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殷红博:孩子不能等待 50%的关键期在3岁前--亲稳网络舆情监控室


培养出阳光健康的孩子是父母、教师及整个社会共同的心愿。那么,如何抓住孩子发展关键期?如何在关键期开展科学系统的教育?3-6岁儿童应该开发哪些能力?面对巨大的升学压力孩子及家长如何摆正心态?新学期里孩子需要掌握什么?8月9日,著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人殷红博做客《搜狐教育会客厅》就"如何培养阳光健康的孩子"话题进行探讨。以下为访谈实录: Cultivate sunshine healthy children are their parents、The teacher and the whole society's common wish。so,How to seize the child develop critical period?How to carry out science in critical period of the system education?3 to 6 years old children should develop what ability?In the face of the huge pressures upon their schoolwork children and parents how to adjust state of mind?The new semester children need master???????On August 9,,The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder blackish red bo guest《Sohu education saloon》it"How to cultivate the sunshine healthy children"Topic discussed。The following is a interview memoir:


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐的网友,大家好。欢迎收看本期的《搜狐教育会客厅》节目。今天我们非常荣幸的邀请到著名儿童心理与儿童教育专家,儿童关键期教育创始人殷红博先生,欢迎您。

You sohu net,hello everybody。Welcome to this issue《Sohu education saloon》program。Today we are very glad to invite to the famous children's psychological and children's education experts,Children's critical period education founder blackish red bo sir,Welcome you。


Yin teacher has been committed to the human brain development critical period and children critical period education a research,So before the interview,Please also Yin teacher introduce us over the years you have been research results。


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):我主要是在两个领域进行研究,首先是研究人类的大脑,人的身体各种器官。人的大脑发展有它的特殊的规律。年纪小的时候可能发育速度比较快,逐渐缓慢,最后慢慢的走向衰退。人的大脑跟器官还不一样,人的大脑发育只有一次,在不同的时期,它的功能发展是不一样的,各种能力发展也是不一样的。

I mainly in two areas,The first is the study of human brain,The human body organs。The human brain development has its special law。The young time may development speed is faster,Gradually slow,Finally slowly towards a recession。The human brain is not the same with organs,The brains of people only once,In different period,Its function development is not the same,All kinds of ability development is not the same。


Many of the brain function,Has its acquisition and development characteristics,Especially in the seven years ago,Brain develops very fast,Vulnerable to the best positive influence,Are also vulnerable to negative influence,So this time we tube that is called the critical period。International call sensitive period,Has caused the optimal period。


We twenty years of research,Find all kinds of ability,Such as observation ability,Memory ability,Thinking ability,Imagination ability,Creation ability,Including language、Mathematical operation ability, etc,There are different development critical period,The main critical period is in seven years before。Our study found that,70% of the critical period is in seven years before,50% is in before the age of three,This is our brain research for critical period a preliminary results。


In more than a decade ago,We in the critical period based on research carried out a series of critical period education research,We focused on brain function characteristics and development rules of critical period,In the age of seven to children before specific brain function and psychological development potential development of integrated education,Let education more scientific,More system,More specific。For example language ability、Ability of expression、Word of the understanding ability、Communication skills,Including all kinds of vocabulary understanding master,In which age education better,Achieve a best。For example memory ability,In which age and the best memory ability training?There are many types of memory,For example we say image memory,Abstract memory,And digital memory,And movement memory,Emotional memory,Different age has his development critical period,In the development of the critical period of targeted education,We carry out is the critical period education。


We are the two big field,At present the twenty years of research,The main purpose is to make the child really can get we hope to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and because when teaching,As we see in the study of 7 years old when more important for teaching,Because of a lot of development critical period before the age of seven,。Only because when teaching、Teach students in accordance with their aptitude to ultimately achieve a best education effect,This is our proposed new children's critical period education concept。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:就是抓住孩子们成长的每一个重要的阶段,然后根据他这个阶段的特点进行适合的他的教育,以此对他进行培养?

