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作业不多培训不少:中小学生暑假并不轻松 7月10日,某学校暑期托管班,孩子们做游戏。新京报记者 李飞 摄 July 10,,Some school summer custody class,The children playing games。The Beijing news reporter LiFei perturbation


July 13,,Beijing 1.2 million primary and middle school students for a month and a half in the summer,How to spend the summer student?Their summer vacation homework is???????Through the investigation,Reporter discovery,In addition to regular exercises outside,Many schools in summer vacation homework bold originality,“An hour every day”、“Do resume”Become a summer homework。


This investigation involves a primary school、Middle school and high school students,The selection of school ChongDianJiao covers、Normal school and private schools。In a survey reporter discovery,The summer school layout is not really a lot of homework,But parents help the student newspaper, the various cram school、Training the students' still this summer is not easy。


声音 voice


“How much will leave some each school summer homework assignments,A lot less of each school was different。”Beijing normal university experimental middle school student affairs, deputy director of the SunMingJie said,Leave the school summer homework,Because learning is a gradual process,If more than one month of time to let students simply don't touch the books、Don't write、Don't think,Will disturb students study habits。


For many parents for the student newspaper summer training class phenomenon,SunMingJie think,The summer is a comprehensive adjustment of students a chance,Students can use this period of time to reflect a lack of before learning and experience,“To deficiency were up,For example the term a subject to learning is not very ideal,Can use summer adjustment。”SunMingJie says,She doesn't approve of parents use blind to students during the summer vacation for various types of training,According to the actual situation of the students should be selectively sign up for a class,“If students a subject‘Spare capacity to learn’,Also not banned for their training。”

  人物:小尹 学校:北京温泉中心小学 年级:小学二年级

characters:Small Yin school:Beijing hot springs primary school grade:Elementary school second grade


最“小儿科”作业 The most“pediatrician”homework


每天口算练习一页 Flange a page every day to practice


Language is a composition《In summer holidays, the most unforgettable thing》;In addition,Copy of the word list every day a line;mathematics:Flange a page every day to practice、Practice a page abacus calculation。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


古筝·拉丁舞·游玩 Chinese zither · Latin dance · play


This summer,Small Yin for her mother for two training classes,One is the guzheng class、One is the Latin dance class。Mother said,Sign up for a class with small Yin discussed in advance,Are all small Yin oneself want to learn content。After training school,August,Parents decided to take small Yin to provincial play。Mother is introduced,The final children under a lot of pressure,Every day to write an examination papers,The main want to let children summer vacation to relax。

  人物:小胖 学校:史家小学 年级:小学四年级

characters:Small fat school:Historian primary school grade:Primary school grade four


最“轻松”作业 The most“relaxed”homework


网上参加夏令营 Online to summer camp


Chinese、Mathematics is a respectively about 40 pages of homework books。There are two English homework,A word is copying,A copy of the text last term。The school is also required to actively participate in the middle and primary school moral education nets camp。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


辅导班·辅导班·辅导班 The remedial class · the remedial class · the remedial class


Mom to small fat called the one-on-one tutoring,July 13, from the start。Two hours a day,Course have Chinese、mathematics、English,Mother said,This is to give small fat consolidate the foundation of last term、Preview of the new course next term。“Three or four grade is a watershed,Four grade to high,Bad foundation grade four may can't keep up。”The remedial class every lesson 120 yuan,A summer vacation need to spend thousands of dollars。

  人物:小花 学校:遂安伯小学 年级:小学二年级

characters:Floret school:SuiAnBo primary school grade:Elementary school second grade


最“残忍”作业 The most“cruel”homework


罚抄期末考试错题3遍 A copy the final exam the wrong topic three times


Chinese homework with eight unit of see pinyin write words,15 days of reading essays;Mathematics to final exam the wrong topic copy three times,Every 20 major crossings。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


托管班·托管班·托管班 Custody class · custody class · custody class


Floret of the father and mother is very busy,So in summer vacation to the class for the custody。Custody class responsible for looking at children with their homework,The teacher is also responsible for the last semester with review course。At 8 every day to send,Afternoon can take five at six o 'clock。“She was summer vacation,Can we adults didn't have time to leave her alone,She is watching TV at home。”Floret mother explained。

  人物:小玉 学校:北师大三附中 年级:初中二年级

characters:Jade school:Beijing normal university three grade school:Junior middle school second grade


最“头疼”作业 The most“headache”homework


所有作业中数学占半 All assignments and a half of mathematics


Chinese、mathematics、English、physical、Sports five families assembly a thick this summer homework。The proportion of mathematics is the largest,Accounting for almost half of the summer homework to the left;The language of the summer is the main content of ancient prose and poetry is reciting 28 article,With a 10 ancient prose needs into modern wen,In addition, it also includes reading practice、Dictation, etc。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


