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  中新网9月21日电据美国《侨报》报道,为了吸引更多能帮助美国发展的高科技人才,联邦参议员舒默18日在纽约宣布一项名为“头脑法案”(BRAINS Act)的全新移民提案,如果通过,每年将为来自各国的理工科留学生提供5.5个绿卡名额,这一名额将不受国别限制,完全视美国企业的需求和毕业生自身的条件而定,本科毕业生亦可申请。另外,理工科领域的留学生申请来美签证时,也无需再证明自己没有移民倾向。

Beijing on September 21, according to the United States[qiaobao]reports,In order to attract more can help the development of high-tech talent,Federal senator schumer 18, in New York announced a name"Mind act"(BRAINS Act)New immigration bill,If through the,Every year for science and engineering students from many countries provide 5.5 green card number,This number will not be allocated limit,Fully apparent American enterprise needs and graduates own terms and conditions,Graduates can apply for.In addition,In the field of science and engineering application for international students in the United States visas,Also need not prove himself not immigration tendency.

  作为美国国会参院移民委员会主席的舒默当地时间18日在纽约合作组织总裁Kathryn Wylde以及多位科技界人士的陪同下,在科技企业孵化组织New York General Assembly的纽约总部召开新闻发布会,称美国针对科技人才的移民政策已经完全不适应社会的需要,新的“头脑法案”将彻底改变这一局面。

As the congress of the United States senate immigration committee chairman of the local time schumer 18, in New York cooperation organization President Kathryn Wylde and more scientific and technological circles personage, accompanied by,In science and technology enterprise incubation organization New York General Assembly held a news conference to New York headquarters,Says the United States for scientific and technological personnel immigration policy has not adapt to the needs of society,The new"Mind act"Will completely change the situation.

  舒默引述自己接触过的科技界人士和一份“城市未来研究中心(Center for an Urban Future)”的报告称,目前阻碍纽约乃至全美科技企业发展的最大障碍便是顶尖科技人才的缺乏,美国现行的移民和签证政策根本无法适应科技界对于人才的需求,以至于谷歌这样的公司不得不把一些研发中心设在加拿大。“美国在培养全世界最聪明、最优秀的人才,而当这些人资历成熟,掌握了他们所学领域的技能时,我们却把他们踢走,这完全没有道理。我们应当鼓励每一个聪明的、受到良好教育的移民留在美国,在这里开办企业,创造财富,雇用员工,促进我们的经济增长。修复我们已经破损的绿卡体系将有助于确保下一个eBay、Google、英特尔不会产生自上海、班加罗尔(印度)或者伦敦。”

Schumer quoted his contact with the scientific and technological circles personage and a"The future urban research center(Center for an Urban Future)"Report says,At present in New York and across the United States the biggest obstacle of the development of science and technology enterprises is the lack of top science and technology talents,The United States the current immigration and visa policy can't adapt to the scientific and technological circles in the demand for qualified personnel,That Google this company had to put some r&d center located in Canada."The United States in the world's most intelligent cultivation/The most outstanding talents,And when these people qualifications mature,Master what they learn skills in the field of,We have them play go,It makes no sense.We should encourage every clever/With a good education immigration to stay in the United States,Here to set up enterprises,Create wealth,Hire employees,To promote our economic growth.Repair we have damaged the green card system will help to ensure that the next eBay/Google/Intel won't produce from Shanghai/bangalore(India)Or London."


Schumer and criticism congress many opposition migration senator,Refers to some members stubbornly opposed to immigration,Even if the applicant is Einstein they also don't want to give him a visa.therefore,Schumer called on all people,Especially science and technology industry,Be sure to oh his selection Congressman contact,Write to them,Calling on them to vote for the green card reform.

  根据舒默目前的提案,“头脑法案”将设立一个为期两年的实验项目,两年中,每年设立5.5万个绿卡名额,供拥有理工科(STEM)学位的留学生申请,本科生亦包括在内,没有国别配额限制。申请人和职业移民的程序一样,必须获得雇主支持并申请劳工证(PERM),同时所就读的院校必须拥有10年以上的历史,并被国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)列入研究型学术机构的名单。如果这一类别的绿卡当年没有用完,剩余名额将拨给普通的EB3或EB2类别的理工科技术人才。

According to the current proposal schumer,"Mind act"Will set up a two-year experimental project,Two years,Set up a year 55000 green card number,For science and engineering have(stem)Degree students apply for,Undergraduates are also included,No country quota restrictions.The applicant and professional immigration programs,Must obtain an employer support and apply for a work permit(PERM),At the same time in the colleges and universities must have 10 years of history,And by the national science foundation(National Science Foundation)Research on the list of academic institutions.If this kind of other green card the unused,Residual places will be distributed to ordinary EB3 or EB2 category of science and engineering technical personnel.


In addition,Bill will also be convenient countries in science and engineering students apply for visa,Need not prove himself not immigration tendency.At the same time,In order to help to get a green card of high-tech talent family reunion,The future always have green card holders for various reasons when repatriated,Will be for those who got the green card high-tech talent families of the automatic add a green card number,They faster family reunion.In the future, such as holding H1b visa temporary work technical talents in the update visas also need not departure renewal.


Schumer said,At present the house of congress also have a similar scientific and technological personnel green card proposal,But the proposal does not advocate green quota increase,And that will be the existing green card draw abolished,Move the quota to high-tech talent,At the same time,The house version also emphasize doctoral priority policy,Not eligible to apply for undergraduate students.Schumer said,The parties must also need to have a green card reform the concrete scheme of negotiations compromise,But once the end of the general election in November,Both the house and senate will vote on green card can reform,If through the,Act the fastest will be implemented next June.but,Schumer also again called on the people from all walks of life,Change their selection of lawmakers sent a letter,Promote the reform of their support for a green card.
