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  日前,业界领先的儿童英语语言培训机构迪士尼英语与美国教育考试服务中心(简称ETS)共同就中国家长最关心的英语学习问题与家长们进行了探讨和解答,并分享了英语学习的有效方法、如何测试英语水平以及英语学习技巧等方面的真知灼见,为孩子们准备暑假返校学习提供了宝贵的建议。 a,Of the industry leading children's English language training institutions Disney English education examination service center with the United States(Hereinafter referred to as the ETS)The most common is Chinese parents care about English learning problems and their parents is discussed and solutions,And share the effective method of learning English、How to test English level and English learning skills, and other aspects of the insight,For the children to summer school to learn provided valuable Suggestions。

  迪士尼英语针对全国2000多位家长的调查显示,中国家长对孩子的英语语言学习成绩普遍非常重视,特别是对孩子年龄在7岁以上的家长们来说,74%的家长认为基于考试测试的结果是衡量孩子英语语言培训学习的关键因素 。

Disney English more than 2000 parents in the survey,Chinese parents to children's English language learning results generally very seriously,Especially for children age in 7 years old for parents,74% of the parents think that based on the results of the examinations test is the measure of learning English language training children key factors 。

  就家长们最关心的问题,迪士尼英语特别邀请了来自于ETS的专家即ETS测评总监Daniel Tumposky先生,与迪士尼英语专家即迪士尼英语区域英语培训师培训经理刘安筑先生一起分别在北京和上海举行了一场别开生面的家长论坛,吸引了超过300名家长的参加。

Is the biggest concern of the parents,Disney English special invited from ETS experts that ETS assessment director Daniel Tumposky sir,And Disney English experts that Disney English regional English training teacher training manager Mr. LiuAnZhu together in Beijing and Shanghai respectively held an entirely new parents BBS,Attracted more than 300 famous long to attend。

  "交流技能是当代语言教学与测试的核心。根据我们在全球的测试经验,听、读、说、写是英语学习中的四大核心技能,这不仅仅是指对英语的了解程度,更重要的是日常语言应用能力。" Tumposky先生指出,"语言学习讲究连续性,英语学习中表现好也意味着为习得更多的英语做好了准备。我们经常会提问孩子英语学中的基本问题:孩子们能理解并输出有意义的语言片断么?提高语言能力的关键方面是提高语言综合技能,这也是语言应用中的核心方面。"

"Communication skills is contemporary language teaching and the core of the test。According to our experience in global test,Listen to、read、said、In the study of English writing is four core skills,This is not only refers to the understanding of the English level,More important is the daily language application ability。" Mr. Tumposky said,"Language learning exquisite continuity,English learning performance also means for acquisition more English prepared well。We often ask questions of the fundamental questions of children learn English:The children can understand and output meaningful linguistic clips?The improvement of language ability is the key to improve the integrated language skills,This is the core of language application。"

  "在21世纪,获得英语语言熟练水平方面的成功包括交际性语言应用技巧、在四大核心技巧方面的广泛练习(包括单独或者系统性综合技巧练习)、以及学术性以及非学术性(如社交、人际)技巧学习方面的成功。尽早测试学生的交流能力有助于日后的成功。" Tumposky先生补充道。

"In the 21 st century,Get English language proficient level of success includes communicative language application skills、In the four core techniques widely practice(Including alone or systemic comprehensive skills practice)、And the academic and the academic(Such as social、interpersonal)Skills learning success。Test students' ability to communicate as early as possible to future success。" Mr. Tumposky added。


In order to help parents better prepare the children back in the summer after English study,Experts give the following Suggestions:


· let English learning has become into sex and interesting sex。For anyone,Especially for children,The learning process should be continuously explore、Growth and achievement of the process,Learning should not become the burden and become vapid。As far as possible let children through learning for the positive experience,For example with the game,Make English study and daily application connection。For example:Through the simulation shopping let children understand the importance of mathematics;Reading online or through reading books or understand the language use。


· through daily to find suitable for her children to the effective methods to learn。For example:Understand that the child in math or science and technology study content of the class,Think about how to help them in actual in practice,Or if they need help,How to become their"The teacher"To help the child to learn。Parents to promote child's school performance has very big effect,Every few minutes thinking、Share or together with your child learn can help children to study better,And strengthen relations with him。


· with other parents share more successful experience。Learn from each other and reference for the help of common progress。


