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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好这里是由搜狐教育主办的《走进中国教育名企66强》,今天很荣幸走进新华教育集团旗下的万通汽车专修学院,邀请到了万通汽车专修学院院长张荣全。

You sohu net friend hello this is sponsored by the education by sohu《Come into China education 66 strong companies》,Today very honored to into the xinhua education group's wantong automobile specializing in self-show,Invited to the wantong automobile speciality is dean of college ZhangRongQuan。

搜狐教育走进中国教育名企66强——专访安徽万通张荣全院长 Sohu education come into China education 66 strong companies -- interviews with anhui wantong ZhangRongQuan dean


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:大家好。

hello everybody。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:万通汽修经过20多年的发展已经为社会输送了数十万人才,我们是怎样做到的?

Wantong breakdown service after 20 years of development have provided hundreds of thousands of people to the society,How can we do it?


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:首先感谢大家,一个我认为是我们广大的社会各界特别是我们的家长对我们安徽万通的信任。第二,全体的教职员工的努力。第三,好的集团办学加上非常好的就业渠道。这几个方面成就了我们这么多年来为社会输送这么多的人才。

First of all thank you for,A I think is our vast social from all walks of life especially our parents to our anhui wantong trust。The second,All the staff efforts。The third,Good running group with very good employment channels。These a few respects achievement we over the years for social delivery so many talents。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:万通汽修的品牌在社会上也得到很多的认可和赞誉,万通汽修我们最大的竞争优势在哪儿,是什么力量促使我们走到今天这样朝气蓬勃的地步?

Wantong automobile brand in society has also been a lot of recognition and praise,Wantong automobile our biggest competitive advantage in where,What is the strength prompted us go today so full of vigor and vitality of the point?


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:第一,我认为我们万通汽修做大做强是我们集团的优势。第二,强有力的师资教师力量保障。第三,非常好的教学模式,我们是“理实一体”教学。第四,校企合作,强强联手办学。这些方面是我们比较好的核心竞争力。能够蓬勃发展有这样几个原因,第一汽车行业来讲,汽车走进普通百姓家庭,汽车产业的迅速发展,一个非常有朝气的行业。我们汽修行业跟着非常具有朝气。第二,我们有一个好的愿景,努力办中国最好的汽车教育这样一个愿景。第三,好的团队,才有了这样一个朝气蓬勃的今天。

The first,I think we wantong automobile bigger and stronger is the advantage of our group。The second,Strong teachers teachers strength security。The third,Very good teaching mode,We are“Bedding real one”teaching。The fourth,School-enterprise cooperation,Win-win co-operation running。These aspects is our good core competitiveness。Could flourish has such several reasons,The first automobile industry speaking,Car into the ordinary people family,The rapid development of the automobile industry,A very youthful industry。Our automobile industry with very vigor。The second,We have a good vision,Efforts to do the best Chinese car education such a vision。The third,Good team,Just had such a full of vigor and vitality of today。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才谈到汽车行业的蓬勃发展,我们知道汽车业界人士普遍认为我们中国已经进入了两千万的汽车消费市场,您觉得我们中国汽车行业在未来的发展会有怎样更大的变化?

Just talking about the vigorous development of the automobile industry,We know that the automobile industry people generally think we Chinese have entered the twenty million car consumption market,You think we Chinese auto industry in the development of the future will be how to greater change?


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:汽车按照这样的趋势越来越普及,这样一个趋势还有一点,小排量特别是节能减排性创新性的汽车将是下一步发展的趋势和变化。

According to the trend of this car is becoming more and more popular,Such a trend and a little,Small displacement especially in energy conservation and emission reduction sex innovative cars will be the next step development trends and changes。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如果达到两千万辆,我们的汽修人才肯定是需求更大,针对此我们万通汽修会有怎样的转变,会有战略上怎样的规划吗?

If a total of twenty million cars,Our breakdown service personnel must be greater demand,For this we wantong breakdown service will have what kind of change,There will be a strategy on how to plan?


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:一个我们要对市场进行充分的调研,我们首先要做的是对专业进行进一步的细分。第二,做好的校企深度合作,我们现在所说的行业文化进校园企业文化进班级这样一个活动。把这两个做好以后,就能更好的面对新的发展趋势。

A: we want to carry on the full market investigation,The first thing we should do is to professional further subdivision。The second,Good profound cooperation,We now say industry culture in campus enterprise culture into class a such activities。The two do later,Can better in the face of the new development trend。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您作为进入汽车行业很多年的资深汽车业界人士,两千万只是我们说的一个数字而已,我们都说中国进入汽车大国但是根本没有做到汽车强国特别是自主品牌的汽车在市场占有率上特别小,您觉得我们该如何做,特别是一些车企该如何做?