书法·探亲·预习 Calligraphy · · preview visit


Jade is mainly used for the summer to write and practicing calligraphy。Prepare in late July to August a specialists to grandpa's grandmother home for relaxation,After come back over the preview program。Jade mother this summer is not prepared to give children whose training classes。

  人物:小朱 学校:分司厅小学 年级:小学四年级

characters:Xiao zhu school:Points company hall primary school grade:Primary school grade four


最“爽歪歪”作业 The most“Great crooked”homework


每天一小时体育锻炼 Hour a day of physical exercise


Chinese、Mathematics branch have summer homework assignments,English review lecture content,Prepare for next semester;Photography or science and technology work choose one of them,Photographic assignments asked to collect the situation of summer shooting record;Science and technology request in small invention or environmental protection science and technology works etc;Each hand in a turned calligraphy work;A 600-word composition;An hour every day。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


夏令营·艺术团·剧组 Summer camp · group · cast


13 to 16,,Xiao zhu attended a education department for the city of the organization of the camp;July will attend a performing arts groups of rehearsals;August will take part in a cast in the shooting。meanwhile,Xiao zhu will also take time to go out to play。

  人物:小郭 学校:北京爱迪学校 年级:高一年级

characters:Kuo school:Beijing Ed school grade:Higher grade


最“急吼吼”作业 The most“Urgent roar”homework


做一份求职简历表 Do a resume table


Chinese homework from freely choose a textbook lesson,Do a lesson plan;Maths homework to the question,The scope of the problem means a seven-hour run every minute walk far,Students after personal practice is calculated;Business operations,Give a recruitment background:A company to recruitment three position,Which one do you like?Students are required to give a resume table。


【暑期安排】 【Summer arrangement】


作业·游玩·作业 · · homework assignments to play


Guo said,Summer parents not to give her arranged,Also didn't report the course。She decided to enjoy the holiday with sex,Finish the homework part of holidays,And then to parents in the work outside place for leisure,And then back to the remaining homework。


专家说法 Experts said


应利用暑假多培养亲子关系 Use the summer training more parental relationship


Beijing primary and middle school counseling center director WenFang said,Summer on the remedial lessons should be“Vary from person to person”,Should first seek child opinion,“If a child is not acceptable,Even if parents spent money also can't get effect。”Another should also seek child the teacher's advice,WenFang said,The teacher know best student learning,Can provide very good advice。


WenFang suggested that parents,Work at ordinary times busy,Rarely has time to communicate with children,Can use their summer helps with the training,Help students exercise self management ability。“Through the together with the housework、Tourism and other way produce some common language。”


For students,WenFang Suggestions,For the purpose of school summer homework assignments,In order to keep students' learning feeling,If the student summer don't arrange work and rest,Before half time playing crazy,To summer last few genius began to chase summer homework assignments,To adjust“Holiday syndrome”。


国外情况 abroad


日本 Japan


初三高三也补课 High grade 3 also make up a missed lesson


According to a Chinese student in Japan is introduced,Japanese high school students also have summer homework assignments。but,And China is not too,Holiday will have a lot of Japanese students to work,High school students work more。Many students will also visit or vacation club activity。


Japan entrance pressure。3 and three students,Many private meeting make up a missed lesson,Some children also several courses。Some students will go to some talent course training。In Japan,There are also of primary and high school students make up a missed lesson held vacation was discussed and criticism。


美国 The United States


多参加义务活动 Participate in activities obligations


According to the statistics,The United States more than sixty percent over 12 years of teenagers have participated in various voluntary service activities。

  美国小伙子迈克介绍,美国中小学生的假期以休息放松为主,游玩或度假。迈克念小学时没有暑期作业,但高中会有。很多高中生都会利用假期出外打工。一般情况下,美国父母不会让小学生在假期去额外上课。不过,亚裔父母会更为严格。很多亚裔中小学生会在假期学其他技能,如钢琴、游泳、芭蕾、学中文等,像“虎妈”这样的亚裔妈妈在美国并不罕见。(杜丁 王佳琳 饶沛 储信艳)

American young man introduced mike,The primary and middle school students of holidays to relax primarily,Play or vacation。Mike read elementary school no summer homework,But high school will have。Many high school students will use holiday working out。In general,American parents won't let pupils in holiday to additional class。but,Asian parents will be more strict。Many Asian students in small and medium-sized holiday learn other skills,If piano、swimming、ballet、Learning Chinese, etc,like“Tiger mother”This is not uncommon in the Asian mother。(Dutin WangJiaLin RaoPei ChuXin colourful)
