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三成大学生不满所学专业 报考只重学校牌子--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

漫画作者 李法明 The author LiFaMing cartoons
  尽管高校开学尚且不到一个月,但是连日来记者采访新生时,听到不少抱怨不喜欢自己所学专业的声音,在咨询高年级同学以及学校后,发现想换专业困难重重。 Although the universities have less than a month,But in recent days reporters when new,Hear many complain that don't like their major voice,After consultation with the senior students and school,Found that want to change major difficulties.


According to the education data consultation and appraisal institution Michael's investigation data,30% of the undergraduate students to apply what they learn professional dissatisfaction,And the other a relevant units of survey data, said 29.5% of the people are not satisfied with the selected his professional.


选错专业的代价 Choose the wrong professional cost


Now to the overseas to go to graduate school of wang nan,When the university entrance exam once intend to learn economic,But was himself was assigned to a liberal art class specialized.She said he was assigned to the don't like professional reason is too confident before the college entrance examination,Only pay attention to enter oneself for an examination on the first professional choice,While the second to the fifth professional is optional to fill in,The result is the back of the professional admission."Many of my classmates and me,Didn't test to the most ideal score,But not careful consideration‘Spare tire’professional,The result is the back of the professional still accepted."In order to turn professional in disguised form,Wang nan had to go abroad to read in undergraduate course graduation after the right of professional graduate student,But for this,She not only paid hundreds of thousands of yuan tuition cost,In a foreign country to use a foreign language to fill the undergraduate stage did not learn specialized knowledge.


For many years engaged in foreign students intermediary work zheng teachers were told reporters,Through the go abroad to go to graduate school to achieve the purpose of disguised turn professional,In fact also has a risk,Because some countries worry that students are turned professional"Immigration tendency",Then denied or after graduation is not willing to give a work visa.


And her classmates LiaoZhiJiang is taken another way"Turn professional"Answer read to attend the university entrance exam,But it also let him in after graduation from the university more misery."After working,I was the same with degree are big,Later came to ascend became age disadvantage.sometimes,Always want to,This value??"


According to media reports,Hubei zigui a girl in Beijing university philosophy professional studying two years later,For professional not satisfied,Turn professional fruit and drop out of school to participate in this year the university entrance exam,Results score was still less than 600 points.The name of the girl zigui encounter is not isolated cases,Wuhan last year a university had happened a textile majors for failing to turn professional,With more than 20 knife to self-mutilation extreme cases.


According to reporter understanding,At present most universities is not allowed during undergraduate study free conversion professional,A few allows students in two universities have condition turn professional,Not only allowed to turn professional very few places,For the students and one stage achievements have very strict requirements,And the students of the university entrance exam must achieve steering professional when admit fractional line,In addition to professional students,Usually also requires someone has to roll out,In order to keep the specialized graduation number of people not to admit more than when,In order to avoid unnecessary trouble when they graduate students bring.


But according to many college students reflect,Even with the number of individual turn professional,But also often useless,On the one hand is itself does not like to learn professional at the present stage,Ask for learn performance grade forefront to turn professional some"The loss outweights the gain",The second is partial of liberal arts/Economy class specialized steering partial science &engineering professional possibility is extremely low,"And the university entrance exam,Good professional everyone rob,Bad professional nobody want to turn away,Want to turn out is most welcome it."A subordinate college sophomore told reporters.


"Before the parent/teacher always said,Take an examination of what university decided to life,In fact now look at really is not so,Not many units will be because you're not which university graduate and don't you,But can because you do not learn the professional and don't you,After school through one's deceased father grind/Go abroad and in,But professional but to people for a lifetime."LiaoZhiJiang told reporters,"but,When I read the high,No one told me these,Teachers and parents know only push we 1 vigorously‘Silly do topic’,Never talk about life planning."


只重学校牌子不重专业 Heavy school brand not heavy professional


College students choose the wrong professional,And students and parents to professional does not understand very not relationship.In Beijing a high school teacher in charge work in the years of teacher zhang told reporters,She had suggested that parents,In eleventh grade summer let their children to oneself want to learn professional employment places to see,Experience life to the.


"If you want to learn financial,That went to consult a bank teller working condition,Because now undergraduate from grass-roots post bottom,Don't chew,Don't take for granted to professional,Think to learn the financial can when bankers,Run loan.If the child really feel later can accept this cabinet life,I just suggest he enter oneself for an examination."but,Teacher zhang found,His advice very few parents to hear,Parents only care about exam-oriented itself,Holidays are busy arrange children to make up a missed lesson,Too busy to attend to this professional experience.And many parents for professional understanding also take it for granted,Think that children learn what is in the future"What's",Never imagine the child after undergraduate course graduation may be engaged in different jobs at the grass-roots level and imagination.And when the students after the university entrance,From past life there that employment post after the situation,Often can therefore be disgusted,Requirements turn professional.


