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喝完状元酒后去游泳 浙大准大学生溺亡谁之过--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  他叫吴文豪,29中学生,高考671分,名列渝中区理科第二名,被浙大录取,却在开县一游泳池溺亡;双胞胎弟弟也一同考上了大学 His name is WuWenHao,29 high school students,The university entrance exam 671 points,Daniel in particular two yuzhong district,Admitted by zhejiang university,But in a swimming pool kaixian county or die;Twin brother were admitted to the university


July 23,,Reporter with a pair of twin brother were admitted to poverty and significant story of zhejiang university。At parties for they raise tuition around,The day before yesterday,The elder of the twins WuWenHao surprisingly in the old kaixian county phoenix pool drowned。


This year the university entrance exam,WuWenHao scores with 671 points of zhejiang university,Twin brother WuWenBo with 610 points are eligible for the good results of the chongqing university。


他高考671分被浙大录取 He was admitted to the university entrance exam 671 points of zhejiang university


名列渝中区理科第二名 Daniel in particular two yuzhong district


“Day envied talent!Chongqing high level 2012 29 students of class 17、671 points to 1 points and one of Peking University、Has been admitted WuWenHao of zhejiang university at noon today drowned unfortunately!WuHuAiZai!That's the saddened!So excellent students do!God is too long eye!”July 29, 7 PM 34 points,GongGongQiong in their micro bo on to write down resentment。


GongGongQiong is the director of the chongqing and moral education,The director of the grade three in charge。Three years ago,She and school leaders together to kaixian county,WuWenHao himself、WuWenBo two brothers from the local high school recruit to the main deyang。


At the same time,Must WuWenHao college students who drowned in the news of the local BBS and micro bo kaixian county is attempting to upload。Net friend in kaixian county stick,“Phoenix drowned in the swimming pool entrance exams!”Also have net friend said,WuWenHao is in the table top after eating,Drink wine in the swimming pool to swim or die。


According to a 2012 a segmentation table shows in chongqing,WuWenHao with 671 points in the city of ranked 89th,Daniel in particular two yuzhong district。But in 2012 the first kaixian county science scores are 669(Not including bonus)。


Kaixian county TV reporter XiaoJun said,Kaixian county have to drink“Top wine”traditional。“And not to say that you are just drink wine first draft,Now if the exam up university will please drink wine scholar。”


浅水区水最深1米4 Most in the shallow water 1 m 4


1米6的他溺水身亡 1 m 6 he drowned


“yesterday(29),Brother phoenix who drowned in the swimming pool。”yesterday,A week ago interviewed the twins reporter contact again to WuWenHao brother WuWenBo。


“First drink wine when,My brother and I together,There were several students,My brother didn't drink,He can not drink wine,Only drink the juice。”WuWenBo said,Brother can't swim,He was just in shallow water,No and brother in together。“The swimming pool is not even the lifeguard,My brother was put out,120 rescue workers to brother do artificial respiration,The swimming pool is still in overalls。”


WuWenHao about whether to drink,Kaixian county TV reporter XiaoJun said,“WuWenHao relatives say a drink,After all is top wine,Congratulations on the relatives and friends,Said is drink will go swimming。”To phoenix the swimming pool XiaoJun said,He also wondered。“WuWenHao in the shallow water,I went to see the next,The deepest water to 1 m 4,This ran one metre 6,Normally won't drown。If the shore someone supervision and words,Can see。”


The reporter wants to through the WuWenBo contact to phoenix pool related personnel,“After happened,They charge has been hiding。”Attempts to through the other way,But they didn't find the phoenix contact of the swimming pool。At that time WuWenHao rescue of the hospital,Also cannot provide more information。


For phoenix in the swimming pool of the claim,XiaoJun says the other party not an interview。


The advance,WuWenHao to brother of the last words“I will apply for work-study programs to zhejiang university,Summer vacation I take mom and you the west lake……”


According to a 630 report every day,After the incident,The local government had get involved,At present the cause of the accident is under further investigation。


老师:吴文豪是29中的一面旗帜 The teacher:WuWenHao is 29 in catering


Because WuWenHao twin brother drowned unfortunately died,yesterday,The school leadership in to 29 kaixian county condolences。But the teacher didn't go to GongGongQiong 29,“Heart so sad,Worry can't stand。”