Is the children growing every important stage,Then according to the phase of the characteristics of the suitable for his education,In order to train him?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):抓住孩子的身心发展的规律然后进行针对性的科学的训练和教育。

Seize the child's physical and mental development of the law then specific scientific training and education。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为创立一个儿童关键期教育理论在当今的中国大的教育体制下,以及社会环境下,它的存在意义是在哪里?

You think that create a children's critical period education theory in today's China big education system,And the social environment,Its existence meaning is in where?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):这个主要是三个方面的意义,第一方面是我们教育要更科学。我们教育是针对孩子的教育,我们因材施教,最关键就是了解孩子的心理素质,他的身体素质,各种器官的发育规律是什么样,只有抓到关键期才有教育的针对性,才能真正的做到因材施教、因时施教。

This is mainly three aspects of meaning,The first one is our education should be more scientific。Our education is for children's education,We teach students in accordance with their aptitude,The key is to know the child's psychological quality,His body quality,All kinds of organ development rule is what kind of,Only caught critical period have education pertinence,Can we truly do teach students in accordance with their aptitude、Because when teaching。


The second aspect is our parents to really grasp the children,Because the child development law of critical period。Maybe two years old,Three years,Four years,Five years,The child's development is completely different,But we twenty years old of adults and forty years of adult may be similar,Change is not very big,two、Thirty years we may not have what change,But the child is not so,The more the greater the children small changes,A month of children with five months children almost completely different,So parents understand critical period of education theory later,It will change their ideas and concepts that family education more scientific,And change the wrong education concept。


The third aspect is the state formulates education policy for example also have certain reference significance,How can we teachers should understand more about how these critical period rule,The children's growth can get country、The government the right policy support,Parents according to the child's law of development for different care、education、raising,For teachers,,According to the child's various ability,Psychological and physical quality development critical period for scientific、System education。


For example an example,Two year old child,Some parents teach him run,Endurance training,This is wrong,Children really endurance critical period is in seven to ten years later,So two or three years old children call him run run,It destroyed the child。Sports injury is not only the children's bone and muscle,But motor nerve,The child motor nerve is very fragile,So the strength of the endurance,Explosive force training,Damage to the child is very big。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您研究人类大脑发展规律,还有儿童关键期教育已经有二十多年了,请您谈谈大脑潜力的开发与人才的成长,以及他的快乐,他的内心的愉悦,他们之间有怎么样一个联系?

You study the human brain development law,There are children's critical period education has more than twenty years,Please talk about the brain potential of the development and the growth of talent,And his happiness,His inner happiness,They have a connection between how?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):很多诺贝尔奖获得者都说幼儿期的教育对他的影响最大,很多的人觉得不可思议,怎么幼儿期的教育对你成才或者成为世界顶级人物有这么大的影响?他们说了三点。第一点是价值观念,人的价值观念都是在幼儿期建立。第二是他们的见识和学习习惯都是在幼儿期建立起来的。

Many Nobel Prize winner said early childhood education of the effects of his maximum,A lot of people feel incredible,How early childhood education of to you or become a world top figures have so much influence?They say three。The first point is the value idea,People's values are established in early childhood。The second is their knowledge and learning habits are in infancy set up。


The third is sports psychology and behavior models are set up in early childhood,So this speaking,The next two hundred and thirty years later outstanding talents,In that period is not developed,But in the early childhood culture out。Twenty years later, for example,Will become the world's various aspects of the elite from all walks of life and technical personnel,When the train is late,A lot of countries to twenty-five years old people,Has the outstanding contributions people do some research,To understand why they are so young will have so great achievements,I later found out that they are almost in preschool period get a scientific system of specific education。In the ten years old,Their comprehensive quality has erupted out,This is for outstanding talents,These athletes participating in the Olympic Games,A lot of players are at the age of five or eight years ago in training。


Not to mention the art,You want to be a master of art,Not in five or six years old start training,Will miss development critical period。For example lang lang practice piano is three years old start。


If the future of outstanding talents in early childhood got comprehensive training,The cultivation of scientific and comprehensive education,Especially the system of education,He is real to national,Even the whole world industries development make the greatest contribution,Is this the meaning of education critical period。


Overall to become a creative country,There must be innovative education and innovative teachers,Especially preschool education。