Heavy pressure to make the university entrance exam career planning from the examinee quite far away.forced,Their parents do it for someone else,Become the university entrance exam to enter oneself for an examination voluntary decision makers.


"Parents only care about the university entrance exam scores and children have to enter oneself for an examination university ranking and reputation,But ignore professional factors,It also ignores the child's own hobby.They only put on the university as the ultimate goal of the university entrance exam,But no considering,For most students it,Participate in college entrance examination,Reading university final way out is actually employment."Teacher zhang said.


The ministry of education GaoJiaoSi last September 14 issued[Professional undergraduate course of common colleges and universities directory(Revision revision)]in,Ordinary institutions of higher learning professional undergraduate admissions were quasi divided into 12 categories/94 professional class/469 professional,And in this revision before,Undergraduate enrollment is in accordance with the 1998 revision of the directory,Are divided into 11 categories/73 professional class/623 professional.


Multifarious professional list,Not only many students and parents don't know,Even some middle school teachers are hard to all familiar with."At the beginning of the time,There are a lot of professional we listen to have never heard of,Like what"National economic management"What is stem what of?And of science and engineering professional only professionals can understand,Such as the"Powder materials science and engineering",Where are we parents know what call powder?In fact most parents also can distinguish several categories,We asked the teacher in charge,The teacher in charge also don't understand."LiaoZhiJiang father told reporters.


Also have enterprise personnel department person in charge told reporters reflect,University some professional after divided carefully,Not too many similarities and differences,"A lot of professional actually out is a kind of work,Courses and knowledge structure are identical,Name too flicker people."


Even some students in after admission,Do not know you are going to study professional do.Wang nan's a classmate experience is more a"levels",She was communication professional after admission,Also once mistakenly assume that you want to study medicine, the,At the time the students put the news dissemination"spread",Misunderstanding of do the spread of disease"spread"the.


And in a teacher's class,Had parents suggested schools shall please some professional planners,For high school students staff planning,But interest in school is not big,On the one hand, because this has nothing to do with average college entrance examination,On the other hand is,The school also don't know in this respect,Which institutions more authority."There is also a reason is,High school is just grab the teaching,Don't want to help students plan professional,Because I was afraid of students choose the wrong,Regret later the,The school‘LaMaiYuan’."


高校的难言之隐 University of secret sorrow


The personage inside course of study tells a reporter,For university is concerned,Is difficult to open the door of free turn professional,Also has its own secret sorrow.On the one hand is hard to quantify examines student,Turn professional should consider student preferences,And to consider potential students,At the same time also must consider to students' academic level,Difficult to judge.Students' comprehensive quality are difficult to quantify,But if only depends on the result decided to turn professional or not,And repeat the university entrance exam again.And in turn professional process can't quantitative examination may bring drink.examination,TuoRenQing rent-seeking space, etc,In the may fair also let the universities stick out like a sore thumb.


In colleges and universities can't open turn professional channels on the other hand is the reason,If open turn professional,WenShiZhe and agriculture and forestry class these cold professional students may have struggled to turn popular major economic class, etc,Inevitably cause subject imbalance.


"In fact‘Take it as it comes’Also can yet be regarded as a kind of method."Now in a financial institution responsible for chemical class enterprise's financial services SunChen told reporters.She at once the university entrance exam to learn financial,The results are that the fifth sign up professional chemical professional admission,In order to be able to circle"Financial dream",Have to go abroad to go to graduate school.In looking for a job,SunChen found his"Cross major advantage"."Because my undergraduate course is to learn chemistry,So involved in chemical enterprise's financial services,I learn than purely financial professional many.Life is sometimes‘A blessing in disguise,Behind bad luck comes good luck’,Whatever you want to do after,Learn the professional is the most important,Opportunity to be there for those who are prepared."


The reporter understands,Even if the college entrance examination professional admission appear reform,At present also has a lot of realistic problems without solution.Key is,Should be through the for the efforts from all sides,In the high school stage began to cultivate students' career planning thinking.

  对此,亦有相关专家建议,高校可以用过开辟辅修、第二专业和国际合作等诸多方式,在现有客观条件下尽可能给予学有余力的学生,在本科阶段学习第二专业的机会,弥补高考时期的人生遗憾。而中学则应在高中阶段适度引入职业指导类课程,让学生更好地抉择未来的专业、未来的职业。(记者 赵昂)

this,Also have relevant expert advice,Universities can be used open minor/The second professional and international cooperation, and many other ways,In the existing objective conditions to learn as much as possible spare capacity of students,In the undergraduate stage learning a second professional opportunity,Make up for the university entrance exam period of life regret.And the middle school should be moderate in high school into the vocational guidance courses,Let students better choice future professional/My future career.(Reporter ZhaoAng)
