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奥数班换“科学实践”马甲 教材基本选自原先课本--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  开学前夕,市教委叫停与升学挂钩的奥数竞赛培训,并明确至10月31日,全市所有涉及奥数的培训将暂停。记者昨日走访多家培训机构,发现原有的奥数班均已不见,不过却冒出许多名称不一的数学班,教材也与原先的奥数课本有着千丝万缕的联系。 On the eve of the,Municipal education commission called entrance and tie the Olympic math competition training,And clearly to October 31,,The city all involved in the training of mathematical olympiad will be suspended.Reporters yesterday visited several training institutions,Find the original Olympic math class have been missing,But many names from different mathematics class,Teaching materials and with the original Olympic math textbook are closely related.


奥数班改名称老师不变 Olympic math class change a name teacher unchanged


yesterday,Reporters visited first training school long silver outside the campus,Municipal education commission of the forbidden Mr Notice posted in striking place.When a reporter asked whether can sign up Olympic math classes,Front desk teacher says,The original new HuaShu thinking training have been revoked,"We are now training courses that scientific practice experimental class,Main exercise children scientific practice thinking ability."The children in the study here parents wang confirmed the teacher's words,"I am this year 6 month give children the new HuaShu aoshu second grade fall semester,Two days before the phone to school,Say to the children of the class renamed scientific practice experimental class,But the teacher constant/Class time/site/Divisions did not change."


And in the second reporter visiting home training school diabetes road campus,The place that take the door is hanging have write"Stand firmly for municipal education commission/Area education commission meeting decided"banners,Municipal education commission of the forbidden Mr Notice in the help desk and aisle are posted on the wall,There is no Olympic math class,Instead of the elementary school mathematics training course called"Mathematical thinking training".The child just here after class ROM lady also told reporters,The teacher or the original Olympic math teacher.


Only new Oriental children bubble declined reporter to the requirements of the Olympic math class.


教材先介绍大桥打掩护 Teaching material first introduce bridge cover


According to the foregoing two training school more than parents revealed,Children's teaching material form also change,"The original is hair textbooks,This year into hair printing notes."They offer from a teaching in the lecture notes,Reporter discovery,First few pages is introduced several Bridges in the world famous bridge."The teacher introduced,Because it is science practice experimental class,So have to add some natural science knowledge,But these contents in class the teacher didn't speak a word,Direct began math problem."The parents of the students ms. Wang said.


For teaching material contents,The first a training school front desk staff said:"Is the original textbook upgrade it,Content about,Send notes because the new textbooks hasn't come out,Play it by ear."While teachers revealed,The content of the lecture notes basic excerpts from the original Olympic math textbook.


While the second home training school teacher said:"And the original Olympic math textbooks have distinction,The main difficulty is reduced,Increased interest content".But reporters will be the second home training school second grade materials and the first a training school previous Olympic math teaching material contrast found,There are many examples/Exercises are almost the same,But in the end of the lecture notes increased"Small story"plate.


有家长担心禁奥令无效 Have parents worry about the forbidden Mr Make invalid


In reporter visited several training organizations,Working staff said,If parents dissatisfaction with the course adjustment,Can be unconditional refund.Parents of students in Mr. Zhao"See the education commission banned mathematical olympiad after provisions,Think it is good,Directly give the child a refund".

  不过,也有家长心里打鼓。家长王女士道出了顾虑:“‘禁奥’嚷了这么多年也没禁成,万一现在不让孩子上,过段时间风头一过,还得重新报名,反而耽误孩子。”(记者 费昕)

but,Also have parents heart beat a drum.Parents wang expressed concerns:"‘Forbidden Mr’Rang for so many years also didn't ban into,One thousand now, don't let the children,Over time the limelight,Still have to sign up afresh,Instead delay children."(Reporter FeiXin)


9:00 - 17:30