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  19岁的吴宇昊两年前徒手勇斗持刀歹徒,为失主成功追回了被盗手机,被当地政府授予“见义勇为公民”称号。 在今年的高考中,吴宇昊通过加10分的优待进入心仪的大学,日前已经顺利收到四川师范大学的录取通知书。记者8月3日从高考录取场获悉,今年四川有三名见 义勇为考生通过加分被高校录取。

At the age of 19 WuYuHao two years ago unarmed struggle against burglars armed with knives,For the owner success recovered the stolen mobile phones,By local government granted“Never hesitated to citizens”title。 In this year's entrance examination,WuYuHao through 10 more points discount right into the university,Recently have successfully received the admission notice of sichuan normal university。On August 3, reporters from the college entrance examination admitted that field,This year there is three see used in sichuan for candidates through the bonus was admitted to university。

  接到录取通知书后,吴宇昊开始规划自己的大学生活。谈及如果再次面对歹徒能否还会像以前那样冲上去时,吴宇昊不假思索地说,“为了维护正 义,打击邪气,我还会冲上去。”四川师范大学招生就业处负责人在接受采访时说,见义勇为英雄不仅是全社会学习的榜样,更是全社会应当关心、帮助的特殊群 体。“作为选拔培养人才的高校,录取见义勇为考生是我们义不容辞的社会责任。”

After receiving admission notice,WuYuHao start planning their university life。Talk about if again face the gunman can also like before rushed up to,WuYuHao thoughtlessly said,“In order to maintain is righteousness,Against the evil influence,I will also rushed up to。”Sichuan normal university enrollment of employment in an interview,Not only is the hero heroic social study example,But the whole society should be concerned about、The special group of body help。“As the selection and training of talents university,It is our unshakable heroic examinee admitted the social responsibility。”

  据了解,今年高考吴宇昊考了476分,第一志愿填报了四川师范大学。四川师范大学理科调档线为482分。根据四川省“见义勇为”考生的政策 奖励,吴宇昊通过加10分的优待顺利进档,并被川师大录取为电器工程及自动化专业新生。记者从录取场还了解到,考生李飞杨、李模林今年也因“见义勇为”的 加分政策,分别被电子科技大学电子信息工程专业、四川天一学院体育服务与管理专业录取。

According to understand,This year the university entrance exam WuYuHao took an examination of 476 minutes,The first volunteer filled with sichuan normal university。Sichuan normal university science line for 482 points shifting gear。According to sichuan province“Never hesitated to”The examinee policy reward,WuYuHao through 10 more points discount smoothly into gear,Sichuan normal university and was admitted to electrical engineering and automation major new students。Reporters from admission field also know that,Examinee LiFei Yang、LiMoLin for this year“Never hesitated to”Plus policy,Respectively by university of electronic science and technology of electronic information engineering、Sichuan tianyi college sports service and management professional admitted。

  “见义勇为是人类社会的高尚义举,也是中华民族的传统美德,是社会主义核心价值体系的重要组成部分。”四川省教育考试院有关负责人介绍,早 在上世纪90年代初,四川省就对“见义勇为”等思想政治品德方面表现特别突出的考生,给予提升批次、加10至20分投档,予以破格录取。1991年四川省 对政治品德考核优秀的考生破格录取工作也得到了原国家教委表彰。

“Never hesitated to human society is noble gesture,Also is the traditional virtue of Chinese people,The socialist core value system is the important component。”Sichuan province education official in charge of the examination yuan,In the early 1990 s,To sichuan province“Never hesitated to”Ideological and political and moral character and showed particular candidates,To promote batch、Add 10 to 20 points what calm mark delivers file first,Be abnormality admits。1991 years of political moral assessment good sichuan province the examinee of abnormality admits work also get the original state educational committee recognition。

  为大力弘扬社会正气,认真落实对见义勇为者的优抚政策,引领社会道德风尚,四川省教育考试院从2005年开始,对省、市、县三级政府表彰的 “见义勇为英雄”、“见义勇为勇士”、“见义勇为公民”分别给予在高考录取时加20分、15分和10分的优待。实施这项政策以来,四川省有近80名获得 “见义勇为”称号的考生享受加分被高校录取。(记者 代朗)

To carry forward the social upright,Earnestly implement the heroic action to the policy of the optimal,Leading the social morality,The examination yuan education in sichuan province from 2005 to,Save to、city、County level 3 government recognition “Hero heroic”、“Heroic warrior”、“Never hesitated to citizens”Were given in the university entrance exam accepted and 20 points、15 points and 10 points of discount。Carry out the policy since,There are nearly 80 won in sichuan province “Never hesitated to”The examinee of title was admitted to university enjoy add cent。(Reporter generation lang)
