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成绩合格被退档 录取过程成谜团--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


既没电话又没传真,为何退档成谜团 学校以忙为由不作解释 Neither phone and not by fax,Why withdraw file into the mystery schools to busy for not explain


High school graduate student li ning James(aliases)Enter oneself for an examination the China university of geosciences Great Wall institute,But in the results accord with the DiDangXian withdraw file by the school。University officials said it was a misunderstanding,Didn't make detailed explanation。Parents later said the school for call teacher in charge's a fuzzy phone and out of the file。recently,Reporters from education to know the city,Withdraw file shall carry out verification and fax the telephone declaration formalities,And li ning and didn't give the school to make any statement,It was the result of the withdraw file。


考试院:退档需要附签名的传真 The examination yuan:Withdraw file need to add a signature fax

  8月7日上午,记者通过保定市教育考试院办公室了解到,高考志愿的退档要履行正规的退档手续,绝对不可能因为一通电话就轻易退档。 办公室徐姓工作人员告诉记者,她虽然没有看到过正式关于退档手续的规定,但是如果学生在上报志愿后自愿退档,一直以来都要按照先电话核实,再传真声明的程序进行。具体来讲,就是学校在提档后,要通过学生填写的联系电话向学生征求意见,如果学生表示愿意去该校就读,那么就确认提档,如果学生表示不愿意去就读,则要以传真的方式向学校提交一份书面声明,需有学生本人和家长的签名。在学校接到学生的退档声明后,才可以向省一级的考试院提出退档。

On 7 August morning,Reporter through education office to understand the city,The university entrance exam of volunteer withdraw file to perform regular back archives formalities,Absolutely not because of a phone call it to withdraw file。 XuXing office staff, told reporters,Although she didn't see any formal about the provisions of the archives formalities back,But if students in the report after volunteer voluntary withdraw file,Has been the first telephone in check,Then fax statement procedures。specifically,Is the school after asking a file,Through the students to fill in contact phone number to students for advice,If students said they would like to go to the school in,Then confirm mention file,If the student says it does not want to go to attend,Are the way school by fax to submit a written statement,Needs to have a student and parents signature。The students in the school to withdraw file after statement,Can put forward to the provincial level the examination yuan withdraw file。


考生:从来没有提出过退档声明 candidates:Never put forward withdraw file statement

  随后,记者又联系到了李宁的父亲李宝全(化名),向他询问退档声明一事。他告诉记者,他们从来没有接到过学校打来的确认是否愿意就读的电话,就更别提要求他们写退档声明了。 记者又问李宝全,是否在他不知情的情况下,女儿李宁接到过关于退档的事宜,他坚定地说:“没有,我和女儿都没接到过这样的通知。”

then,The reporter also contact to the father of li ning LiBaoQuan(aliases),He asked to withdraw file's statement。He told reporters,They never got a call from the school to confirm whether attend phone,Let alone asked them to withdraw file written statement。 The reporter ask again LiBaoQuan,Whether in his ignorance on the part of the case,Daughter received about li ning withdraw file matters,He said firmly:“no,My daughter and I haven't heard from such notice。”


校方:工作很忙,没时间解释 The school:Work is very busy,No time to explain

  既然退档需要一定的手续,那么校方是否按照这个手续来办理了李宁同学退档的事呢? 8月7日上午,记者再次拨打中国地质大学长城学院招生办公室的电话(0312-6798986),询问退档是否需要相关手续,接电话的工作人员说:“李宁同学的事是误会,现在已经消除误会了。另外,学校工作很忙,没有时间回答记者的问题。”当询问什么 时候可以回答记者的问题时,对方说15号之后,便匆匆把电话挂断。记者多次尝试拨打该电话,均无人接听。(记者 栗凤瑶、代静然)

Since withdraw file needs certain formalities,So whether the school in accordance with the procedures to deal with li ning students withdraw file? On 7 August morning,Journalist again call China university of geosciences Great Wall college admission office phone(0312-6798986),Asked whether to withdraw file relevant formalities,The phone's staff said:“Li ning classmate is misunderstanding,Now have eliminated a misunderstanding。In addition,The school is very busy with work,No time to answer to the reporter's question。”When asked what Time can answer reporters' questions,The other party said after 15 th,And he rushed to hang up the phone。Many attempts to call the phone to reporters,Are no one answer。(Reporter LiFengYao、Generation static ran)
