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不要轻易相信高工资小心中招 暑期兼职暗藏陷阱--亲稳舆论引导监测室

不要轻易相信高工资小心中招 暑期兼职暗藏陷阱 图为:各种招聘信息让人眼花缭乱 The graph is:All kinds of recruitment information makes a person dazzling


“Can science and technology and can make money”、“Time is the most free part-time day "wage”、“Urgent recruit internal etiquette”、“To take home part-time”……Summer is the season of supply and demand of part-time students,All kinds of part-time information filled with web site、Billboard and small leaflets。For the students to,Summer employment can earn some spending money,Can accumulate social experience,Can yet be regarded as a good choice。In terms of unit of choose and employ persons,Students background simple,Low salary,Can reduce operating costs。however,All kinds of part-time information there is no lack of fraud and traps,Make part-time student scout。


案例 case


工作为名诱大学生消费 To lure as college students' consumption


要当麻豆先掏钱拍写真 To be a hemp bean first pay photo shoot


Small in wuhan is a junior college student,Home in anhui,This year summer vacation plan to stay in wuhan job to earn some money。A month ago,In a small city in accordance with the information online to see a recruitment information:“Wuhan one media co., LTD. For some the racquet model,Requirements above height 160 centimeters,Has a trim figure,Have experience all can,Reward 200-500 yuan/time……”Small in accordance with the decision to give it a try。


“Interview is very simple。”Small in told reporters,The company's interview personnel simply asked a few questions,Let her put a few modelling,Just tell her through the interview,Can accept the free training,And arrangement work。


As small according to think the work to have when landing,That person but tell her,Before taking up their jobs need to pay 600 yuan take a set of fine art,Convenient work after use。See small according to some hesitation,After all, 600 yuan for a no economic income for students is not a small number,The man said:“Tomorrow we'll have a hairstyle shooting,Finishing can get 200 yuan,And so after still have a lot of work。”Not to the temptation of work,In so small cut 600 yuan took a fine art。


The next day,In accordance with the small by the agreement to the hair style filming location。The scene still has another ten girls,They and the little in is as to the recording。They didn't expect that is,The company requirements while shooting will long hair cut short,This was all girl's refused,You are out of the shooting。


“later,The company assigned me a underwear model part-time,I looked at the plate,Think scale is too big,Then refused。”In accordance with the said small,After from the,The company haven't arrange other job,Make a phone call past ask,reply:“This is not good,That is not willing to,That we have no way out,Otherwise you again, etc,Have the right to inform you。”


so,A month has passed,Small in not only a penny didn't earn,But also DaoTie 600 yuan。Small according to think she had been cheated,Want to look for a company to return to 600 yuan,The company said the money back,Was she volunteered consumption。Because small in accordance with no and a company to sign any written agreement,Finally is only eat YaBaKui。


“董事长”醉翁之意不在酒 “The chairman of the board”Drunk weng wine


借口招聘助理实则找“小三” Excuse recruitment assistant actually find“Small three”


If the above part-time trap is cheats out of money,So the following this thing may be is cheating the color the。


“Later any further can't do part-time job。”Read Chinese professional small yue told reporters she recently to a certain electronic company apply for the chairman assistant experience。


The day,The interview she examiner is“The chairman of the board”。“At the time I feel very surprised,A small position actually is the chairman of the interview。”Small yue said,“He gave me an interview time special long,But also always ask‘Now have a boyfriend’、‘Home have brothers and sisters’These it is not work related problems。”


That night,Small yue received this“The chairman of the board”Message from:“You today's performance is very good,I believe that you will be a good development,With the work tomorrow come round and see me。”


The next day,Small yue with their preparation work came to the company retrial,Which know“The chairman of the board”Caocao DeMiao after the two pages,He cast aside said:“Very good,no problem。”At noon and invite her for dinner,Small yue not refuse,Will follow to the。


The table,“The chairman of the board”Finally show that his intention,“If you‘with’my,I'll give you a house,Deserve to go up again the car,After you buy clothes also need not pay。”Small yue after hearing,Really be startled,It is not looking for“Small three”??She immediately excuse to leave。


A similar thing happens in sophomore little sweet.it's body,Her online search to a recruiting etiquette、Model part-time information,According to the information of the QQ number and contact each other,The specific content of consulting work when,Didn't expect the other to tell her:“This job is very simple,Is mainly with entrepreneurs to eat tea,Two hours 200 dollars,You be and classmates like dinner,And don't spend money can make money。”Little sweet.it think is wrong,Immediately rejected。


应聘“网店刷钻手” Apply for“Shop brush drill hand”


自己的钱被“刷”走了 His money was“brush”go


Never leave home,Also can fall into trap part-time。Last week,Liu wei in the Internet to see a hiring part-time“Shop brush drill hand”information,Hire part-time online by false trading online help improve credit line。Through the mutual plus QQ,Interviewer told him,One day just 4 hours work,Income is 350 yuan。Think about the work simple,Make computer at home can make money on the Internet,Liu wei said yes。


