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“困”境引担忧热议 文科生就业真那么难?--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Some time ago,Micro bo net friend“Too ball of”FaWei bo:“Friend's daughter learn liberal art,High test scores for optional a good professional National People's Congress,Peking University can choose for bad professional。The girl, don't know how to wear the demon,Must the Peking University,In the family and friends for the persuasion,Eventually chose for Peking University history department。A liberal arts silly girl born from。Day iniquity,Can violations of;frankensteins,Shall not live。”after,“Too ball of”A more violent words:“WenShiZhe is not the origin of the aristocracy,Out there were those of do not have scientific world outlook,antiscience、Love philosophy、's traditional Chinese medicine,Will jeopardize social。”Nearly time,The university entrance exam the enrollment is nervous,The micro bo's article appeared trigger net friends criticism、questioned、Accused of abuse or even。It is reported,“Too ball of”Micro bo new authentication information for Harbin industrial university professor、Science writer。


Reports have revealed the liberal arts graduates of all kinds of trouble:Employment didn't“capital”,In the employment rate of professional common pads,And the average low salary;Didn't go abroad“future”,With words、Dealing with language of liberal arts competition but compared to others;One's deceased father grind didn't“Level road”,Mathematics weak of liberal arts cross major to one's deceased father grind difficult。Arts graduate employment“trapped”territory,Triggered a net friends concerns and hot debate。


观点一:就业难是因为不专业 Viewpoint a:The difficult employment is because not professional


Not enough“professional”、Easy to“alternative”Is the biggest arts living employment“took”,The school of arts living difficult employment is because“No professional”,This is a high approval ratings。the“XiaoFeng”said,Liberal arts coverage big but not enough“designed”,Many enterprises have the majority of jobs,As secretary、copywriter、Customer service, etc,The fresh college students to provide a large employment platform,But these post low starting point、Earn less,Rising space is not high。


the“Green water”Is a foreign company personnel supervisor,He said,Enterprise all want to with the minimum cost can make the company to obtain employment of graduates maximum benefit,Not enough“professional”、Easy to“alternative”Of liberal arts is difficult to them“preferred”。


Heavy theory of liberal arts,Science heavy practice,This is everyone to the arts and sciences in general。the“Purple specifically”The biggest advantage is living think employment can quickly“upper”,“Learn the computer training slightly to mount guard;Learn mechanical get a certificate can also into the job;Learn pure physical、chemical、Biological this kind of,Mostly one's deceased father grind,During grinding mentor do with subject,After the graduation will soon handcuffed。”


观点二:最终拼的是真本事 View two:Finally the spell is true ability


Also netizens think,Difficult employment is all of the present situation of college students,And liberal arts science no relationship,The key is to be stars“Struggle of heart”。the“ORACLE”it“Vomit slot”said,Ancient also out of science is not so famous mathematician、philosopher、The poet?In fact,Employment spell is“made”,Is your academic background、Pragmatic spirit and their ideas。the“Chinese heart”Said it was,Professional skills of the students can read deep study bo further,Most to this“Pointed pyramid”of,Might as well pragmatic point,Concentrate on doing nothing is“Hard truth”。In addition,Must also have good employment psychology。


他们的找工故事:路途虽艰辛 结果还不错 They work for the story:Though the hard way is good

  主人公:赵同学 江西某大学2008级新闻采编与制作专业

hero:ZhaoTongXue jiangxi university level 2008 news editors and to make major

  赵同学是一名专科毕业生,他在大三的时候就考虑着想要专升本以提升自己的学历,但是迫于家里的经济条件,他只能无奈地选择了工作。2011年 10月底,中国水利水电第五工程局到他们学校招聘,他拿着自己积累的文学作品去应聘,在200多名应聘者中过五关斩六将拿到了该国企的OFFER,签了合约之后,HR告诉他拿到毕业证之后就可以去报到。在长达10个月等待中,赵同学找到了他的第一份实习工作网络编辑,试用期的工资是1200元。由于他对网络比较感兴趣,加上学习刻苦,很快就对网络编辑的工作上手了,两个月的编辑工作让他熟悉了该行业,之后又转到市场部做客户开发的工作。毕业后,赵同学如期到国企报到,但因为没有背景而被分到工地上做与新闻专业毫不相关的质检工作,于是他决定离开,跟一个朋友自主创业做网站,由于各方面的原因,网站在15天内上线就宣告失败了。迫于生活的压力,赵同学进入电视台做视频编导,工作了2个多月之后,他发现尽管工作与专业对口,但他并不喜欢这种工作氛围,于是他又跳槽了,成为一名报社的摄影记者,月薪3000元,这回他满意了。

