。DongYuXiu says,The day DuChuanWang appeared in the motor repair team is“To play”。


A second to give my investigation du thick record show,Give DongYuXiu is thick and du play together to big from iron man,The son of DongYuXiu will to motor repair team,Is to want to let its help to look after,No employment relationship。Record also marked up my signature du thick and fingerprints。


Du pieces in thick told reporters,Motor repair team really not to DuChuanWang payrolls。


In the third part of the team for automobile maintenance technician li mou in the investigative records,He said he knew DuChuanWang,At work he has been in DongYuXiu with side,The relationship between unknown。but,Li mou in the record also admitted,Work together with him in the five people,“Two at the police station,A wounded”。Obviously this is refers to the three events of biographies of popular party。


GaoHongSheng said:“After investigation,DongYuXiu with DuChuanWang did not sign labor contract,At the same time also did not have paid to the salary,The two sides did not form a Labour relationship,Therefore according to the present law,Should not be considered DuChuanWang is child labor。”


so,Provided work but without a salary little apprentice how to calculate?


Can't calculate。GaoHongSheng told reporters,According to the present standards,Even if the advance on the investigation,Also should not be considered DuChuanWang for child labor。


The reporter has several times DongYuXiu contact,But the telephone has been unable to get through。The reporter went on the record of the motor repair team workers give testimony the area of phone,In his life has been serious interference as,Refuse to the reporter's interview。


According to give du thick said,Motor repair team tube eat under control,DuChuanWang and other workers will dwell in the house of DongYuXiu boss,At ordinary times the team to work with motor repair everywhere,Do some such as pass tools、Twist screws and auxiliary work。


“Once I went to see him,I asked him:Tired not tired?”Du thick said up。“He said,Still line。”

  那时,杜传旺浑身黑油,当爹的差点没认出他来。(记者 商旸)

then,DuChuanWang was black oil,When dad of almost didn't recognize him。(Reporter Yang business)
