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毕业生飞机上发传单 空姐通融乘客不反感--亲稳网络舆情监控室

毕业生飞机上发传单 空姐通融乘客不反感 (图由刘先生提供) (Diagram by Mr. Liu provide) 毕业生飞机上发传单 空姐通融乘客不反感 市民刘先生拍摄的飞机上发传单的照片(白衣者为赵函)。 Citizens Mr. Liu shooting on the plane pictures of flyers(White person for zhao letter)。 毕业生飞机上发传单 空姐通融乘客不反感 赵函在办公室办公。 Zhao letter in the office。   


West China metropolis daily reporter WangHaoYe 屈咏梅 photojournalism


Graduation dissatisfaction with 3 months of little girl zhao letter suddenly became the company's celebrity,August 18,,Her own boarded the plane,In the time of flight to passengers issued more than 100 zhang project flyer


On a plane fliers,She didn't cause the passengers off,But won the stewardess of accommodation and a contact customer hotline


Yesterday in the morning,In the 3rd ring road overpass jiaotong university near some lamps and lanterns city property in the center office zhao letter,Suddenly become company celebrity。That day on August 18,,Zhao letter in order to let more people know the company will start the project,Since the dig down on the chengdu aircraft flying to guangzhou,And in the time of flight to passengers issued more than 100 zhang project flyer。The move,Her colleagues“Wanted to don't think”、“Very creative”。


yesterday,A letter by plane with zhao with chengdu citizens“Picture is truth”Inform everyone zhao letter 5 days ago“creation”。Does this company hype?How can think of to the plane hair handbill?On the plane? Whether fliers in compliance with regulations?In the face of a bunch of problems,Zhao letter said:“Passengers on the plane to identity hair handbill is my own thought,All expenses is also I myself out。”


Hair handbill


Stewardess accommodation passengers don't dislike August 18,,Zhao letter to guangzhou on the plane。She was carrying the two bags of flyer,Caused the passengers Mr. Liu's attention。Liu said:“I'm on a business trip to guangzhou,Behind her together plane,Unexpectedly she sat beside me。”


At 10 o 'clock plane,Noon 12:30。During flight,When the passengers on the plane eaten by lunchtime,Zhao letter before you go to sleep in all decided to extend the flyer,Her hair is the first one next to Mr. Liu。Liu said:“She said a‘Excuse me’,The list to me。”Beauty suddenly started to flyer,Mr. Liu is very curious,It took photos conveniently。


Zhao letter sit in the front of the plane by the position of the corridor,A way to aircraft tail hair handbill。She said:“Start a stewardess came up and asked for my hair??????,I will say flyer,Five minutes after hair,Don't disturb the passengers to rest,Trouble accommodation the。”See a flight attendant did not stop your behavior,Zhao letter hurried to passengers pass flyer。


Some people covered with a blanket,Shaking head means don't need,Others meet by phone to ask in the past:“This is the beauty of your number?”The whole process very smooth,No one mean the bad impression,A lot of people are seriously look at the flyer,This lets zhao letter very happy。Hair out leaflets,A flight attendant asked her:“Anyone want to buy it?”

  做推销?  美女自掏腰包买机票22岁的赵函是德阳人,今年6月从四川理工大学毕业后,8月6日到现在的公司上班,至今刚满半个月。在公司里,她身兼推销员和文员两种工作。基本工资1500元一个月,其余工资靠业绩考核。

Do sell?The beauty of their own money to buy a ticket the 22-year-old zhao letter is deyang people,In June this year from sichuan university of science and technology after graduation,August 6, to the present company work,So far just over half a month。In the company,Her body and salesman and clerk two kinds of work。Basic salary is 1500 yuan a month,The rest pay on performance evaluation。


In October this year,The company will be on-line a project。In order to promote the,Zhao letter once on August 11,、12 two days,With the flyer near to the company、Spring hee road and distribution,She said:“But pertinence is not strong、The result is bad,A lot of people don't,Some connect to come over to see throw。”


Zhao letter said,Project products aimed at high-end crowd,She thought about on a plane to sell。“subway、The bus has sell,The plane is sure to sell。”On August 14,,She online ordering a 18 flying to guangzhou ticket,7.5 fold 900 multivariate money。She also his PS a flyer,Besides the project is introduced,Also write his own name、telephone,Back to show the excellent pictures and texts“Chengdu LiangRiYou recommend attractions”。200 yuan of money made 280 zhang flyer。She said:“This is in contact with the company's advertising companies do,Printed flyer money the company to submit an expense account。”


Is hype?