In the eyes of the GongGongQiong,WuWenHao is 29 in catering,Not only is the "three good student" in chongqing,Is a preparation of party members。This year the university entrance exam of WuWenHao for 671 points,With 1 points with the one medical department,To be admitted to zhejiang university。


From 29 up into,WuWenHao two brothers accommodation is free of charge,Each month to give them 240 yuan of subsidy。The two brothers is also know how to be grateful,Every time the school let the two brothers give students the lower classwoman introduce learning experience,Two boy came ratio who all fast。So the two brothers in the school's popularity is very good,Both teachers and students like them。


WuWenHao English teacher often said,In his 20 years in the teaching career,Haven't seen as WuWenHao English so inspired students,Almost every time the test scores are not less than 140 points。


同学:将再次募款帮助弟弟吴文博 students:Will again raise money WuWenBo help younger brother


Study hard、Usual cheerful,This is high school three years WuWenHao give the impression of XuRenJiang roommate。XuRenJiang said,WuWenHao will do a lot of examination paper every day,Can even count,He was is the goal of the tsinghua university。


High grade is usually at 10 PM next wanzi xi,But WuWenHao always in the classroom to learn more about 40 minutes。Because every day such,WuWenHao to be living the teacher give a demerit name。


life,WuWenHao very will take care WuWenBo brother,The bedroom XuRenJiang remember,6 a.m. every day,WuWenHao will get up early,To dining room for love sleeping lie-in brother buy breakfast,And then out to the classroom during morning independent study on。


WuWenHao classmates last two brothers to raise money for college,In the WuWenHao help as soon as possible after the perfect afterwards,Will help him again for account,To raise money to help younger brother。


同学微博悼念 Students at the memorial


Yellow lotus emmerly love beautiful:The first time I meet you is you“I want to be a top”show,The second time I meet you is for your donations,The third is your departure。how,Originally there will be a very good future was some for me completely trivial things are limited,I haven't seen you,But really sad。WuWenHao may you all the way walk good!


LiangXin kei Daisy:Deceased rest in peace,Willing to pray for you,Heaven angel is to greet you,You went to the quiet and beautiful place,No worries,There are no complicated,Your smile forever in our mind,You the same good。WuWenHao,All the way walk good,We pray for you,The way to heaven is also beautiful。


The vast ocean and Sean early of confessions:He is my primary school students,Have been clever sensible。


声音 voice


暑假溺水事件何时休? Summer vacation when Hugh drowning events?


A fresh life's early die young,To a family to bring the huge spiritual damage and cannot make up for the loss。In fact,When midsummer comes,Drowning media event of performance of the story,Again on security alarm bells for the people。But even so,A similar tragedy or again and again performed。


For drowning accidents of prevention,Cultivating students' awareness of safety is deeply rooted in the prevention of key。That students must realize the value of life,Know the water crisis,If really want to swim,Have to ask for the adults agreed to by the adults lead。


In addition to the school education,Family education must be in the student summer safety work has more responsibility,Parents of children with the school besides need to strengthen the education besides,Also pay close attention to the activities of the child carefully,Father to children on the water shall。


酒后游泳频现溺亡 Drunk swimming or frequent death


July 2,,Hebei shijiazhuang a 50-year-old man drunk down river swimming,drowned;


On July 4,,Guangxi guilin a examinee after drinking XiaJiang swimming celebrate drunk,drowned;


On July 5,,Jiangsu huaian a man drunk down river a bath,Unfortunately died or;


July 9,,A drunken man putian in the stream to swim,drowned;


July 10,,Fuzhou two girls drunk the water,A man was,A missing。


酒后游泳为何易致命 Drunk swimming why easy deadly


Experts say,The drunk can swim,The reason is various。


A because people usually drink little to eat,And swimming easy energy consumption,Soon make people are in a state of swimming on an empty stomach,And the most easily makes people swimming on an empty stomach fatigue,Easy to produce the accident;


The after drinking,The rapidly expanding body pores,blood“boiling”,All in all to outside send out quantity of heat,If suddenly encounter cold water,Pore will immediately tightening up,Make the quantity of heat inside rapid consumption,Increase the burden of the brain and heart,There is the phenomenon such as cramps;


Three is to drink brain is difficult to normal human body after command muscle movement,The shrinkage and when not shrinking,The relaxed not to relax,Unable to make the right swimming action,The water at this time to sink to the bottom or choke water。Respiratory system cannot freely after control,Should have breath through your mouth but with the nose breath,Once the water into the alveolar through the nostrils,Easily make the person suffocate,Appear dangerous life;


Four is also easy to cause hypoglycemia drunk swimming,And also was disadvantageous to the metabolism of alcohol。Alcohol in metabolic process,Mainly by the body need to consume glucose and provide the energy of the fat,Swimming will consume candy,This dual role will cause the body to consume too much candy,Cause hypoglycemia。


Drunk swimming,The body needs heat often provide by ethanol,So easy to cause the accumulation of fat in the liver,Restrain the liver is normal physiology function。


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孩子,这些事情你不能干! children,These things you can't do!


