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The experience of the 2008 Olympic Games after the disappointment,is“knowledge”Once again changed his life might be expected clap of thunder,In this year's Olympic Games on rewriting history at last。Behind the aura,Is the fact that the thunder of as an athlete“learning”Love of the。
yesterday,Guangzhou--by pku“Together hold, guangzhou,For Olympic athletes come on”Activities in a new city hai acquired volunteer post held。activities,New London Olympic fencing champion thunder jin's father LeiXian and his wife LiangBin share the title with reporters son the story behind。
获“广州青春榜样”荣誉 won“Guangzhou youth example”honor
In the event,The thunder and ZhangYan congruent was awarded the Olympic champion“Guangzhou youth example”Honor certificate。The thunder LeiXianMin representative to be awarded prizes father son after said,As a college student at Peking University press,The thunder of enthusiasm for the reading game actually no less than。“He hope there will be more by his educational background、Culture to career。”
In the 2008 games after the disappointment,The thunder have undergone a downturns。LeiXianMin think,From 2010 to,The son in sports scores in especially well,And in 2009, he entered into Beijing university has a great relationship。“After learning to Peking University,The thunder to see no win before the heavy,Mentality and smooth than the original。even,Some on the field of problems supersolution never,May in the course of study,By thinking,Just think。”LeiXian and his wife LiangBin two people joking says,Now, in the popular online one joke,Said the thunder of the“trick”Peking University is a dining room with the master learn out food,“Internet users say so out a win。”
And the son of have no don't talk LiangBin is revealed,“He said,Athletes and sports achievements to give priority to,If because learning and affected the sports results,They could not continue to go to school,So hard to call the champions is taken。”
钟南山劝雷声加强学习 To strengthen the learning zhong nanshan thunder
Why the connection with the thunder?It is exactly because of the loss of the 2008 Olympic Games。LeiXianMin said,“We have an idea,If can goes to school side movement it。”
Ray home and a friend is zhong nanshan,The thunder after return to guangzhou,With the thunder zhong nanshan a long talk。He advised the thunder“Have to face it”,At the same time also will thunder of their parents say that come out:Must strengthen culture study,Only their own comprehensive level,To go further。
2009 years,Peking University for independent enrollment。“The thunder put forward to the requirements of Peking University study hope,Guangdong province、Guangzhou leadership were very supportive,Sigfusson coach to do the best,Finally got the approval,Let the thunder of Peking University to study。”
每周有4天要到学校上课 4 days to a week to school
“The thunder was a love of reading,Just because the relationship between sports practice,Contact with the culture of the little things。Now the door opened,He was soon attracted。”LiangBin said,Son of a class of history class is especially fascinating,Once had a history of a teacher,From 4 PM till 9 out of the classroom when they experience。
When talking about son in the north of the school,LiangBin is especially proud:“In order not to fall class,Let students help recording、video,After come back fill again copy notes,A lot of work is completed in foreign countries。Peking University to his study is also very satisfied。”
LiangBin said,At present the thunder have four days a week to school,“He hope undergraduate course graduation can pass after graduate student。”
雷妈妈:盼儿子今年完婚 Ray mother:Wish son married this year
The thunder 28,Girlfriend ZhouXue 26,Two people are in“About marriage theory to marry”age。In yesterday's awards ceremony,The organizer also specifically for pku louie family prepared a“Happiness package”Wedding photography package a、A honeymoon and a special wedding。
Ray mother said with a laugh:“Too good,Are worried the wedding do,Thinking of may want to make to license,And the thunder after graduation to talk later,Now to ready。”
As previously media have reported,Ray dad smile admitted:“Girls is guangzhou JiJianDui former players,Two is also ShiJiao,Two people started dating in 2005,At that time,Thunder bad health,All by the girl to take care of。”
雷妈妈则透露,赛前儿子并没有跟家里提婚事,认为“要比赛后才商量”。目前女方父母在北京工作,雷声父母准备在儿子结束比赛后,就飞到北京与女方父母谈婚事。(记者罗桦琳 通讯员岳嘉、缪志波)
Ray mother is revealed,With home and no son before put marriage,think“Only after the game to consult”。At present the parents work in Beijing,The thunder parents were going after the game ended in the son,Will fly to Beijing and her parents talk to their marriage。(Reporter LuoHuaLin YueJia correspondent、MiaoZhiBo)
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