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南京11岁女童半年写诗三百首 爱读论语老子--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  妞妞今年11岁,刚上小学六年级,别看她小小年纪,却已经写出300多首诗。她的英语老师美国人TOM,还尝试用英文把妞妞写的诗翻译出来。近日,妞妞的家人将其作品放到了西祠胡同上,引来众多网友的围观和讨论。 Niuniu 11 years old this year,,Just elementary school sixth grade,Despite her small age,But has written more than 300 poems.Her English teacher americans TOM,Also try to use English to niuniu poems translation.recently,Niuniu family will his works on the XiCiHuTong on,Draw many users of the onlookers and discussed.


11岁女孩写出300多首现代诗 11 year old girl write more than 300 first modern poetry


The little girl named little girl,Small eyes,Red face...With their peers than girls,She didn't have any difference.For her parents in founded in the blog,The reporter sees,Little one write poems can be really many!Content is rich,Have the natural scenery,Have the thinking about life,There are even understand the polluted situation of nanjing and writing improvisational poem[stars]("The all over the sky stars/when to have been forgotten/lost cloud/let's forget oneself busy").


"Little girl now write poems about more than 300 first."Niuniu Mr. WangJianGuo dad told reporters.


让孩子的思想飞一会儿 Let the child's thoughts fly for a while


Say to the girl wrote poems,Niuniu dad says very accidental."Is probably in November 2011 when the middle,She comes home from school at noon,Tell me she wrote a poem,name[Heart tears],Express the environmental concerns.After see,I'm surprised,Before that she had never written a poem,But little girl tell me,Is her own original.And ask me,Write well??I'm careful to tell her,Write very well,But it is difficult to stick to it.The little girl said this have what difficult,I for a while to write some,Results the noon,And she wrote three first."Niuniu dad recalled.


Although the little girl in the noon at one fell swoop wrote three poem,But she has a poem thinking for a whole week.The poem name is[Also have also no],She wrote in the poem:"also,The world what is/let,The load on a large/asked,Why are we born",Poetry full of philosophizing.Niuniu dad said:"She is very love reading,Reading quantity big,[Analects of Confucius]/[Lao tze]Such books are read."In the father seems to,Parents will give the child to encourage and assist,Don't immediately deny children,Want to let the child's thoughts fly for a while.


英语老师将她的诗再创作 The English teacher will her poetry creation again

  妞妞曾写下一首名叫《自由》的诗:“我喜欢风吹过的脸颊/我喜欢雨下过的头发/一切是那么自然/毫无遮拦/just one time/only one time/要的就是自由的自然。”在诗中,妞妞用了英文写作。妞妞爸告诉记者,妞妞的英语老师是自己的美国朋友,名叫Tom。“因为他不太懂中文,我翻译了妞妞的诗给他听,他听了之后,觉得非常好,就想用自己的方法对妞妞的诗再创作,让它符合英文诗歌的规范。目前已翻译了好几首。”妞妞爸说。妞妞爸向记者展示了一首《音乐旋律》,记者注意到,Tom的“翻译”多用祈使句,读起来很有韵律感,妞妞的家人也很喜欢Tom老师的二度创作。

Little girl had to write down a name[free]poems:"I like wind blowing on the cheek/I like the rain had hair/everything is so natural/no block/just one time/how many time/want is free nature."In the poem,Girl in English writing.Niuniu dad told reporters,Niuniu English teacher is their American friends,Named Tom."Because he doesn't understand Chinese,I translated niuniu poem to listen to him,He listened to the later,Feel very good,Want to use my own methods to niuniu poem creation again,Let it accord with the standard of English poetry.At present already translated several first."Niuniu dad said.Niuniu dad told reporters a show[Music melody],Reporter noticed,Tom's"translation"Multi-purpose imperative sentence,Read is a sense of rhythm,Niuniu family also like Tom the teacher's two degrees creation.


众网友评价不一 The net friend evaluation is differ

  妞妞的诗歌近日被妞妞爸放在了西祠胡同上,引发了众多网友的关注和讨论。有的网友认为妞妞的诗写得“真不错”,也有网友认为妞妞“少年老成”。对此,妞妞爸的解释是:“如果说早一些明白一些事理算是少年老成的话,我宁愿这样的老成。”当然,妞妞爸也承认妞妞写的诗“诗意太成人化”,但他觉得不是什么坏事。妞妞爸说,“我觉得在思想上我们需要同等来对待孩子,甚至我觉得我要向孩子学习”。妞妞爸希望通过这样的展示,让更多人来培养孩子自由创作的精神,培养孩子写作的真情实感。(扬子晚报记者 朱威)

Niuniu's poetry has been little girl dad on the XiCiHuTong on,Caused many users to concern and discussion.Some netizens think that niuniu poems written"It's good",Also netizens think that little girl"An old head on young shoulders".this,Niuniu dad explanation is:"If the early some understand some reason is an old head on young shoulders words,I would rather this old."Of course,Niuniu dad also acknowledged that niuniu poems"Poetry too ChengRenHua",But he felt that is not what a bad thing.Niuniu dad said,"I think we need to equal in the thought to treat children,Even I think I'm going to learn from your child".Niuniu dad hope that through this exhibition,Let more people to cultivate children free creation spirit,Cultivate children to writing the true feelings.(Yangzi evening news reporter ZhuWei)
