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校园凶杀案频发 原来马加爵、药家鑫从未离开--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:一提到“马加爵”这三个字,恐怕很多人还心有余悸,甚至“药家鑫”的阴影尚未散去,近日,两所高校竟又出现了“马加爵第二”,“校园凶杀案”频频上演,震惊、哀悼之余不禁要问,究竟是怎样的矛盾、仇恨,能让我们的“天之骄子”拿起锋利的尖刀刺向自己的同学? At the mention of"Ma3 jia jue2"These three words,I'm afraid many people still jittery,even"Medicine home xin"Shadow has not dispersed,recently,The two universities have appeared again"Ma3 jia jue2 second","Campus murder"Frequently on,shocked/Condolences over the can not help but ask,What is the contradiction between how/hatred,Can make our"An unusually lucky person"Take up sharp knife right to his classmates?更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>> More exciting news please enter sohu education>>


郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡 Zhengzhou university girl's dormitory a murder happened three girls death

  2012年9月25日凌晨5点半左右,犯罪嫌疑人图某某进入女生宿舍7403B行凶,造成住在下铺的4名学生3死1伤。犯罪嫌疑人是内蒙古某大学男生张某,因要报复产生杀人念头,酿成悲剧。河南职业技术学院已与3名遇害女生家属接触并商谈善后事宜,拟分别给予3名遇害女生家属经济补偿50万元。 [详细]

On September 25, 2012 at about half past five,The criminal suspect diagram so-and-so into the girl's dormitory 7403 b the loose,Cause live in bottom spread of four students died 3 1 injury.The criminal suspect is a university of Inner Mongolia boys zhang,Because want to revenge produce murder thought,Spawn tragedy.Henan vocational and technical college has three killed the girl family contact and negotiations for rehabilitation,Quasi were given three killed the girl family economic compensation of 500000 yuan. [detailed]


兰州一大学数十人夜闯宿舍行凶 多名学生被砍伤 Lanzhou university of a night dozens of people through the loose dormitory students cuts

  9月26日凌晨1时许,位于南滨河路的甘肃广播电视大学里,数十名男子将该校机电发电综合班大一男生913宿舍门踹开后,将3名学生砍成重伤。据称,带头砍人的都系本校学生。开学不到一月就被人在学校砍伤,具体案情广武门派出所正在进一步调查之中。 [详细]

On September 26th morning at about 1,Is located in the south of BinHeLu gansu radio and television university,Dozens of man will the school mechanical and electrical power integrated class male freshmen 913 dormitory door after the tread,Will 3 students cut into serious injury.it,Take the lead of the cut is the students.Less than one month school will be in the school chop wound,Specific details of a case a surname door police station is further investigation. [detailed]


烟台5·3高校抢劫杀人案 女孩父母哭干眼泪 Yantai 5 · 3 universities robbery homicide the girl's parents cry dry the tears


Yantai a university only 19 years old man two girls in building three floor female toilet murder.Within 24 hours of locking the criminal suspect,And will capture the.sadly,This suspect only 22 years old,The purpose of killing,But is to rob some money.And he finally from the victim place grabbed the phone,Sold only 50 yuan.Students' parents cried out tears,Always don't understand,The murderer how can enter the girls' toilets murder.[detailed]


四川某高校21岁大学生自称因"丑"杀人 Sichuan a university students for 21 years old to"ugly"kill

  四川某大学公共管理学院学生曾世杰,被检察院指控涉嫌故意杀人罪。曾世杰在校内明远湖边用刀将一名女生杀死,另外还刺伤了两名男生。曾世杰在接受警方讯问的时候说,杀人的原因是有人嫌他长得丑,他受不了歧视。而他还是曾经的高考状元…… [详细]

A university in sichuan province with the public administrative college students CengShiJie,Be procuratorate accused of involvement in the intentional homicide.CengShiJie on campus Ming lake far the sword to kill a girl,Also stabbed two boys.CengShiJie in accepting the police interrogation said,A murderer reason is that people don't think he is ugly,He can't stand discrimination.And he was once the college entrance examinations…… [detailed]

  谁该反思? Who should reflect on?


Nature so bad campus murder case highlights the education system in our country on the lack of moral education.Our education only pay attention to score attention studies,For students' moral education,Even life education is often"Mention lightly"."Medicine home xin/Ma3 jia jue2"And even today's tragedy is not only derived from the"Fear of life"Lack of,University campus management also has the obvious loopholes,Do education is to educate people,But if students' life safety can be guaranteed,To not into,Education he2 yong4?Foreign government's many effective measures worthy of our reference,Also to be national policy implement.


