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残疾娃倒立上学 四川宜宾整合医疗资源帮医治--亲稳舆论引导监测室

残疾娃倒立上学 四川宜宾整合医疗资源帮医治 小玉宏和好友赵松在一起。 Jade macro and good friends ZhaoSong together. 残疾娃倒立上学 四川宜宾整合医疗资源帮医治 这条道路硬化后,小玉宏上学将更方便。 The road after hardening,Jade macro school will be more convenient.


West China city reading reports for three consecutive days"Inverted boy"After YanYuHong deeds,Cause extensive attention of the whole society.ShenCanZhiJian of"Inverted boy YanYuHong",Become yibin city youth inspirational typical.His spirit,Embodies the ceaseless self-improvement"Yibin spirit",And further enrich and rich"Yibin spirit"connotation.yesterday(19,Similarly hereinafter),Yibin secretary of municipal committee of the CPC YangDongSheng special make instructions:For small jade macro life study create better conditions.


“倒立男孩”让人钦佩 "Inverted boy"Let a person admire

  屏山县屏山镇10岁男孩颜玉宏因患小儿麻痹症,行动不便,为了上学,他不得不采用多种形式走路:倒着走、爬着走、拄着拐杖走。路上有很多小石子,手磨痛了,他就把鞋子套在手上继续走,实在走不动了才让奶奶背。颜玉宏的励志故事经华西城市读本报道后,受到全国关注,网友称其励志故事对小朋友和 90 后有很大的鼓舞作用,这种自强不息的精神值得所有人学习。

Pingshan county pingshan town 10 years old boy YanYuHong for polio,Action inconvenience,In order to go to school,He had to use a variety of forms to walk:Going backwards/Climb to walk/Walk on crutches.The road there are many small stones,Hand grinding hurt,He put the shoes set on the hands go on,Really can't walk anymore just let grandma back.YanYuHong inspirational story of the west China city after reports reader,By national attention,Net friend say its inspiring stories to children and 90 have a lot of inspiration role,This self-improvement spirit is worth all people learning.


YanYuHong ShenCanZhiJian of inspiring story,Also deeply touched yibin secretary of municipal committee of the CPC YangDongSheng."Jade macro ShenCanZhiJian,Strive constantly for self-improvement spirit moving and admiration."YangDongSheng said.


杨冬生专门为他作批示 YangDongSheng specifically for his instructions


Yesterday morning,Yibin secretary of municipal committee of the CPC YangDongSheng specialized YanYuHong deeds make instructions:Jade macro ShenCanZhiJian,Strive constantly for self-improvement spirit moving and admiration,Has caused the national repercussions,Thank the social from all walks of life to jade macro care,The city and pingshan county for jade macro life study create better conditions.


Yibin municipal party committee propaganda department said:"Inverted boy"YanYuHong get DongSheng secretary concern/encourage/sympathy,Leadership love action affirmation"YanYuHong spirit".At the same time,This spirit,To further enrich and rich"Yibin spirit"connotation,Fully embodies the yibin municipal party committee/The municipal government attention livelihood of the people/Encourage self-improvement.


整合医疗资源 让“倒立男孩”早日站起来 Integrated medical resources let"Inverted boy"Early stand up


"Inverted boy"The YanYuHong moved all the people,Yibin from all walks of life have been a helping hand.yesterday,The communist youth league secretary of municipal committee of the CPC LiuYi yibin/Deputy secretary of high fruit a line,For YanYuHong to raise $12000 aid love.At the same time,Also the coordination, yibin city a hospital medical volunteers to detailed physical examination.LiuYi said,"New age zhang haidi"YanYuHong is build a better new yibin city spirit embodiment,Will put him as outstanding young pioneers of typical propagandize.


全面检查可能完全脱离拐杖 Overall check may be completely out of crutches


At noon yesterday,The communist youth league secretary of municipal committee of the CPC LiuYi yibin/Deputy secretary of high fruit a line,Drove to pingshan county pingshan town YanYuHong home,For he brought to raise ten thousand yuan love salvage money.At the same time,Pku also links the yibin city a hospital volunteer service station medical volunteers,For YanYuHong do comprehensive physical examination.


"I want to read,The biggest wish is to stand up."Jade macro to LiuYi expressed his wish.It is understood,Jade macro needs several major operations,To completely from crutch,But there are more than 20 operation costs ten thousand yuan of gap.LiuYi said:"We will integrate the medical resources,Through the timely surgery and rehabilitation therapy,As far as possible to help him truly stand up."


The next,Pku will coordinate city a hospital volunteer service station,To medical help.At the same time,To YanYuHong later learn salvage formulate special scheme,Organization social donation supporting.At present,YanYuHong has been wine volunteers into a recent period"Looking for yibin most in need of help"Action of rescue object,And yibin ChunMiao student volunteers has set up a file in the online open project web page collection love dedication.


尽心帮扶组织心理抚慰帮助 Supporting organization with psychological comfort to help


YanYuHong school group donated for the central and the hope primary school,This year YanYuHong read grade four,Is a young pioneer,At present the academic record outstanding,Disposition optimistic and cheerful.In social love people eager for YanYuHong making donations at the same time,Pku are actively thinking about how to do more for his future more appropriate planning,Phases in a planned way to let small jade macro effectively supporting.


LiuYi said,Will contact with YanYuHong volunteers helping,In ShangXiaXue way escort/In after-school tutoring/In the life love he.And determined the city youth psychological consultation association psychological volunteers regularly for YanYuHong do psychological comfort,Let jade macro to recognize his no different from others.


榜样力量号召少先队员向他们学习 Example power called for the young pioneers to learn from them


"Jade macro ShenCanZhiJian/Industry learn/The arduous struggle/Strive constantly for self-improvement,Build a better is new yibin city spirit embodiment,He is‘New age zhang haidi’."LiuYi said,Will the YanYuHong as outstanding young pioneers of typical propagandize.And their classmates ZhaoSong,Begins from one grade has been shuttle jade macro ShangXiaXue,In the break is back to the bathroom,is"The new age of small lei feng".


"We will calls on the whole city to the young pioneers‘New age zhang haidi and small lei feng’learning."LiuYi said.


In that YanYuHong father want to grow after walnut,LiuYi said,Will give its provide youth small business loans,The custom of tutor YBC venture to him to help support,Help to improve his family economic condition.


榜样力量新时代张海迪 Example power new age zhang haidi


Yibin city of disabled persons' federations ZhangMin in see jade macro said:You this kind of ShenCanZhiJian spirit has touched many people,I hope you can in so many uncle aunt/Brother elder sister care health thrive,At the same time must insist on his own ideal,Good good study,exercise,Become a useful talents for the society.


ZhangMin at the scene also to jade macro family and media conveyed ZhongCanLian chairman zhang haidi and director of sichuan province disabled persons' federations heavy pay for small jade macro encouragement:"Jade macro is very strong children,He this school spirit is worthy of our learning model,Disabled persons' federations at all levels must jade macro children in life and learning to give maximum help and encouragement,Let the child can study well,Healthy growth."


Jade macro after listening to these words after,Seriously location head said:Will keep fighting,Will live up to everyone's expectations.

  张敏说,小玉宏就是新时代的张海迪,他的故事将感动和激励无数小朋友。(华西城市读本记者 陈淋 刘丹)

ZhangMin said,Jade macro is a new era of zhang haidi,His story will be touched and motivate countless children.(West China city reader reporter Chen tube separately)

  (华西都市报 华西城市读本 陈淋 刘丹)

(West China city of west China city newspaper reader Chen tube separately)
