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尴尬+无奈 湖南高校频现“公主班”“全男班”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

长沙学院2012级旅游管理专业男生很少,几乎成了“女儿国”。戴惠强 Changsha college level 2012 professional tourism management of boys seldom,Almost became"Girl country".DaiHuiJiang
  “全班男生出列!”军训教官一声令下,只见队伍里2名男生静悄悄地站了出来,女生们顿时笑成一团。这样“滑稽”的一幕,就发生在中南林业科技大学2012级外国语学院英语专业的一个班级中。 "The boy break the ranks!"Military training instructor gave the order,The team two boys quietly standing out,The girls laugh immediately into a ball.this"funny"scene,Occurs in the central south forestry university of science and technology level 2012 institute of foreign languages English professional a class.


Such a phenomenon,Universities in hunan province 2012 freshmen class appeared frequently,if:Hunan university level 2012 mechanical design, manufacturing and automation of a class of 29 students,Only three girls;Changsha college Chinese language and literature major a class and individual,Only six boys;Central south university institute of electrical and mechanical engineering is almost entirely"uniform"Of boys.so,Someone will most of the students are girls/Few boys class,called"Princess class";The boy make up a large proportion/You cannot see the girl's class,Is called"All male class".


“全男班”的无奈 "All male class"helpless


举行晚会时男生反串女生 When a party FanChuan boy girl


Language class faculty is easy to appear the girls in number of overwhelming boy,But science and engineering departments is opposite.Hunan university machinery and vehicle engineering institute,is"Green congzhong is red".To level 2012, for example,Partial 503 students,Only 66 girls,The average class only two to three girls.Zhongnan forestry university of science and technology as well as civil engineering specialty,87 students boys as many as 79 people.


In the engineering,Make all kinds of activities"labor"Nature is not missing,But there are also the puzzled."Every time make activities held the party,We'll head big,Few girls can't afford to support the program a party.Sometimes there is no way,Had to FanChuan by the boy."Zhongnan forestry university of science and technology of the civil engineering department of Yang Ming said,"There is a school held a basketball game,Some system have‘Basketball baby’,We have only envy of a."


In the engineering,Due to the less girl,Often language class faculty of girl enjoy less than welfare."The class girl by comparison the boy take care of.The last time the girl quarter,We also collective to our class girl sent a bunch of flowers."Yang Ming said.In addition,More than the male female less college,The girl when community cadres and the class cadre relatively easy to some.


but,Science and engineering professional girls have not convenient place."The beginning,In class in the class is very uncomfortable.Although I was learning of science,But the girl didn't so little.Now boys around so much,Sometimes it is not convenient."Changsha institute civil engineering professional Lou tsuen wan said,She is the only girl in the class,There is a time in the classroom,Physiological period to the,There were no one can help her.


“公主班”的难处 "Princess class"difficulty


搞活动时没有“劳动力” Make no activity"labor"


Hunan normal university institute of foreign languages is almost"The girl hold up the whole sky".Hunan normal university has been boy less than girls,But the proportion of men and women to the foreign language college of 1:10,Or a few.This year,Hunan normal university institute of foreign languages were recruit students 336,The boy only 30,Even 1: the proportion of 10 have not reached.


Proportion between men and women,Boy as"Jia baoyu"Do not fully are happy things,There are still a lot"Feel sad history".CaoYe is hunan normal university sophomore English majors of a boy,The whole class and individual,Only three boys.At the beginning points when the bedroom,He had to and other class of boys share together.In sports class,Because of too little number,They can only be assigned to other professional"Big forces"in,"Playing basketball is the most let a person swirly,We have to wait until other class didn't class to gather together register number."In discussing the class activities,They almost no voice,"Usually girls say where to go,do,We can only follow to go in.If we don't go to,And there is no labor to mention thing."He helplessly said.


Although the foreign language college of girls"monopoly"The voice,But they also have difficulty,Especially in the physical work,Because the class little boys,Even if all participate in labor also insufficient,So the girl also had to when the boys.


similar,Other universities in the Chinese class departments also have"Yin flourishes while Yang declines"phenomenon,Such as changsha college Chinese language and literature major level 2012 a class there are 22 girls,But only four boys.Due to long life in the girls group,Foreign language class and Chinese class faculty of a few boys disposition also has a YinRouQi shares,"May be we has assimilated it,Always feel that our class the boy is not a gentleman,Some still very empress gas."Changsha college Chinese language and literature major senior student humic sighed.


