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浙江杭州小学新生超三万 小班被迫变大班(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

浙江杭州小学新生超三万 小班被迫变大班(图)


Although simple desk,A few level students or in his homework carefully。


小学新生超3万 Primary school freshman exceeds 30000


小班被迫变大班今年杭城小学新生人数再创历史新高 Small class was forced to change this year the number of primary school class in hangzhou new hit a record high


杭州户籍新生1.8万人,外来务工子女超1.1万人 Hangzhou household register new 18000 people,Migrant children over 11000 people


More than half the summer vacation,Hangzhou has been a lot of elementary school to the freshmen, family visit。Yesterday morning,Reporters follow the initial edition bridge a primary school(3)BanBan director ZhuXiaoQin family visit all the way,Visit two students,Migrant workers are children。Mr Zhu said,Her this class,A total of 40 children,More than 70% are migrant workers children。


casual,Migrant workers have children in hangzhou primary school in proportion to read so high?This is the individual phenomenon?


Reporters then to hangzhou education bureau understand,Found education bureau relevant personage is a number of students of? Have a headache。


This year in hangzhou city how much a freshman?According to preliminary statistics hangzhou education bureau,This year is likely to hit a record high,New will break 30000 people。


“This year the city have the registered permanent residence of hangzhou new,Less than 18000 people,Migrant workers children new toll the statistics in,Both the total number of additive,Certain to more than 29000 last year。”According to hangzhou education bureau a staff said,For years,The city a number of freshman has remained at about 23000,Last year the number soared to nearly 29000。


Why is there such a big growth?According to the staff analysis,Last year the increase 6000 freshmen,The hangzhou the registered permanent residence of nearly 3000 people,According to the natural population growth rate calculation,A years could not increase so much,May with the door、Investment promotion policies, etc。Another 3000 people to migrant children give priority to。


A number of freshman explosion,A direct result of a consequence is that,The city a lot of open small class school,Small class ceased to exist,Can only open executive。


Many public elementary school in the city,Migrant workers the proportion of children,Has far more than the local students;A lot of hangzhou local parents with this in mind,Would rather spend some money,Send children enrolled in primary school of run by the local people。The reporter understands,In the city's some private elementary school,The number of local children is majority。


In fact,The city a freshman enrollment growth,These years has continued。


In 2004, in hangzhou migrant workers children about 50000 people,Old accounts for 25% of the total number of students。Before a few years,The city of rural migrant workers in the proportion of children is 39%,Last year reached 41%,“Individual city,This number in the years ago has surpassed 50%。”


This growth,Mainly from the 2004 hangzhou issued《Migrant workers children learn in hangzhou the interim measures for the administration of the(trial)》Began to。“From hangzhou for the city,2002 years of rural migrant workers in the number of children only 20000,Last year the figure had risen to 200000,Forecast this year more than 200000,And every year 20000 people to increase the speed of growth。”Hangzhou education bureau staff said。

  不管是杭州市教育局推出《外来务工人员子女在杭就学的暂行管理办法(试行)》,还是2008年杭州市政府出台的《杭州市义务教育阶段进城务工人员子女在杭就学管理暂行办法》,对进城务工人员子女在杭州读书,所设的门槛不高,加上后来推出的“同城待遇”,迎来了进城务工人员子女在杭入学的“春天”。(记者 梁建伟/文 魏志阳/摄)

Whether hangzhou education bureau launched《Migrant workers children learn in hangzhou the interim measures for the administration of the(trial)》,Or 2008 on the introduction of the hangzhou municipal government《Hangzhou compulsory education stage of rural migrant workers in children in hangzhou interim measures for the administration of the school》,Children of migrant workers in hangzhou reading,Hosted by the threshold is not high,And then introduced“City treatment”,Ushered in the migrant workers children school in hangzhou“spring”。(Reporter LiangJianWei/text WeiZhiYang/taken)


记者昨日随老师家访2位小学新生 Reporter yesterday with the teacher family visit two elementary school freshman


在这些孩子家,饭桌和凳子就是书桌 Living in these,The table and desk stool is


家访一:卖烧烤的爸妈送女儿学舞蹈 Family visit a:Sell the parents send daughter barbecue learn dance


