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自强男儿借钱圆梦 大一学生骑行川藏2166公里--亲稳网络舆情监测室

自强男儿借钱圆梦 大一学生骑行川藏2166公里 图为:谭耀骑行抵达西藏界时的留影 The graph is:TanYao riding arrived in Tibet were the boundary


From chengdu ride to Lhasa,Then all the way to the lanzhou city car ride free to return to wuhan。This summer,The wuhan institute of industrial count math class of 2011 college TanYao finally finished a bike ride sichuan-tibet dream。In this 37 day of travel,He rode a bike for 25 days,Over the 12 a 4000 meters high mountains,A total of 2166 kilometres over。


怀揣梦想独上征程 Carries on the dream journey


This year at the age of 21 TanYao from hubei enshi,When one last term,Suddenly he had to ride a bike to go to Tibet to ideas,“This road is‘Body of hell,Paradise for the eyes’,Is China's most suitable for riding place。”He said。


To realize this dream,TanYao start to prepare equipment,Understand the outdoor travel note。“It is about the two friends,But before I leave they backed out。”TanYao said with a smile,So he had to alone in a June 27 train to the chengdu,Then the chengdu ride to Tibet。“Before I start only 400 multivariate money,Then borrowed some to friends,The whole probably spent 2200 yuan。”TanYao said,In order to save the way of spending,Every day he spends only 25 yuan meal around money。“Energy consumption and do not have enough to eat,I always feel hungry。”He laughed,Others one eat three bowls of even if a lot,And he longed to eat 6 bowl。

  “其实妈妈也常打电话问我钱够不够,怕我在路上吃苦,但我都说够了。”谭耀告诉记者,他的家境一般,不想因为自己的爱好再给父母增加经济负担。 “跟同学借的钱我会做兼职还,也不会让父母操心的。”他说。

“In fact mother also often make a phone call to ask I had enough money,Afraid I'm on the road roughness,But I say enough is enough。”TanYao told reporters,His family was generally,Don't want to because his hobby to give parents increase economic burden。 “And classmates borrow money I'll part-time jobs,Also won't worry about their parents。”He said。


一路坎坷穿越蜀道 All the way twist through shu way


To chengdu after,TanYao met five to go to Tibet“Every bit”,He is invited go off together。“The first day I am so excited,Full of fancy,But don't give force to tire to burst。”TanYao said,Very not easy to fix the car,He began to have loose bowels,The body has been in uncomfortable state。“To ride downhill that more than ten kilometers mountains,I'm sleepy can hardly open his eyes,Also making the feet on it,Perseverance is completely on to the end。”“From the mountains in the way to LuDing also met a breathtaking,”TanYao recalled,At that time he was riding on the way,Suddenly come up behind a car pulling a steel car tractor。Because reinforced too long,TanYao very close distance and tractors,Will have three reinforced pierced his trousers,Article 3 in his left hip traces of blood。“fortunately,3 reinforced didn't sting very deep。”TanYao agree.it might say。


TanYao told reporters,Because it often rains,Scales in the pond from to the roads are full of strong viscosity mud,The whole tire wrapped often tired,Until the wheel has turned to be not moved。“Many people's car was van away,But I have no way to the mud to compromise,Just walk。”TanYao said,Let him has been held on to the last,Is a bike from Shanghai over 50 s says uncle said。“He encouraged me,‘No road is bad points?Is it raining?To exercise perseverance will in this on,Ride can not move pushed,Push to carry the can not move,Little forward,Can always go to the destination’。”TanYao sighed,After hearing the words,His heart was suddenly sunshine,It seems that all the dark clouds are spread out on its own。


搭车回家感受温情 A lift home feel the tender feeling


After successfully reaching the Lhasa,TanYao smile said he is almost“dispersed”the。“In the riding on the way,I have seen some on foot and take a free car,Suddenly thought of this is a kind of very way of saving money home。”TanYao said,so,And he put the car and baggage mail home,To carry with only 270 yuan a car to a central regions。“The area a lift culture is developed,As long as you with the owner to explain why,They will generally agree to give you a ride。”TanYao told reporters,Although this way is to save money,But he also met the problem。“a,Until two more minutes when the car broke down,Till the second day 11 haven't repaired。”TanYao recalls,Later or a good luck materials of his poor driver see the train,Just take him to golmud。


So all the way a lift,TanYao finally came to lanzhou,Finally take the train back to wuhan。TanYao give reporters calculate a bill,If the way from Lhasa to return to wuhan,It costs 500 yuan of travel costs,But he then took only 258 yuan。

  在骑行的25天里,谭耀翻越了两座海拔5000米以上的山,以及10座海拔4000米以上的山。“每次经过三五个小时的努力,爬到垭口(地理上指山脊上呈马鞍状的明显下凹处),看到遮天蔽日的经幡时,我都会对着大山说,哥终于战胜你了!”谭耀自豪地笑道。(楚天金报 记者赵飞 通讯员石菌)

In the riding 25 days,TanYao over the two to an altitude of 5000 meters above the mountain,10 and a 4000 meters to the mountain。“After five hours of hard every time,Climbed to YaKou(On a ridge geography to saddle obvious next sunken place),See the JingFan blot out the sun,I will be to say to the mountains,Elder brother finally win over you!”TanYao proud to say with smile。(Reporter ZhaoFei correspondent 27 chutian stone bacteria)


(Source: JingChuWang)