法国:政府向校园暴力宣战 France:The government declared war on to school violence

  法国教育部部长夏岱尔提出法国政府遏制校园暴力的5个努力方向:加强学校安全监测。防范暴力进入教师课程。安全机动小组护校园。家长配合严格校纪。在问题学校展开行动。法国前总统萨科奇在爱丽舍宫发表演说,再次强调了政府整治校园暴力的决心。他说,“当人们有所惧时内心就不自由,就不能自由地学习、自由地发展、自由地工作”,因此,孩子们需要的是一个安静、相互尊重、相互信任的校园。 [详细]

The French minister of the ministry of education XiaDaiEr puts forward the French government contain campus violence five effort direction:To strengthen school safety monitoring.To prevent violence into the teacher's course.Safety motor group guard campus.Parents with strict withdrawing.In problem school act.Former French President nicolas sarkozy has a speech at the Elysee,It was emphasized again that the government control school violence determination.He said,"When people have fear in the heart is not free,Cannot free to learning/Free to develop/Free to work",therefore,Children need a quiet/Mutual respect/Mutual trust campus. [detailed]


俄罗斯:创校园安全最好纪录 Russia:Gen campus security best record

  俄罗斯联邦教育科学部迅速响应,成立了预防和制止恐怖活动工作组。同年,俄罗斯联邦教育科学部制定了《2004-2007年学校安全计划》。负责保护公民权利和自由、捍卫法律秩序的俄罗斯联邦内务部也下达保证学校安全的相关命令。据俄罗斯联邦紧急事务部公布的数据,从2004年到2010年,俄罗斯用于保证学校安全的拨款从12亿卢布增加到170亿卢布。2009年,俄罗斯中小学校近年来首次无一死亡事件发生。 [详细]

The Russian federal education science rapid response,Set up to prevent and stop the terrorist activities.In the same year,The Russian federal education science established[The 2004-2007 school safety program].Responsible for the protection of citizens' rights and freedom/Defend the legal order of Russian federation also give assurance of school safety related command.According to the Russian federal emergency department figures,From 2004 to 2010,Russia used to ensure the safety of school funding from 1.2 billion roubles increased to 17 billion roubles.In 2009,,Russia's small and medium-sized school for the first time in recent years no deaths occurred. [detailed]


韩国:校园周边设儿童保护区 South Korea:Campus surrounding a children's reserve

  韩国的校园安全保障措施很多,主要包括交通安全、食品环境安全、人身财产安全的保障措施,预防和补偿安全事故的相关措施以及安全教育。在韩国,幼儿园、小学和特殊学校等校园主要出入口半径300米以内的道路区域是政府划定的“儿童保护区域”。有关学校安全赔偿事务由“学校安全控制会”负责。据统计,2007年韩国“学校安全控制会”接受、处理的安全事件为41114件,共赔偿170亿韩元。 [详细]

South Korea's campus security measures to many,Mainly includes the traffic safety/Food environmental safety/Personal property safety safeguard measures,Prevention and compensation safety accidents related measures and the safety education.In South Korea,kindergarten/Elementary school and special school campus main entrances and exits radius within 300 metres of road area is the government designated"Child protection area".The school security compensation by affairs"The school safety control will be"Responsible for.According to the statistics,In 2007, South Korea"The school safety control will be"accept/Processing safety events for 41114 pieces,A total of 17 billion won compensation. [detailed]


美国:逐级立法完善校园安全 The United States:Step by step perfect legislation campus security

  美国多数中小学和高校处于半开放状态,基本没围墙,为学校安全带来压力和挑战。2010年3月,奥巴马向国会递交的本届政府教育改革与发展蓝图中,学生安全、学校安全成为优先改革和优先保障的重点领域之一。政府也设立专款,帮助学校进行紧急疏散、预防暴力或恐怖袭击等演练,训练孩子的预测、判断危险和求生能力以及应对歹徒入侵校园等紧急情况的反应能力。按规定,学校每学年都要进行一到两次综合性的安全演习。 [详细]

Most us schools and universities are in a state of half open,Basic no fence,For school safety brought pressure and challenges.In march of 2010,Obama submitted to congress the government education reform and development in the blueprint,Students' safety/The school security become priority reform and priority security is one of the key fields.The government also set up special fund,Help the school for emergency evacuation/Prevention of violence or terrorist attacks and drills,Train the kid's prediction/Judge danger and survival ability and deal with the invasion of the campus emergency response ability.In accordance with the provisions,The school each year to one to two comprehensive security drill. [detailed]


日本:维护儿童安全人人有责 Japan:Maintain child safety is everybody's busine

  学校安全问题同时也受到日本内阁的高度关注。为帮助学校安装监控摄像机和紧急报警装置等设备,以特别交付税的形式拨付补助经费。日本内阁从2005年起发布年度报告《保护孩子不受犯罪伤害》,就学校、社区和家庭的对策措施和防范教育现状进行考察并提出改进建议。教育行政部门向学校委派安全指导员、巡视员,利用全校集会或综合学习实践课向学生传授自我保护知识。 [详细]

The school security problems but also by the Japan's high attention.In order to help the school install surveillance cameras and emergency alarm device and other equipment,By special delivery in the form of tax subsidies allocated.The Japanese cabinet since 2005 annual report released[Protect our children from criminal damage],Will the school/Community and family measures and prevention education present situation investigation the author puts forward some improvement Suggestions.Education administrative department to the school appoint safety instructor/inspector,Use the rallies or comprehensive learning practice lesson teach students the knowledge of self protection. [detailed]