ZhaoTongXue is a specialized subject graduates,In his junior year will consider to consider in order to improve their degree rise only this,But under home economic conditions,He reluctantly choose the work。The end of October 2011,China's water conservancy and hydropower fifth period to their school recruitment,He took his accumulation of literary works for a job,In the more than 200 candidates in the GuoWuGuan ZhanLiuJiang got the OFFER of state-owned enterprises,After signed a contract,HR told him after the diploma will be able to go for registration。For 10 months of waiting,ZhaoTongXue found his first practice work network editor,The probation period salary is 1200 yuan。Because of his network is interested,And studying hard,Soon the web editor work started,Two months of editing let him be familiar with the industry,After he turned to the Marketing Department to do customer development work。After graduation,ZhaoTongXue to report on state-owned enterprises,But because there is no background and were assigned to the construction site and the press had nothing to do professional quality work,So he decided to leave,With a friend to do their own website,For several reasons,Web site in 15 days online fizzle。Under the pressure of the life,ZhaoTongXue into television do video director,Work 2 many months later,He found that although work and professing,But he didn't like the work environment,So he and a new job,Be a newspaper photographer,3000 yuan a month,This time his satisfaction。


hero:Shen students,Hubei university of science and technology level 2008 radio and television journalism major


Shen students in middle of February this year to Beijing was the first interview,For love camera,His interview is a cultural media company position of the camera,And smoothly succeeded in getting the first job。Because Beijing high consumption,His pay is only 3000 yuan,So he plans to rely on the first job solving problems to eat,At the same time other enterprise to resume。In this period,Shen students also went to the various fair,For example:NongZhan、ongoing、Zhongguancun, large and medium-sized of recruitment,But these recruitment most jobs are sales grab limelight,Very not easy to find a media company in recruitment,But the job is the draft plan。


In the recruitment of the meeting,Shen students the touch of the largest is:Want to be in Beijing civilian class good company get a good job,Famous university students will have a clear advantage。If is general university students,Even if there are tend to technology of liberal arts,Also because professional limited or technology doesn't study deeply not skilled in and was shown the door。


相关数据 Related data


文科就业率普遍偏低 Liberal arts generally very low employment rate


According to the Chinese social sciences documents publishing house《In 2012 China's college students employment report》shows,2011 university graduate employment after half an year is the highest professional technology,The lowest is law,Of liberal arts in the employment rate of professional common pads;Undergraduate graduation after half a year on the highest income is technology,For $3297,Is the lowest education,For $2621。


The ministry of education figures show,In 2002,The national average college of science &engineering(science、engineering、agriculture、medical)Graduates of 393442 people,Of liberal arts(philosophy、literature、law、education、history)Graduates of 144807 people。In 2010,National ordinary university undergraduate course of science and engineering graduates for 1293114 people,3.28 times more than in 2002,The majority of graduates for a total of 751918 people,5.19 times more than in 2002。One of the fastest growth is literature,Total number of graduates in 2010 for 487520 people,Is 2002 in 77710 of 6.27 times,Far more than growth of science and engineering。The most difficult employment of the liberal arts,Just is the student growth rate the highest professional。


记者观察 Reporter observation


“贻害社会”之说太荒谬 “Jeopardize social”Say too ridiculous


The author of the professor's speech questioned,Why did others girl chose Peking University history department,is“Day iniquity,Can violations of;frankensteins,Shall not live”?this“sprouts”From where?


Any professional existence is driven by the need of the society of the decision,Every professional each has its characteristics,For social progress and development provides the professional help。And most“Pretty bianconeri”Net friend viewpoint,The author also think,Choose science are not necessarily must be good,Choose the liberal arts are not necessarily“Silly girl”,Increasing or academic to see students oneself be fond of。Of course,Major has popular and unpopular cent,This is also the requirement of the society should be a distinction between them。Just follow“Too ball of”that,Learn popular major become“frankensteins”,It is hard to avoid the suspicion of professional discrimination。

  好一句“学文、史、哲专业贻害社会”,也不知文、史、哲专业给这位教授带来过什么心理阴影,使得这位教授如此贬低文、史、哲专业。君不见,历史上大名鼎鼎的科学家牛顿、爱因斯坦,他们都为人类科学发展作出了巨大的贡献,可他们也并不否认人文科学的存在。我们的人类文明需要靠文字记录传承,通过文字的记录,我们可以了解自己的历史,从历史中我们能悟出人类生存发展的规律,这就是哲学。或许,这么说有些肤浅,但是,文、史、哲这三类学科自始至终都是伴随着人类社会发展的,文、史、哲对于人类文明进步的推动作用是不容任何人否定的,对于文、史、哲贻害社会的说法,笔者实在难以认同。(撰文:记者李琼 校园通讯员冯淑怡)

A good“Realized the、history、Zhe professional leaving a legacy of society”,Also don't know the、history、Zhe professional to the professor had brought what psychology shadow,Make the professor so belittle wen、history、Zhe professional。Have you noticed that,History of the well-known scientists Newton、Einstein,They are all for human science development made tremendous contributions,But they also does not deny the existence of the humanities。Our human civilization to need to rely on written records inheritance,Through the text records,We can understand his own history,From history we can realize the law of development of human existence,This is the philosophy。perhaps,So some superficial,but,wen、history、The three kinds of zhe first with the subject for the development of human society,wen、history、Zhe for the progress of human civilization is not anyone negative role,For the、history、Zhe leaving a legacy of that society,The author really hard to agree。(Writing about:Reporter with you FengShuYi campus correspondent)
