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小威在北京大学 黄箭峰摄 ZhuangXiaoWei HuangJianFeng perturbation in Beijing university
  庄小威 1972年出生于江苏省如皋县,1987年毕业于苏州中学的科大少年班预备班,1991年,获得中国科学技术大学物理学学士,1997年,她获美国加州大学伯克利分校物理学博士,1997年至2001年于斯坦福大学攻读博士后。作为年仅40岁的女性,庄小威在科学殿堂里取得的成就令人瞩目,她34岁成为哈佛的化学和物理双学科正教授,是哈佛物理系和化学系少有的双科教授,她在哈佛大学建立了自己的实验室,还是霍华德·休斯医学研究所的研究员,2012年5月1日,她当选为美国国家科学院院士。 ZhuangXiaoWei was born in 1972 in jiangsu rugao county,In 1987, he graduated from the university ShaoNianBan suzhou middle school to prepare class,In 1991,,Get B.S. in physics, university of science and technology of China,In 1997,,She was the United States physics, university of California, Berkeley,From 1997 to 2001 in a postdoctoral at Stanford university.As the only 40 years old of women,ZhuangXiaoWei in scientific institution in the achievements of the remarkable,She 34 years old become harvard both chemical and physical discipline full professor,Is harvard department of physics and chemistry department rare double department professor,She teaches at Harvard University set up their own laboratory,Or Howard hughes medical institute researchers,On May 1, 2012,She was elected to the national academy of sciences.


By Beijing university"DaXueTang top scholars lecture plan"invited,August 21,Chinese-american biophysicist ZhuangXiaoWei in Beijing university professor made a good report.


The report,She pku students to frank about his life science,And her understanding of how to study and explore,Let people understand the international top scholars state of a scholar,At the same time,Also on the students/Scholars and academic learning how to do well with very good inspiration.


不考100分可能会更好 Do not take an examination of 100 points may be better


ZhuangXiaoWei grew up like physics,The basic study stage around their interest in turn,After the university study of physics,"Really think physical very, very beautiful,Very rigorous,Is to my taste,Don't cram,Pay attention to logical reasoning,A series of down,Understand the also all learned."There was a time,Her interest in physics to almost morbid,"Every law all want to put it through thoroughly with Fletcher,clearly,A little detail is refused to let go,That four mechanics every door took an examination of 100 minutes."


This year in ZhongKeDa legend story,For more than 20 years after its creator is not identity."now,I do not agree with every door want to take an examination of 100 points.In fact,I at that time to 100 points are not interested,Just want to understand a lot of knowledge,so,Spend a lot of time to get every subject took an examination of 100 minutes.Now my advice is don't have to take an examination of 100 points,Maybe not take an examination of 100 points better,Because from 95 to 100 points is not increased by 5% effort can,But a lot of a lot of extra effort.Now the boundaries of knowledge so wide,We pay more attention to cross discipline,This is the most easy to place new achievements,Take time to learn something,For we are more help.so,A scholar don't must pursue perfect,The pursuit of perfect sometimes would be a waste of time."


but,today,She is highly recognized in her ZhongKeDa ShaoNianBan learning."The biggest advantage is very free,Want to learn what school class what class,Completely by their interest in learning,This kind of free elective way formed I don't have many limitations way of thinking."


不要轻易相信前人的观点 Don't believe that the former point of view


ZhuangXiaoWei when in university of California, Berkeley,From ShenYuan physicist professor soil,Professor shen in the 1990 s has ever elected to a U.S. art and academy of sciences/The national academy of sciences.


"Mr. Shen strong influence on me,He taught me how to do scientific research.At that time I just graduated from the university,Unlike now students university are encouraged to do scientific research,creative.I at that time is reading this,Think every book teaching are all right,A promotion,Professor said is right,Another promotion,All out of the paper are right.In fact,So I have a lack of things is to doubt,Also it is easy to no longer have innovation and creativity."ZhuangXiaoWei recalls.


"Shen was taught me is don't believe any previous conclusions,Including themselves before the conclusion of a period of time,For questions to repeated proof,To prove himself is probably wrong,Even if the last prove basically nothing wrong,Also cannot say that is a truth,Can only say that it is very close to the truth."


"If you want to own the result is right,Even the subconscious mind let their own results into right,This is a very dangerous to do the scientific method.Dare to doubt,Especially dare to doubt yourself,Even last year I published a paper,This year prove that it was wrong,Then don't dare not touch it,Dare not to let others know I was wrong,Don't be afraid to,Can prove that he is wrong is a very great things.I learn from Mr. Shen is a kind of suspicion,A kind of rigorous method,And not some of the detail of the knowledge."


做学问要切忌虚荣和浮躁 A scholar to avoid by all means is vanity and fickleness


Dr. ZhuangXiaoWei after graduation,In ShenYuan soil professor encouraged started looking for faculty,Did not think of Stanford university to she put out the olive branch."I was almost to the Stamford admission,Academic committee a professor even phoned me.I was especially happy,Feel pretty great.But after two days,The professor notice because I didn't do postdoctoral,They also say that there are defects,Don't hired me.I cried all day,Very sad.Then think about the sad part is a vanity do mischief,I don't think life is a great opportunity to have no,But my classmates just ran to Stanford to become a member,I appeared is Stamford professor,I'm much more severe than they,I really think this is a kind of vanity.But after that,I still had a very, very right decision,I'm calling to tell other want to give me teaching school,I wasn't ready,Then the static under heart comes in Stamford made 3 years postdoctoral."


