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18岁女孩家徒四壁 金榜题名却难圆大学梦(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

18岁女孩家徒四壁 金榜题名却难圆大学梦(图) 王小婷落寞地坐在家徒四壁的客厅里 WangXiaoTing lonely sitting in the living room of the destitute

  文/图 羊城晚报记者 温建敏 实习生 崔璨

Wen/chart the yangcheng evening news reporter WenJianMin interns cui the ladies


“abba,Students look up,I was guangdong Marine admitted to the university!”


The telephone there is a moment of silence,Came after a:“……Female:,Don't know if I can take you to read,It can't borrow money at home,Don't blame abba!”


Hung up the phone,WangXiaoTing silently crying。


18 years old WangXiaoTing is high middle school graduates depart qingyuan city high,Will depart yonghe town county is under the first true tail village college students,But poverty is relentlessly spans in front of her,Cut off her college dream。Because GuPin,The best two sisters have been QiXue,Never lose read to university,The smallest sister although get admission to the university,But still the road ahead is uncertain。


The first college students


The village is a true end only dozens of families of small villages,Yonghe town of village committee under the jurisdiction of the grass。Again a few tens of kilometers to the west,To border in guangxi。


The village committee next grass for cultural and educational village cadres WangYuZhen lead,Yang cheng evening news reporter come to the house of WangXiaoTing。A few days ago,The keen that the village cadres under the first true tail village incredibly want to drop out of college students,Hurry to guangzhou daughter for help,Find reporters in。


“Her home is really poor,Is the village low income households,Father suffered tuberculosis for many years,Can't do at farm work,Home what is her heavy work is plough fields mother do!”WangYuZhen said。


Brown skin WangXiaoTing timid in the yard doorway station to meet us。Behind her is between two layers of three and a half new homes,But on the wall are all cement billet,The house only valuable is a TV set。WangXiaoTing 82-year-old grandfather said,Former house often leaking,Last year the government subsidies to some of those subsidies and reconstruction,To compile the fifteen thousand yuan,Then borrowed thirty thousand yuan,The family finally moved into a new house。


This year the university entrance exam,With 557 points WangXiaoTing by guangdong Marine college Japanese professional admitted。WangYuZhen said,Their families is tsuen wan first college students,The end of the village is really the first college students。But it is the government subsidies builds a house policy,But let the“The first”crisis。Because the house borrowed thirty thousand multivariate money,College tuition has borrowed is borrowed,Even the living cost pool not to come out。


The fate of the three sisters


WangXiaoTing is the youngest at home,Top and two sisters。WangYuZhen said,In the countryside,No male Labour family is very discrimination。But WangGuSan sisters are very good men,Not only to do farm work is the ace,And the study result is very good,All has admitted to the county key high school。


Big sister WangHaiQing were the first to take an examination of the high school,When she excitedly to tell his father,Where to go to take the medicine with the father WangXiTong but on a basin of cold water under the pledge:“Female:,Home like this,You couldn't afford to go to school,To earn it。”Look at the two young sister and helpless mother,WangHaiQing cry after the away from home。


“With her performance,If read on words,Should now graduated from college。”WangYuZhen said。

  负气而走的大姐在外打工,很快就嫁到了广西,才二十来岁就生了孩子。刚开始还给家里寄些钱,慢慢地就很少联系了。出嫁以后,居然从未让娘家人过去做过客。“应该是过得不好,不想让家里人知道。” 王玉珍说。

Just take the elder sister of working outside,Soon marry to guangxi,Just 20 years had children。Initially, the home send some money,Slowly we rarely connect。married,Incredibly never let the past principle traveler。“Should be well,Don't want to let the family know。” WangYuZhen said。


Three years later,Two elder sister WangMeiJuan also admitted to the merger of the senior middle school after them,But the best she also didn't get very far,Home even living cost supply。Two elder sister holding the kid sister cry a,Once again far from their school dream,Dongguan a factory to work。


Lucky three younger sisters


Two elder sister before walk swear,Must not let the kid sister repeat their own destiny。


And is lucky tsuen wan,Not only is two sister sacrifices,Reduce the burden of the family,For tests the result is outstanding,Admitted to the county 15 free one of birth。Because high school is free,The father finally agreed。

  王小婷清楚自己来之不易的机会,三年的学习也非常刻苦。每晚,其他同学都睡了,她却手捧书本在走廊里读书至深夜。后来,由于天太冷,她就买了一把手电筒趴在被窝里看书。“为了省电,他爸只用20瓦的电灯泡,婷婷的近视眼就是这样熬出来的,我看了都可怜,给他们家买了一个100瓦的,但后来又换回20瓦的。” 小婷的二伯父说。

WangXiaoTing clear own hard-won opportunity,Three years of study is also very hard。Every night,The other students were asleep,She is holding the book in the hallway reading to late at night。later,Because of the day is too cold,She bought a torch on reading in bed。“In order to save electricity,His dad only 20 watts of the electric light bulb,The charming near-sighted is such have to come out,I saw all the poor,To their house bought a 100 watts,But later changed back to 20 watts。” The two tsuen wan uncle says。


The teacher in charge teacher in YangYuRi eyes,Tsuen wan a hard working aspirant girl。“At ordinary times with the teacher is tsuen wan,After class is very hard,Her performance in the class has been managed to come in the top five。She is a member of the class learning,"Three good student" was chosen for the city”。


YangYuRi most impressive is the composition of the tsuen wan,He can still have article《Go three》article,“This is a express a mother's love composition,I was to 48 points,I rarely give students so high marks,Is her real feelings touched me,The most important is that she have a thankful heart。”


Fluttering university dream

  但去年高考,王小婷发挥失常,本来平时的成绩能上重点本科,但最后只考了二B线。“二B高校学费好贵,我根本没敢跟家里说上学的事。” 在二姐的支持下,小婷选择了复读。虽然依旧不理想,但总算上了二A线。

But last year the university entrance exam,WangXiaoTing misfired,Was the usual result can be on key undergraduate course,But in the end only got two B line。“2 B college tuition so expensive,I didn't dare say school with home。” In the support of two elder sister,Choose the answer read tsuen wan。Although still not ideal,But on the second line A finally。


July 23,,The students help her find tsuen wan to be guangdong Marine university admission news。Tsuen wan after that,First told her parents。Only won the father to the QiXue ideas。


Tsuen wan told reporters,Father suffered tuberculosis three years ago、Prostatitis and other diseases,Long-term medicine at home,Muscle no gas,In order to let him go to school,Father is still struggling to stay near jobs。“Others 80 yuan work,He 40 yuan took live,As long as they can earn money,Many money he do less”。


Even so,Father working to pay money from WangXiaoTing college tuition fee also was far worse。WangXiaoTing the university entrance exam volunteer offer is a Japanese professional,Cost is“Tuition nt $4780 each year、Accommodation 1500 yuan”,This is her father do a whole year of small income。


Tsuen wan said:“I really want to go to college。But if go to university,And I don't blame her parents,Also don't blame anyone,I'll go to work,Wait for him to earn some money to take an examination of adult the university entrance exam or take an examination of oneself,No matter how to,I must go to school!”


WenJianMin、Cui ladies