As you enter the automobile industry for many years senior auto professionals,Twenty million we just say a number only,We all said China into the car power but no do auto power especially the independent brand car market share in the special small,Do you think we should how to do,Especially some car enterprises how to do?


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:我认为我们国家的汽车自主品牌应该说做得还是不错的,在安徽我们有奇瑞和江淮,奇瑞特别在国外的销量是非常好的,在国外奇瑞和奔驰、宝马在一起,价格差不多。确实目前也存在国产品牌销量比不上国际的大品牌,最多的是我们的核心技术问题,还有我们的专业人才培养问题,还有营销模式的创新问题。

I think our country's automobile independent brands should say doing or good,In anhui we have chery and jianghuai,Chery especially in foreign sales is very good,In foreign chery and Mercedes、BMW together,Price almost。Does at present are also homebred brand sales than international brands,Most is our core technical problems,And our professional personnel training problems,And the innovation of marketing mode。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们刚才参观了万通汽修的教室,看到学生们上课的情景,汽车技术变化日新月异特别一些国际上的技术飞速向前,万通汽修如何保障师资力量可以与国际接轨?

We just visited wantong automobile classroom,See the students of class situation,Auto technology changes with each passing day change some special international technology rapid forward,Wantong automobile how to keep the teachers can and international standards?


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:师资是万通汽修的一个非常重要的核心竞争力,怎么样与时俱进,我觉得第一就是送出去,我们每个月组织老师到相应的企业组织学习。第二,参加国内外的各种大赛,这次参加的国际大赛老师获得一等奖、二等奖,学生也获奖了,职业技能大赛在长春做的大赛,已经有八位学生进入到决赛,以赛促练。内部有公开课品艺课,另外我们有一套非常好的教学管理,这些都是保证我们师资教学水平能够跟社会接轨,这些都是我们做的一些事情,目前都在扎实的一步步向前推进。

Teacher is wantong automobile a very important core competitiveness,How to keep pace with The Times,I think the first is sent out,We each month organization the teacher to corresponding enterprise organizational learning。The second,To participate in all kinds of competition at home and abroad,The teacher to the international competition to win the first prize、Second prize,Students also won the prize,Professional skills contest in changchun do competition,Have eight students reach the final,To promote the practice。The public class product art class,In addition, we have a very good teaching management,These are all ensure that our teachers' teaching level to integrate with the society,These are some of the things that we do,Are currently in the solid step by step forward。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:万通学子走出去后职业发展都是怎样的轨迹,学校怎么保障学生的就业?

Wantong students walked out career development is how to track,School students how to guarantee the employment?


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:我们对学生应当说是两方面的教育,一方面专业技术教育。第二,专业素质的培养。这两个合起来才是健康的或者说是非常适合需求毕业学生的状况。一是我们的师资教学,另外就是我们的就业渠道,我们跟很多企业做校企深度合作,做校企的定向培养,甚至做校企的定向实习,这些都是学生走向社会能够做好企业的需求,这是我们做的工作,能够确保我们的学生有好的就业。

We students should say two aspects of education,On the one hand professional technical education。The second,The cultivation of professional quality。The two together is healthy or, it is very suitable for the condition of graduate students in the areas of demand。One is our teachers' teaching,In addition is our employment channels,We with many enterprises do profound cooperation,Enterprises do the orientation training,Enterprises to do even the directional practice,These are all students to society can do well the needs of the enterprises,This is our work,To ensure that our students have good employment。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才在参观学校包括一些宿舍的时候也发现,其实我们学校一些硬件条件超过很多公办学校,学校为什么会投入这么大一笔资金来保证学生的后勤包括生活需要?

Just during a visit to a school includes some dormitory time also found,In fact our school some hardware conditions more than many public schools,School why such a large investment remuneration for writing'll ensure that students logistics including the life needs?