ZhuangXiaoWei said,Now it seems,Dr. If she after graduation work immediately,It is absolutely wrong."Because I at that time more confusion,I am not very clear I want to do something,I was want is the professor's title,I even professors do what all don't know.And I did postdoctoral three years later,Feel when looking for a job is completely different,I know that I want to do,And I know I can do it."ZhuangXiaoWei said,She wanted to own personal experience to share a experience,This is don't fickleness,Don't be impatient,Do not be eager to hope for success,Don't get rich quick,To very patient doctoral and postdoctoral,Use that time to the accumulation of knowledge,Accumulate experience,Accumulation method,The most important thing is accumulated thought,This to a scholar how to do well in the future learning is very important.


ZhuangXiaoWei said,Her postdoctoral tutor in this respect to give her a very good inspiration."He often says,No more happy than postdoctoral stage,Don't need to think about other things,Only to do is learning,Why should we choose this road?Because we love a scholar,Since we love a scholar,Why not use this very good chance a scholar?This is very reasonable,I want to postdoctoral students said,Postdoctoral not gold-plated,Not teacher want let you help a dry years work,You want to is it successful,But this is a very crucial stage,Let you accumulate,Let you ready to."


不追求短期出成果的东西 Do not pursue the short-term results of things


ZhuangXiaoWei said at Stanford university do the postdoctoral,And her most appetizing people is the famous Chinese physicists zhu,So she chose to zhu laboratory."I don't want to do his thing,Do postdoctoral always want to do something new.I want to be a new direction,I will discuss with Mr. Zhu,He said why don't we do biological it.I said why not?"


In fact,At that time ZhuangXiaoWei on biological point to understand all have no,She even in college and didn't have repaired biological,Even the difference between DNA and RNA all don't know."I completely is a kind of ignorance and fearless feeling.Of course,Things won't be so simple,There are two years I what also do not come,Desperately want to find topics do,Looking for those questions are very boring,Very dull topic,Because I didn't understand the biological.I cried many times,The last bullet still persevered,Finally made some interesting things."


The so-called"Interesting things",Is she use her solid physical strength,Led research team development super-resolution microscope technology,Identifying the individuals virus particles into the mechanism of the cells,Using single molecular technology from essentially study nucleic acid and protein interaction,She had taken by a single pieces of common cold virus affect how a gold cell,It is the first time scientists record to this process.


ZhuangXiaoWei said:"This process told me to do things is to persevere,Don't give up,To adhere to the,Will not afraid difficulty of it,Be patient,Don't go for that kind of short-term can the achievement of things."At this point,She from famous chemist/biophysicist,And Harvard University professor/American academy of sciences XieXiaoLiang learned a lot,"He often will use 4 years or even longer time to do a research,He found himself to do the wrong things,Also don't give up,To begin to do,so,Persistence is a very important thing,His success is sure a very important element,For I also is of great significance."


做学问不应是为拿诺贝尔奖 A scholar should not is to take the Nobel Prize


Summary himself in the study on the experience of along the way,ZhuangXiaoWei think there are five important factors achievement today she.


"The first,Undivided attention do one thing.I just want to do since the childhood scientists,Because it's about province,No outside interference,One-track mind want to do knowledge will do,This a great help to me,Undivided attention do one thing it is difficult to do bad."


"The second,To have a very long very forward-looking vision,This is a decision you finally make achievements of big and small,Don't think can only do such a thing,Can't do things like that.In choosing topics,Don't be ShengLaYingChe manufacturing a topic,Although not rule out a few people have eye found that some other people have not thought of problem,but,Those a lot of people are in the care had not thought of ways to solve the problem,Also worth to study,And make the results will be of great significance."


"The third,Don't be afraid to do difficult things,Don't be afraid to do spend energy things,Don't pick up cheap to do.Covet petty gain is generally very short-sighted,You make things to achievements have limitations,Must be very gutty do innovative things,Although it may take time,Spend energy more some."


"The fourth,perserve,Be patient,To loneliness."


"The fifth,A little luck,I must say,I am very lucky."


When a student asked how she to the Nobel Prize and efforts,ZhuangXiaoWei answer a bit surprising."I don't want to efforts to the Nobel Prize,I think doing research first you like to do,Secondly the human a contribution,Do anything should not be for any an award to do,That is boring.so,This is definitely not my life planning."

  然而,人生的另一项“重大成果”却是让庄小威欣喜的。“有时候做学问也是有好处的,它还能给你带来幸福的生活,我认识了我的丈夫,不但如此,我们现在还有了一个两岁的女儿。很多女生有些害怕做科学,我想说幸福的家庭生活和做科学事业是不矛盾的,当然,是需要有牺牲,我经常觉得见女儿的时间少到让自己伤心,但是并不是说我没有享受到家庭的幸福。”(记者 王庆环)

however,The life of another one"Major achievements"But let ZhuangXiaoWei delighted."Sometimes a scholar is also good,It can also bring you happiness of life,I met my husband,Not only so,We now have a two year old daughter.A lot of girls some be afraid of doing science,I want to say happy family life and do scientific career is not contradictory,Of course,Is the need to have to sacrifice,I often feel see daughter less time to let oneself sad,But is not to say that I didn't enjoy the happiness of the family."(Reporter WangQingHuan)
