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学生暑期兼职打工火热 假期结束讨薪维权成难题--亲稳网络舆情监测室

学生暑期兼职打工火热 假期结束讨薪维权成难题 每年暑假,学生兼职打工市场火爆,带来潜在的劳资纠纷隐患。新华社发 Every summer,Students part-time job market hot,Bring potential labor dispute hidden trouble.The xinhua news agency hair


假期开始时,你是暑期工 假期结束时,你是讨薪族 Holiday started,You are a summer job at the end of the holiday,You are paid for the family


暑期近尾声,拖欠打工学生工资事件频发,折射劳务市场管理漏洞 Near the end of the summer,Default job students pay frequent events,Refraction labor market loopholes in management


暑期工市场乱象调查 Summer employment market survey mess


"Dry 35 days,To get 350 pieces,The accommodation for next semester……"On August 26,,The dongguan QiShiZhen on hole village,17 year old high school students ChenXiaoYu,Words but.Originally want to pass a summer job reduce burden of family he,Ended up in labor disputes.


Holiday running out,A lot of just over the summer job students have been defaults salary,They didn't expect,His work has not yet been formally step into society,It has become"Please pay family".


Reporters in 7 name be defaults salary of students,Only two people signed an agreement with unit of choose and employ persons,And the deal only a,Are the factory save.


Summer employment huge market,But the mess cluster,Appear constantly summer work problems reflect the market management loophole.At present,China's laws on the student when summer work and no definite standard,Once the disputes,Often can't can depend on.

  南方日报记者 梁文悦

Southern daily reporter LiangWenYue

  实习生 吴静晖

Interns WuJingHui


The dongguan/Guangzhou reported


暑期劳资纠纷 Summer labor dispute


假期已近尾声,暑期工劳资纠纷骤然增多,学生们无奈地通过电话、网络,声讨无良老板 Holiday is approaching its conclusion,Summer work labor disputes increase abruptly,The students helplessly through the phone/network,Condemn without good boss


In early July,School just summer vacation soon.The ChenXiaoYu zhanjiang to parents proposal,While off to the factory jobs,In order to reduce the economic burden of home.


time,The dongguan QiShiZhen many places are affixed with recruitment summer work of small advertising,All above to write:The bag eats encase/The downside is 1100 yuan a month……In order to find a reliable/Suitable factory,ChenXiaoYu parents entrust a local intermediary company for help.


July 8,,Under the leadership of the intermediary company,ChenXiaoYu, including four students to QiShiZhen following enterprise on hole village a temporary factory jobs.


"Don't sign the agreement and factories,We don't have this consciousness."ChenXiaoYu told reporters,Intermediary just tell them pay 5 yuan per hour calculation,Other did not say anything.


On August 17,,ChenXiaoYu and 35 days after work,The factory owner sprang to run road,time,Everybody panics,Don't know who look for a salary."The first job was cheated,So sad."And ChenXiaoYu did not get a salary and 18 female students,They mostly through the intermediary is introduced,From zhanjiang come a long way.


Many summer work told reporters,Although the factory promise the bag eats encase,But they have to prepare bedding/Cup and articles for daily use,Some students did not have enough money,Are to the factory XiaoMai outside the shop open account,The most one owed 300 yuan.Now they're not only take no pay,Still owe a debt ass,Even rode home haven't money.


WangZiYun,Technical secondary school second grade students,On June 30,,She left her hometown yunfu,Came to zhongshan three township a printing house work,The manufacturer said wage per hour is 6 yuan,Both sides did not sign the agreement.August 21,To the manufacturer WangZiYun proposed settlement wage,Accounting says she has pay 1700 yuan,But the factory just to pay 700 yuan."The accountant said that the rest of the 1000 yuan will be in a 25 to remit money to my bank account,But I have been received."


Reporter survey found,Holiday is approaching its conclusion,Summer work labor disputes increase abruptly,The students helplessly through the phone/network,Condemn without good boss.


学生维权困境 Students rights protection predicament


The work of the summer students basically don't know how to rights,Lucky students can get part of his salary,Bad luck, no nothing


Since the boss run after the road,Zhanjiang ChenXiaoYu etc of 19 summer jobs in the work didn't open/No meal/The plight of no water to drink,They start out on a road rights.


On August 20,,They found Labour intermediary complaints,Intermediary notice the child's parents to come to,Go to the cave village labor service station complaints.then,Labor service station called factory landlord and discuss together countermeasures.But to 6 PM that day,To discuss is still no results.


August 21,The hole village labor service station make the decision,My landlord is out of the factory is 10000 yuan,19 students equally,500 per piece,Let them ride home.