1.没大人陪不要下河游泳 1. No adults with don't swim next river


《Urban express》report:On July 1, 2012 more than 8 PM,WuYiTong harp police station to report to the police,Said in a stream shore found that children's clothes,Don't see near a child。Police and residents have been found at 10 PM,In the river to find the bodies of three little boys,A 9 years old,Two other 8 years old。After a week,Wuyi and two little girl drowned,Is 11 years old。The two little girls and two other little boys to play the crook,Be careful not to fall into the deep waters,Few after flopped about,They don't have a shadow。


2.小伙伴溺水不要自己救 2. Friends don't save drowning


The headquarters of jiangsu television reported:April 24, 2010 afternoon,Three of the second middle school run zhuang students play in the way,One slip into a river。Two other people without thinking jumped into the river rescue。The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,3 per capita was trapped in the water。Is critical,Two adults passing by,Jumped into the water,Rescued two people。In addition a child because already sink to the bottom,Was not found。Wait until the other two students wake up and a classmate of didn't save up,Find to adults to rescue,The students already for drowning time is too long and died。


3.不要学小燕子上吊 3. Don't learn the little swallow commit suicide by hanging


《Shenzhen metropolis daily》report:Guangdong gaoyao a seven-year-old girl to love it《Princess pearl》In swallow。When she saw the play“swallow”Commit suicide by hanging and no dead after a shot,Often cried out for around with the playmate learn“swallow”Commit suicide by hanging。November 20, 2011 afternoon,She and the children playing outside the wall in a factory,Everyone DieQi a pile of bricks,The rope tied to the exterior wall Windows security online,playing“Commit suicide by hanging game”。Results the little girl's neck by rope twisted live,Could not move,Eventually suffocate died。


4.不要撑着雨伞往楼下跳 4. Don't umbrellas downstairs to jump


《Taizhou evening news》14 October 2010 report:Taizhou nine years old girl friends around and watch TV at home,Cartoons in,There is a flyer with an umbrella when parachute fly down from the tall buildings,Safe landing unscathed。“Air is too great!”Said around:“I also want to learn flyer,Fly down from the third floor。”She took the umbrella apart,In the eyes of friends to worship,From the balcony jumped on,Fell on the ground,unconscious。After the rescue,Although around regained consciousness,But the body of the fractures,Pelvic fractures、Acetabular fracture、Left femur fractures、The left foot radius fractures and left with bone fracture。


5.别在路边踢足球打篮球 5. Don't play football in the play basketball


《Hainan special zone daily》report:March 31, 2003 afternoon,Haikou city primary school in the village to meet six basketball on a highway,All three people on both sides of the road,Run passing。One of the students passing too hard,Basketball fly out ten metres,The other students rushed up to catch,Knocked down by a motorcycle,Unconscious in the。


6.不要突然窜到马路上 6. Don't suddenly burst into the street

  《新闻晨报》2010年7月7日报道:奶奶带着5岁孙子在小区里玩,孙子和小伙伴在儿童活动区踢球。皮球突然滚到小区主干道,小男孩冲出去捡球时,一辆出租车飞速驶来。看到男孩时,驾驶员已经来不及刹车,“嘭”一声撞上了他。综合(本组文除署名外由/记者 林祺 罗薛梅 周扬 实习生 刘冰鑫 采写)

《News the morning paper》On July 7, 2010 report:Grandma with five grandchildren play in the community,Grandchildren and children play in the area of friends。The ball rolled to the village to the main road suddenly,The little boy rushed out to pick up the ball,A taxi coming fast。See the boy,The driver had to brake,“peng”1 hit him。comprehensive(This article except the sign by/reporter LinQi ROM XueMei zhou interns LiuBingXin up to date)