The company colleagues don't think in the hype hair handbill is like airplane vignettes,Soon ended。Zhao letter are total strangers came to guangzhou,That night spent 120 yuan hotel,In order to safe haven't go out at night。The second day morning at 8 o 'clock,She again take the train back to chengdu,Train tickets for 200 multivariate。


Zhao letter said,Yourself on the train also sent dozens of leaflets。Monday afternoon 4 o 'clock,She just returned to chengdu。“Often go out to sell,Leadership also didn't challenge I went to where。”Let zhao letter is happy,In the evening the day she received a guangzhou telephone,Ask project sales of products。Zhao letter explained that October 1 begin to sales,This is the first time since her hair flyer from someone else's hotline。“After hard or rewarding。”


Zhao letter said,A trip to guangzhou in their spent 1300 yuan,Is almost a month's salary,The move,The company and his colleagues no one informed。yesterday,Mr. Liu telephone let whole companies have learned the zhao letter of last weekend“creation”。In the face of the reporter's interview,Zhao letter said:“This can about our company,Very good!As long as we don't lose my job will do。”

  记者昨晚联系到赵函的领导董娜。她说,因为不清楚赵函做这件事的来龙去脉,她不好评价赵函做事情的方式。但是作为一个刚毕业的人,能费心思做这件事,证明工作态度端正,还是值得肯定的。至于负面的影响或者说要不要奖励,则需要明日与赵函交流后再做决定。  【国航回应】

Reporter last night contact zhao functional leadership DongNa。She said,Because not clear zhao letter do it worked,She's no good evaluation zhao letter way to do things。But as a fresh graduates,Can expend idea to do this,Prove work attitude,Is worth for sure。As for the negative effect or want to reward,Requires tomorrow and zhao letter after exchange before you make the decision。【Air China response】


Have never before met yesterday reporter contact Air China southwest company officials,For 18 to appear on the plane of the hair handbill behavior,Each other said,This kind of situation did not met,This is a passenger individual behavior,They are not evaluation。


in《Law of the People's Republic of civil aviation security regulations》Article 25 the ban on smoking in aircraft;Take seat、Baggage compartment(frame);fight、drinking、stir-up-trouble;theft、Intentionally damage or do STH without authorization mobile survival items and equipment;Endanger the flight safety and disturbing the order in aircraft other behavior。“circularize”A similar move did not appear in the regulations。


【Dialogue party】Of west China city newspaper:So many cities,Why did you think of buy to guangzhou by plane?


Zhao letter:Because of guangzhou is the birthplace of the project design product,Potential customers more。


Of west China city newspaper:Wage January 1500 yuan,A trip to guangzhou spent 1300 yuan,Weigh overcommitted and return?


Zhao letter:I am considering the long-term benefits,I like this job,Want to do it for a long time。Now don't consider it out,After talking for performance。


Of west China city newspaper:Since fly a trip,In the airport、In guangzhou, the streets have target population,Hair handbill??

  赵函:候机时因为有安检在,我不敢发,怕宣传单被没收。在飞机上之所以鼓足勇气尝试,是觉得比较安全。广州街上没发。  新闻链接

Zhao letter:When waiting for a security check in,I can't send,Fear of publicity confiscated their becoming disarranged。On a plane is get up the courage to attempt,Be to feel safe。Guangzhou street no hair。News link


Li3 ya3 peng2 also on board his propaganda evidence《The bund》reports,In 2006,,And his wife advocate yan ran angel fund established by the day,Li3 ya3 peng2 make a promise:lifetime,Every time on a plane to the guests with tank issue fund publicity letter。The first letter was sent to yunnan in propaganda on the plane,Li3 ya3 peng2 in the first class on pins and needles,Until the aircraft landing,Taxi to the hatch,Li3 ya3 peng2 just to stand up,Hurriedly hid prepared letter sent to each hand,“I'm sorry,Excuse me。”The first class of the other guests some surprise、At a loss。Li3 ya3 peng2 didn't wait for everybody to open the letter,Hurriedly picked up the luggage,The first rushed to port。


And the experience,As long as listening to the radio said the plane is going to fall,Li3 ya3 peng2 stood up to send letter propaganda。once,A middle-aged man put the letter throw on the ground,Li3 ya3 peng2 the letter from other people's feet pick it up。Li3 ya3 peng2 admit when self-esteem hurt,In the heart very uncomfortable。later,Regardless of whether others to accept,No matter what other people use eyes see him,Li3 ya3 peng2 will be handed over to the hand of propaganda believe others。
