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工程博士发展走向令人忧虑 匆忙上马前程难料?--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  从今年9月1日开始,清华大学、北京大学等24所985高校与中国科学院大学试点招生培养工程博士。近日,中国青年报记者到部分985高校进行采访时发现,部分院校对此热情不高:有的研究生院负责人谈工程博士色变,有的研究生院领导对工程博士三缄其口,有的研究生院干脆反对采访工程博士的培养对象。 From this year on September 1st,Tsinghua university/Beijing university and other 24 985 universities and Chinese academy of sciences university pilot recruitment of students cultivate engineering doctor.recently,The China youth daily reporter to interview some 985 university found,This part of the colleges and universities enthusiasm is not high:Some of the graduate school about engineering doctor colour change,Some graduate school leadership to engineering doctor clam up,Some graduate school simply against interview engineering doctor education object.


"Some 985 college pilot recruitment of students/Admission engineering of dr,And application/Defense engineering doctor pilot unit case far away from each other.The realization of the country cultivates future engineering technology leading talents and expected goal,In your heart all has no bottom."About 985 university graduate school officials said.


申请答辩时间过短,一些学校临时抱佛脚 Apply for defense time too short,Some schools cram for


By the end of July,Dr education project declaration of the pilot units held in Beijing.When the applicant school many,For engineering technology leading talents understanding and appeals each are not identical.Beijing some 985 university graduate school person in charge told the China youth daily reporter:"From the receipt of the notification to apply for defense,Before and after only two months time.Some schools cram for,Fill in the application materials,Organization defense team."


The chief discloses graduate school,March 30,,The state council XueWeiBan/Ministry of science and technology major special office in Beijing railway building held the college enterprise.Hold different comments at the scene very fierce quarrel,The effect to sell at a discount greatly.


A famous Beijing 985 university graduate school person in charge said,The state council XueWeiBan/Ministry of science and technology major projects office officials talk concept and content are all right,But in 985 the impromptu answer the question,They have a new term,Let some assume national science and technology major special enterprise hear heads or tails,disappointment.


In the college enterprise the field,South China a university graduate school officials said:"Our school enrolment engineering/Training for a job well done,The leaders as a typical requirements for publicity,Hope the central media attention and support."


Engineering enrolment/Admission and training work has not yet started,The typical and experience from?Our correspondent to the college graduate school officials call,Hope I can interview.The person in charge to start in the field for business trip,Refuse to introduce engineering doctoral typical experience.After a few comments after communication,Each other honestly:"Have difficulty,All have no fixed.At present no experience,Later after the mature say."


"Dr engineering and engineering technology leading talent not by the out,But need to settle/Down-to-earth dry out."Tongji university, vice President of the graduate school ChenYuGuang said,The practice of don't know how many problems to to explore/crack.


工程博士缺乏培养保障机制或成无本之木 Dr engineering lack of culture safeguard mechanism or to like


From the engineering doctor has public information to see,In addition to the state council degree committee in the 28th meeting of the review[Engineering doctor degree of design scheme]Dr. And engineering professional degree-conferring units outside the list,When to start to recruit students/How to recruit students there was no further clarifying the guidance document,Just allow each pilot unit independent operation.


Some 985 university graduate school vice President said:"We are a little like south university and at the beginning of the school situation.There is no clear before,Recruit engineering the doctor is called innovation,Or is defined as flounder?The fear of all day."


More let some pilot 985 universities think a catch in it is,The competent business department at a higher level disagreed:The said can be done,The but again said, etc.Pilot college in a dilemma,Don't know what should listen to the who.Some universities simply regardless of the opinions of the above,No matter whether recruit students code,In the name of the first engineering doctor recruit come in again.


Part of the pilot 985 university graduate school to cultivate talents in the direction of the same opinion:"The school will combine to engineering doctor take personalized/The "order" cultivating."


but,Participate in engineering doctoral degree set research and demonstration of a person in charge expressed concern:


First of all,In the engineering of interdisciplinary doctor tutor team,Who will play the leading role/Bear the burden of the chief supervisor?The present universities teacher the reality of the situation is:One boy is a drink,Two monks carry water to drink,Three boys are no water to drink.Cultivate engineering doctor and cultivating academic as dr,Let all should be clearly distinguished,Lane is bad to failed who shall not be culture responsibility.


secondly,And the hundreds of academic group compared with dr,Pilot 985 university would like to for 5 to 10 unequal"Small the change"Dr engineering for big investment/Spend big energy training,Also playing on a question mark.


The third,If the pilot 985 college engineering doctor tutor team is only take it as a common work to grasp,Or a power to charity words,It is easy to appear the perfunctory or to enterprise rent-seeking phenomenon.


The fourth,education/The administrative department of science and technology and guide attitude is very important.Related department bureau people if dr engineering as a dispensable work with words,Pilot unit will lose reform and innovation of pressure and power.


工程博士发展走向令人忧虑 Dr engineering development trend worrisome


According to the relevant person in charge said,The state council degree committee vote in establishment of engineering doctor when professional degree,Agree with ticket and non only one vote short.In order to reform China's higher education personnel training mode,Cultivate engineering technology leading talents,The social from all walks of life to the reform measures of expectations.


"Dr engineering training must emphasize high-quality goods line,Cannot blindly expand,Can't break it degree set purpose."Has been to participate in national engineering doctor demonstration of tsinghua university graduate school training office director LiuHuiQin repeatedly stressed its point of view.


Central China university of science and technology graduate school FengZheng standing vice President also hold the same view,Central China university of science and technology this year only recruits the eight engineering doctor.


But this is only the pilot college unilateral opinion.


In fact,211 university call pilot training engineering doctor voice is more and more strong.According to 985 university graduate school chief introduction,In setting up engineering doctoral degree research demonstration work,A university in Beijing to participate in a lot of work,Finally released pilot units failed accident,Reason is 985 university.


Part has not been included in the pilot 985 universities and 211 university defended for this,Up and down and integration of resources,Finalists for the pilot.


According to the analysis,The engineering doctor pilot range of enlarging trend is more and more obvious.On 25 May 2011 the state council XueWeiBan notice requirements is established about 20 school of the first batch of pilot unit,In the same year on October 18 to 25 pilot unit reach home,To expand the scope for the next step left policy cut.

  中部一所985高校研究生院负责人说,社会舆论应该关注两条底线。一条底线是,招收的对象必须是承担国家科技重大专项企业的技术骨干,防止官员为戴博士帽走捷径;另一条底线是,如果三到五年后,试点单位培养的工程博士不能适应社会需求,国务院学位办能否做到可进可退。(记者 李剑平)

The central a 985 university graduate school officials said,Public opinion should focus on two line.A bottom line is,Enrolling object must be undertake national science and technology major special enterprise's technical backbone,Prevent officials wore for BoShiMao short-cut;Another line is,If three to five years later,Pilot unit training engineering doctor can not adapt to the social needs,The state council XueWeiBan whether you can do it in to retreat.(Reporter LiJianPing)