原因 reason


受了传统就业观念的影响 By the traditional employment idea influence


"Princess class"and"All male class"appear,And the high school stage's liberal arts branch/"Male theory,Female literature"Fixed thinking and traditional employment idea of men and women and division of labor standard not relationship.


For college appear"Princess class"and"All male class"phenomenon,Hunan academy of deputy inspector direction that the new professor,Professional attributes and professional characteristics to a certain extent determines the reason that cause this phenomenon."undeniable,Engineering class specialized to logical thinking the demand is high,Need careful thinking and strong practical ability,The boy may be more good at this hand.instead,The girl language talent and good than boys."


When the branch,According to the fixed thinking,Most of the boys will choose to science,Most girls will choose liberal arts,This is the college professional part in partial masculine or partial feminine buried the"foreshadowing".And some parents also think boys to learn science,It is easier to find a job;Girls learn liberal arts,The future teachers engaged in/Clerk class work not too hard.In addition,The current unit of choose and employ persons in hiring still mainly traditional concept of men and women and division of labor as the standard,It must also influences on the part of students for professional choice.


争议 dispute


高考要不要分性别划录取线 The university entrance exam to don't points gender stroke admission line


This year,Some universities admission time gender scratched admission line,And fractional line obvious since male low,Such as the recent media exposure of renmin university of China minority language professional/Shanghai international studies university and other many well-known universities part of the professional,Especially minority language and art class specialized,In approve ahead of schedule admit when common points gender to cast archives phenomenon.


Test with different points,This phenomenon in society caused the widespread dispute.Some people think that it is alleged discrimination against women,Against education fair.The other day,In guangzhou before WenDa four girl with"Shave their heads"Extreme behavior,Expressed points gender delimit the university entrance exam to admit fractional line dissatisfaction.One of the sponsors OuYangLe activities(alias)think,Girls and boys are after more than 10 years of swot to attend the university entrance exam,Take an examination of different points with the phenomenon is not reasonable.this,Have the response,This is due to a foreign language class part of minority language professional imbalance;The second is due to the specific career professional development environment more suitable for men.In order to ensure higher education the gender balance and guarantee the employment rate,The school adopted to improve female admission criteria/Limit for the practice of women.The ministry of education also responded said:"Based on the national interests,For some special industries or post special professional personnel training,According to the specific program,A few schools part of professional men and women can be properly adjusted recruitment of students scale.But the school needs to recruit students in the articles of association shall be express,At the same time should strictly control the increase of enrollment."


专家观点 Expert view


改变择业固定思维是关键 Change careers fixed thinking is the key


"Princess class"and"All male class"In colleges and universities appeared frequently of,Natural causes relevant professional and professional sex limitations,Especially like Japanese/Spanish this kind of minority language professional,Already there is a whole feminine trend.With teachers' professional as an example,At present, from kindergarten to high school teachers team,More than seventy percent of female teachers,Even many science teacher are female.Media industry is also so,Because learning media professional boy less and less,Some fear could lead to future TV show partial feminine.


"Men and women university students in the same class won't boring."Psychological experts say,family/Schools and society in certain proportion relationship between men and women.When the surrounding environment when gender is relatively single,Will to student's mental health and personality development impact.Some studies have suggested that,The female and the male contact time more,The law of period will appear more normal.The girl up more,The boy to participate in extracurricular activities enthusiasm corresponding will improve,The campus activities will be more rich and colorful.


Direction opinions:"In fact,Not the girl logic thinking ability than boys will be weak,Or the boy language talent must be better than girls difference.To change the phenomenon of imbalance between men and women,Change people to choose professional and the career of the fixed thinking is the key."


"The university entrance exam stressed in the memory more questions,The girl in this more advantages."Some experts think the,College entrance examination should be more open thinking and investigation expressive force/Creative subject,Instead of blindly on knowledge points by rote/Declarative topic.