张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:现在的学生特别是90后对生活的需求越来越加强,可能跟我们这个年代的想法差别很大,所以给他们良好的后勤服务良好的生活环境,才能够保障他们有很好的学习环境。我们这次对后勤这块确实投入很大,包括宿舍里面都是高配的,包括学生用的全是太阳能热水系统,所有的食堂都是全国连锁的品牌,应该说对他们的核心设施服务做得还是不错的。

Now students especially in 90 after the living needs more and more to strengthen,May tell us the s idea difference is very big,So give them good logistics service good living environment,To ensure they have very good learning environment。We the logistics this really devote a great deal,Including dormitory is filled with high,Including the student with is full of the solar energy hot water system,All of the dining room is the national chain brand,It should be said to their core facility service is well。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:万通汽修已经走过20多年的发展历程,我们是否可以预计再过20年,您心目中的万通汽修会是什么样的?

Wantong automobile has been through 20 years of development history,Whether we can expect to another 20 years,Your idea of wantong automobile will be what kind of?


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:应该说万通汽修发展走过了一条不平凡的道路。我们经过20年,万通汽修的规模更大,现在目前我们的新的校区占地三百多亩,能够有一个1500亩的大校区。除了技能以外,另外向汽修研究方向发展,我们希望经过努力把这个梦想实现。

It should be said wantong automobile development go through an extraordinary path。We after 20 years,Wantong automobile's larger,Now our new campus covers an area of three hundred mu,To have a 1500 acres of big campus。Besides skills outside,In addition to breakdown service research direction,We hope that through the efforts put this dream come true。


 搜狐教育主持人:“ Sohu education host:“万通汽修您身边的汽修大学”,我们奔着大学的目标也在超越大学,如果让您三个词语来形容,会怎么来形容万通和万通学子。

Wantong automobile your side of the breakdown service university”,We run with the goal of university in beyond the university,If let you three words to describe,Will be how to describe wantong and wantong students。


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:第一,技术,技术性人才永远不会被淘汰。第二,奋斗。像我们拍的微电影《城市,有我奋斗的青春》,在万通汽修处处都有学生奋斗的身影,包括我们的万通汽修大学,在里面实现大学梦,需要奋斗。第三,梦想。除了大学梦另外还有自己成功的梦想。

The first,technology,Technical talent will never be eliminated。The second,struggle。As we take micro film《city,Have I struggle of youth》,In wantong automobile everywhere all have students struggle of figure,Including our wantong automobile university,Inside the university to realize dream,Need to struggle。The third,dream。In addition to university dream in addition to his dream of success。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如果说万通汽修是中国蓝领的梦工厂,作为您个人作为院长来说,您希望什么样的学子能来到万通汽修?

If wantong automobile is China's blue-collar of dreamworks,As for your personal as President,You hope what kind of students can come to wantong automobile?


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:应该说我们的学子分布面还是比较广的,我们各方面的学生来到学校学习,当然这里面可能还有一些是家境贫寒有过很多挫折的,我也更希望这些学子能够有更好的发展。在万通我们能够给大家提供这样的平台,让他们通过努力插上梦想的翅膀,能够实现自己的理想。

It should be said that our students FenBuMian still is more widely,We all aspects of students come to school,Of course it may have a few more is a poor had many setbacks,I also more hope these students can have a better development。In wantong we can give everybody to provide such a platform,Let them through the efforts to plug in the wings of the dream,To realize his ideal。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在我们节目最后也请您对即将成为万通学子和已经走向岗位的学子送上您的祝福和期待。

In our last program also please you to will become wantong students and have to post students into your wishes and looking forward to。


 张荣全【安徽万通汽车专修学院】: ZhangRongQuan【Anhui wantong automobile specializing in self-show】:首先我们对即将来万通的学子说,同学们不要再犹豫和徘徊,可能遇到一些挫折,相信人生的梦想是需要自己去努力的。来万通赢未来,欢迎大家的到来。

First we to be to wantong students said,Students don't hesitate and wandering,May encounter some setbacks,Believe that life dream is to need to hard。To win the future wantong,Welcome everyone for coming。


For we have to work for these wantong students,First, they hold a lot of expectations and looking forward to,Hope they have learned in the school of professional technology and in schools have received for our comprehensive ability training ability this habit can very good application to work,Fight for his youth played,They also hope to we have made a lot of achievements success wantong as students,Can have their own good future,Hope that they will be able to look back to his Alma mater。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢张院长,希望我们在更多领域看到优秀的万通学子。

Thank you ZhangYuanChang,I hope we see in the field of more excellent wantong students。