But because so little money,Disgruntled students refused to go home.period,Parents of students at intermediary company many times,The hope can once again to labor service station consultation,But all was intermediary company refusal,"Intermediary said he had no time to deal with this matter."


On August 28,,ChenXiaoYu father call labor service station,Consultation treatment results.Service station reply,The factory owners were willing to take 10000 yuan,They have give the money to the intermediary company,Let the intermediary company to students.As long as the student registration id card,Can bring money.ChenXiaoYu father then call intermediary company,But the other party does not answer the phone.


On August 29,,ChenXiaoYu father and another parents to find intermediary company."To begin with he also play to depend on said no money,Until we take out after the evidence,They are willing to give money."but,Intermediary company button 150 yuan fares,ChenXiaoYu father finally only help children get 350 yuan.


So far,ChenXiaoYu 35 days work,Finally get to 350 yuan.


And back to the yunfu WangZiYun until now also constantly through the telephone to the zhongshan enterprise please pay.


August 22,WangZiYun huaichuai the factory hair salary 700 yuan yunfu sit bus to return home.Returned home after,Every day she went to the bank to inquires whether wages to account."Every time the results of my query make me disappointed,So big a factory how May 1000 yuan are not sent out."


On August 26,,WangZiYun still received the remittance of the manufacturer,Accounting written guarantee became a waste paper.She began to make a phone call to the accountant in the factory,"Every time is let me wait,All don't know when,I just want to factory to finish the rest of the salary to give me."


Reporters found that,The work of the summer students basically don't know how to rights,A lot of summer work labor dispute conclude without concrete result.Some students to the media for help,Lucky students can get part of his salary,Bad luck, no nothing.


Dongguan city labor bureau relevant staff in accepting southern daily reporter telephone interview said,About salary dispute problem,Must first confirm individual labor relations,If there is no and unit of choose and employ persons signing the agreement,The Labour relationship and not clear,Labor bureau general won't participate in processing.Such as Chen situation,Unless the boss can find to run road,It is hard to recover arrears.


市场监管空白 Market supervision blank


Summer employment disputes is not only the problem of labor relationship,Also involves fraud/Illegal business/Malicious back pay, etc,Need more department to supervision


"Summer employment market growing year by year."Some intermediary company staff, told reporters,With the improvement of enterprise labor costs,More and more enterprises to choose in the student when summer vacation,Entrust intermediary company recruitment summer jobs,"Although it is just two months,But cheap student labor,Can give the factory cut labor expenditure."


Reporter survey found,Appear constantly summer work problems reflect the market management loophole.In fact,At present,China's laws on the student when summer work and no definite standard,Once the disputes,Often can't can depend on.


Reporters found in process,Due to the lack of social experience,Students overconfidence intermediary/Unit of choose and employ persons.A lot of summer work through the intermediary or recruitment after leaflets,It directly to the unit began to work,Even the factory information don't understand,Very easy to step into the trap.


A lot of summer work doesn't understand agreement,The disputes, such as only a remorseful.Reporters in 7 name be defaults salary of students,Only two people signed an agreement with unit of choose and employ persons,And the deal only a,Are the factory save.


"Summer employment market supervision is still a blank."A lawyer told reporters,According to[Carry out about carrying out < labor law of the People's Republic of China > the opinion of the some problems],Students use spare time work-study,Not as employment,Labor relationship has not been established,Can not sign labor contract.


"A lot of unit of choose and employ persons exploiting legal loopholes,Using the students are anxious to job psychological,Both sides did not sign agreement began to labor relations."The lawyer pointed out that,A summer due to the work of the students and unit of choose and employ persons is the relationship between employees and employers,Not labor relations,Even if a dispute,The local labor arbitration committee may not accept.


"According to the distinction between age,Currently on the market summer employment can be divided into adults and minors,Issued by the state council[Provisions are forbidden to use child laborers]Made it clear that,The employing units shall not hire a minor under the age of 16."The lawyer pointed out that,If summer work labor dispute involves the minors,Labor and social security administrative departments shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations shall be punished to unit of choose and employ persons,Transportation and accommodation expenses needed all the employing units shall bear.


"From root to see,Summer employment disputes have not only the problem of labor relationship,It is also related to fraud/Illegal business/Malice owe problems such as salary,Need to labor/commerce/Public security/Education and so on department to supervision."Guangzhou ZhouFengJian PCCW law firm lawyers think,To properly solve the matter in dispute summer jobs,Labor bureau and the relevant departments shall set up the green channel,Speed up the intervention/Deal with the speed of the summer work dispute.


(This paper ChenXiaoYu/WangZiYun are alias)
