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专家:如政府不叫停奥数 就有人敢编胎教奥数--亲稳网络舆情监控室


专家:叫停奥数很必要 experts:Called Olympic math is very necessary


Municipal education commission and other relevant department announced management Olympic math scores and bound hook four measures/Stop and tie the entrance aoshu competition after training,yesterday,The reporter interviewed part of the education experts/The headmaster/School education orgnaization controller,They agreed that:Although Olympic math itself is not wrong,But we must resolutely put a stop to entrance hook,"Called Olympic math is very necessary".


奥数不是创新人才培养 Olympic math is not the innovative talents training


The capital normal university, dean of the college of education science MengFanHua currently committed to basic education reform and innovation research,He for primary and middle school students to learn common mathematical olympiad practice has been disapprove.


Olympic math training is different from the innovative talents training,"It is just the opposite,Completely not marketable".MengFanHua told reporters,The international latest academic achievements think,The cultivation of creative talents should have two conditions:One is a cheerful mood,The other is a long time to focus on one thing.For most small and medium-sized students,Olympic math training not only do not have these two conditions,Also increased the children's learning load.


He thinks,The social fashion aoshu training only pay attention to training,That is to let the children approach to problem solving,Lack of himself to the exploration of new things.Real innovation talents is able to ask questions/Found that the problem,Rather than pure with fixed routines to solve problems.


"Municipal education commission and other departments on the introduction of the move is very necessary,Watched Olympic math problems naturally derivation are likely to be a problem,At present,Have to education fair caused the impact,At the same time,It also impacts the compulsory education curriculum teaching system."MengFanHua said.


奥数不适合所有孩子 Olympic math is not suitable for all children


Raise the years aoshu training development course,China education society primary school education professional committee vice chairman/The original bright primary school principals LiuYongSheng said,If the government does not put a stop to it,Mathematical olympiad since primary school training will be spread to the kindergarten,Even someone dared to knitting foetus education mathematical olympiad.


LiuYongSheng memories,Aoshu first appeared in high school,It was for the higher education for mathematics/Hope to study mathematics,And there's a talent students.later,Aoshu evolved into olympiad,Gradually and bound hook,Triggered a primary and middle school students learn aoshu heat."Give the devil his due,The main content of the Olympic math itself is not wrong,To develop students' thinking/Inspire intelligence that have certain advantages."


LiuYongSheng think,The problem in the mathematical olympiad and after entrance hook,The social training institutions and part of middle school students in collusion with selection,Some districts and counties and the school to improve graduation rates/Key rate,Also encouraged students' learning mathematical olympiad,Finally formed a circle.


LiuYongSheng told reporters,As early as 10 years ago,Municipal education commission against aoshu issued a series of ban,But repeated the did not stop.He thinks,The government is adamant,To purify education environment,Guide the comprehensive development of children.


校外教育不应以文化课为主 School education should not be mainly of literacy class


As the external education orgnaization controller,Director of the children's palace, fengtai district, WangZhenMin think the government announced management Olympic math scores and bound hook measures is very strong.He said,The parents for the child to learn mathematical olympiad is in order to good schools,"Key middle school"Take a fancy to mathematical olympiad is in order to absorb good students,And social training institutions set up mathematical olympiad training class is for economic interests,So cycle reciprocating,Upset the normal teaching order and laws.

  “奥数只是一种竞赛形式,不能让它变得太功利,也不能太泛滥。”在王振民看来,教育行政部门下属的校外教育机构,尤其不能把文化课培训作为主要内容,而应从孩子的兴趣出发开设培训项目,营造一个适合青少年健康、快乐成长的好环境。(记者 贾晓燕)

"Mathematical olympiad is just a form of competition,Can't let it get too utilitarian,Also cannot too flood."In WangZhenMin seems,Education administrative departments subordinate external education institutions,Especially not the literacy class training as the main content,And should the child's interest of open training programs,Create a suitable for adolescent health/Happy growth of good environment.(Reporter JiaXiaoYan)