The next,The other party to liu wei a“Work flow”In a designated shop after click purchase,Through the third party payment platform to buy baby(But don't confirm the delivery of),Then the payment and work remuneration payment to liu wei third party payment account,Liu wei will confirm the delivery of after,And to make the high praise。


“Don't pay the deposit,Also do not provide account password,And as long as it does not confirm the delivery of,Money or in our hands。”The liu wei before and after all the process all want to again,Think nothing holes,Decided a try。


Liu wei first fill out a project application form,Will own QQ、The net account and bank card number are told each other,Then click the link from,Use third-party payment platform, bought a 300 yuan of the game point card,After a few days of trade,But can see each other in return。Liu wei felt a bit wrong,To apply for a refund,But was surprised to find that the money has been into account each other。


Liu wei to find the net customer service,Only to be told the rechargeable qq COINS、Game currency and virtual commodity trading and other commodities is not the same,Once the buyer click purchase,The transaction completed moment。Liu wei and all his bowels gushed regrets a black,“This thinking to make money,The last was cheated out of money,Too late to regret。”Liu wei to contact the Internet before the interviewer,Each other but has been out of sight。


兼职制作手工花 Part-time handmade flowers


没赚到钱反而倒贴“材料费” Don't make money DaoTie instead“materials”


“Help wanted part-time manual responsible,gender、No limitation for age,Easy to operate,According to a meter pay,Delivery of cash and immediately。”Because there is no time limit,This simple kind of type of work make quite a few students move,Wuchang a university computer professional junior student small end is one of them。


At the end of the small home in qinghai,Because home is too far away,After the holiday is going to find a part-time job in wuhan as is summer practice。One day,She sees on the net the article this recruitment information,He and fellow students find according to address the manual workshop。


“Just started to do such as recruitment information to write it,Free to teach us handmade flowers,And making process not difficult also,Less than half an hour we all learned。”Small said at the end of the。


But when small with classmates at the end of the relish going to take the materials of the home,The boss but puts forward to want to make 200 yuan deposit material,“You rest assured,When you have something to bring,The deposit will naturally give you。”Small end had to pay 200 yuan,With the material to go home。


After a few days,At the end of the small with good handcraft flowers came to the workshop ready to exchange for reward,But the boss suddenly changed features,For she made many fussy products,“This flower do too big,no;The petals are melted away,Also not line……”A pick down,Nearly a hand in the flower of qualified in less than ten roses,Only at the end of the small five yuan money as a reward。


At the end of the small immediately spirit not dozen 1 come,He found the boss wants 200 yuan deposit,The boss but confidently said:“Your task is not finished,Also wasted me so much material,This deposit must not back。”At the end of the small sea,Had to leave resentfully。


链接 link


劳动保障部门提醒正规兼职用人单位不收费用 Labor safeguard branch is remind regular part-time unit of choose and employ persons don't charge


In the face of all kinds of recruitment information,The students how to identify?The reporter interviewed HongShanOu wuhan city labor security supervision brigade related working personnel HanTao。


HanTao Suggestions,Now each area in wuhan have regular talent market,College students to normal human resources market or through the school career guidance center to apply for a job,Don't take to the roadside leaflet and advertising。


The online recruitment information,Can be first wuhan red shield net inquires the its unit name and whether a business license,Also can give inspection team calling to confirm。To the company for an interview,From the company if there is a bureau of industry and commerce business license issued by the original,Office address is consistent with the documents、Office facilities is all ready、Office workers work state, etc,To judge whether confidence。


Don't reveal too much personal information。Don't feel free to id card、Student id card or other papers to others,Do not easily leak home phone number。On the Internet looking for part-time more careful,Don't reveal bank account、password,At the same time, see website domain name,To official shall prevail。


Don't believe that high wage recruitment information,Often such information exists part deceptive。At the same time,Strengthen the legal consciousness,There are many breakers are using the students to help them dry illegal business deals,So be sure to alert。

  韩涛提醒,正规的兼职招聘,用人单位是不会收取任何费用的,如果遇到中介收取中介费等,就要多留个心眼,与用人单位签订书面协议,约定工作时间、工作内容、劳动报酬等内容,如合法权益受到侵害,应立即向当地人力资源社会保障等有关部门求助。(楚天金报 文/记者杨彦夫 实习生文雯/记者万多 实习生徐慧)

HanTao remind,Regular part-time recruitment,Unit of choose and employ persons is can not collect any cost,If meet the intermediary collection agency fee, etc,To leave a mind's eye,Unit of choose and employ persons conclude a written agreement,Agreed working time、Job content、Labor remuneration, etc,Such as the lawful rights and interests are infringed upon,Shall immediately report to the local human resources social security and other relevant departments for help。(Chutian 27 text/reporter YangYanFu interns WenWen/reporter than many interns elzanaty s)