Family visit's first students,Living in hangzhou shing-lung road。Mr Zhu took us around after two steps,Haven't found,Can only stop for directions。Went to a place,Run into a middle age women of sanya is stopped,ask,Just to family visit's the little girl's mother。“Children at home??”Mother said,Just to a nearby kindergarten。Mr Zhu said,Children can best take back。Father immediately on sanya,To pick up the daughter。


The girl's house is hired,Probably less than 20 square metre,The entrance to a public rooms,The place is cooking,Have three gas burner,May be three families with it。Mother said,Here is a landlord,There are a dozen homes for here。


The little girl is from shanxi,Father is a barbecue,My mother at home during the day the food with bamboo sticks together,At 6 o 'clock in the evening,My dad would go out to sell a barbecue,Have been to go home to sleep at three and four,Has been sleeping more than 1 PM。


Can see,The couple is of value children education。Little room,Special put a beautiful small desk,And a small blue chair。“Children to read,Do work to have a place。”Mother said。Put desk is the wall of,Stick pinyin、1-100 big oil,And the little girl of the painting。The reporter saw a little girl dancing on the training certificates。


家访二:小男孩暑期读了学前班饭桌是他的“书桌” Family visit two:The little boy summer read preschool table is his“desk”


Family visit's two students,Is boy,Living in hangzhou anomalies in north port。On the way,Mr Zhu to boy mother on the phone,Mobile phone has been shut down。“Yesterday, still speak well,Today how will shut down?”That Mr Zhu and boy in work outside dad phone,Asked to another phone,Dozen past,Mother said she in sijiqing market,Drive come over immediately。


For twenty minutes,Boy and her mother finally appeared。The original,This year the people to do a clothing factory,Happen to delivery,The family visit will give the delay is。They are anhui province in,Hangzhou in 1997 years,Father of a year's 1/3 time travel in other places,The responsibility of taking care of the children,In mother body。Mother is busy,Often live in the factory,The boy is together with my mother,Sometimes will dwell in the factory。


Turn seven where,They came to a place to live。Mr Zhu said,Registration registration,Is not this address,Mother explained,Just a few months ago a move home,Not long before,Was moving again。

  他们住在二楼,一个很小的房间,七八平米左右,放着两个床,阳台被布置成厨房,还架了一把伞挡雨。记者在家中没看到什么故事书之类的。妈妈说,暑假里给孩子报了一个学前班,孩子已经会写自己的名字了。当男孩要写字时,就把边上的一个可折叠桌子打开,这是他们的饭桌,也成了男孩的“书桌”。(通讯员 李艳 记者 梁建伟)

They live in the second floor,A very small room,Around 7 or 8 square meters,Put two bed,The balcony is designed as a kitchen,Still frame an umbrella to block rain。Reporters in the home not to see what story books and things like。Mother said,During the summer vacation for children whose a preschool,Children will have to write down their names。When the boy to write,Put on the side of a folding table open,This is their table,Also became the boy“desk”。(Reporter correspondent LiYan LiangJianWei)


外来务工人员的孩子,潜力很大 Children of migrant workers,Great potential


Each child's family visit,Only a half an hour,But for the experienced zhu teachers is,enough。


Mr Zhu said,She looked at the,A few families are not extracurricular reading books at home,She also had a private exchanges with parents,No parents give children tell a story,In the family education,With the city than parents,Difference than the。


In the family visit process,The reporter sees many children homework figure:Deep in the hall,The door put a table,A second grade students in arithmetic;In a shop sold eggs,A third grade boy is writing the feeling after reading,He is surrounded by boxes filled with eggs plastic box,His father is slowed to a sell eggs……

  但朱老师对这些孩子有信心,“虽然是外地孩子,但他们跟杭城的孩子一样,出生在这里,长在这里,家长对他们的教育也很重视,只是方法比较单一,只要孩子肯努力,家长能配合学校,这些孩子也是有出息的。”朱老师刚带完六年级毕业班,她带的这个毕业班,成绩最好的,就是这些外地孩子。(记者 梁建伟)

But Mr Zhu to these children have confidence,“Although it is outside the children,But with the children as they enjoyed,Was born here,Long here,Parents to their education also seriously,Just a single comparison method,As long as children work hard,Parents can cooperate with school,The children also have ambition。”Mr Zhu just take grade six graduating class,She took the graduating class,top,These children is outside。(Reporter LiangJianWei)
