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留学主人公:唐兴华/美国西弗吉尼亚大学 Study abroad hero:TangXingHua/American West Virginia university


据理力争 多转了35个学分 Fight it out many turned 35 credits


TangXingHua is"halfway"Go abroad.His two freshman studying in domestic universities,Junior year into the West Virginia university.According to the regulations of the school,He a sophomore in domestic taken more than 100 credits,Can be in transfer synchronously away,If that goes through,Some discipline can even advanced standing.


but,Just turn to West Virginia college,The more than 100 credits after the professor's preliminary assessment,A starts only to give him forget it more than 30 credits.this,He can't helicopter junior,But to read from the two,Much take a year."My first two years is to build so many credits to the future is a smooth transition,If can only turn more than 30 credits,Would be lost,I just want to some measures."TangXingHua said.He took his two years of transcript and elaborate course description found evaluate credit professor,Through the communication and to review,Professors think small tang academic ability is good,There are a few course also and school course consistent,And he credits a reassessment.finally,His more than 100 credits be transformed into 71,Even a big learning philosophy foundation into corresponding philosophy credits,this,He successfully into junior."In foreign,The professor's power very often,So I can appeal success.Of course,I think another reason is that I can actively communicate with them,It is also a process of exercise."


“淘课” 需要学术顾问帮忙 "Tao class" Need to academic adviser for help

  初到美国,大学里的自由度让唐兴华大开眼界。“美国大学推行的是文理通识教学,最迟到大三确定专业。所有新生都要先在文理学院修习物理、政治、历史、经济、数学、化学、哲学、心理学等通识课程。这让学生有机会接触各种学科,从而发现自己的兴趣所在。”当然,在美国高校,选课也非常自由。“在国内,我们大学的课表都是教学秘书定好的,学生按照课表上课,可是在美国,课程的学习进度以及强度是学生根据自身的情况灵活安排的,学校提供几百门课程供学生们选择,学生可以自主选择感兴趣的课程学习,连上课时间段和授课教授都可以自由选择。”刚接触这样的选课环境,唐兴华有点摸不到头脑。这时,有经验的学长推荐他找学术顾问帮忙。“学术顾问一般是教授或副教授级别的老师,每周都有固定的‘office hour’(教授与学生交流的时间)。他们对课程都非常了解,会给出很多中肯的建议,并告诉你学习这门课程该如何安排时间和做好学习规划。”此外,负责任的学术顾问会根据学生的兴趣爱好,启发和引导你如何选课以及如何选专业。刚开始,唐兴华几乎每一到两周就会去向学术顾问汇报学习进度,并请教有关学习和专业方面的事宜,“他们还会提醒你一些细节的东西,比如同一个专业,哪些课可以上,哪些课没必要上等等。”

First arrived in the United States,University degree of freedom let TangXingHua open one's eyes."The American college of implementation is unity and coherence in writing of the general teaching,The late junior identify professional.All the freshmen will be first in liberal arts college coursework physics/political/history/economic/mathematics/chemical/philosophy/Psychology general course.The students will have the opportunity to contact various disciplines,In order to discover their own interests."Of course,In American universities,Courses are also very free."In the domestic,Our university's schedule is set good teaching secretary,The students in class according to the schedule,But in the United States,Course of study progress and strength is the student according to the circumstance of oneself flexible arrangement,Schools offer hundreds of course for students to choose,Students can independently choose interested in learning,Even the class time and the class professor could free choice."Just contact such elective environment,TangXingHua a little scratching their heads.At this time,Experienced senior recommended him to find academic adviser for help."Academic adviser is generally professors or associate professor level of teacher,Every week fixed‘Office hour’(Professors and students communication time).Of course they are very understanding,Will give a lot of relevant Suggestions,And tell you learn this course how to arrange your time and to study plan."In addition,Responsible academic adviser will according to students' interests,Inspiration and guide you how to select the courses and how to choose major.Just began to,TangXingHua almost every one to two weeks will report to academic adviser learning progress,And consult relevant learning and professional issues,"They also will remind you some of the detail of the things,Such as the same professional,What lesson can go,What lesson not necessary, etc.."


开学后迎来“地狱周” After school in"Hell week"

  在美国读一个学期下来,最忙的一周并不是考试前一周,而是开学后第4或第5个星期,学生们都称这一周为“hell week”(地狱周),因为这一周将迎来本学期的第一次期中考试,并且所有的课程都刚开始,大家都需要时间去适应,这么多事情堆在一起,学生们都忙疯了。美国高校的考试与国内的不一样,每学期有2次期中考试和1次期末考试,期末考试成绩一般占40%,期中考试成绩占30%,剩下的就看平时的作业分。“文科的考试一般就是写2-3篇小论文,一般是1500-3000字,比较注重学术类的观点和论据,绝对不能抄袭,如果发现有抄袭的现象,你很有可能会被开除。而理科的成绩主要是以考试为主。”对比国内高校和国外高校的考试,唐兴华总结说:“在国内,平时大家都优哉游哉,考试前就像到了疯人院,大家都去图书馆通宵看书。但在美国,平时和考试没什么区别,可以说从头忙到尾,基本上没有什么松懈的机会。当然,考前也不至于紧张得要命,实际发挥就行了。”(沈阳晚报记者 魏雯)

In the United States to read a semester down,The most busy week and not a week before the exam,But after the start of the fourth or fifth week,The students called this week for"Hell week"(Hell week),Because this week will have this semester first mid-term exam,And all classes start,Everyone needs time to adapt,So many things heap together,The students are busy crazy.American universities examination and domestic different,Each semester 2 times the mid-term examination and one final exam,The final exam achievement general accounted for 40%,The mid-term exam achievement accounted for 30%,The rest is up to the usual operation points."Liberal arts exam general was to write 2-3 article essay,The general is 1500-3000 words,Comparison pay attention to academic opinions and arguments,Absolutely can't copy,If you find any plagiarism phenomenon,You will probably be fired.But science achievement is mainly examination is given priority to."Contrast the domestic universities and foreign college exam,TangXingHua concluded:"In the domestic,Usually everyone leisurely and carefree,Before the exam, just like the lunatic asylum,Everyone went to the library reading all night.But in the United States,At ordinary times and exam nothing to distinguish,Say from the busy to the end,Basically no slack of chance.Of course,Before also not get nervous,The actual play will do."(Shenyang evening news reporter WeiWen)
