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实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒” 银耳钉扎入苹果、鸡蛋乃至泡入硫酸铜溶液中,都没变色。 Tremella nail plunge into the apple/Eggs and bubble into cupric sulfate solution,Didn't change color. 实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒” 银针插入我们常吃的苹果中。 Silver needle insertion we often eat the apple. 实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒” 10分钟后,银针没有任何变化。 After 10 minutes,Silver needle without any change. 实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒” 实验揭穿离谱剧情 银针试毒试出鸡蛋黄有“毒” 一会儿工夫,插入蛋黄中的银针明显变黑(下)。 In a few minutes,Insert the egg yolk silver needle obvious black(under).


Silver needle to try poison?


Silver needle blister copper sulfate solution not black


The egg is let it get dark


With silver needle insertion food or wine inspection is poisonous or not,this"Silver needle test poison"The plot of the penetration in the numerous in costume film.The song dynasty SongCi forensic scientists with[Wash JiLu cause]in,The silver is useful autopsy records.now,With silver needle/Silver chopsticks test poison still make a lot of people believe in.


so,Silver needle really can test poison?Items in daily life also can let try out the silver"poison"??Yangzi evening news reporter in jiangsu a university department of chemistry students under the help of lu's that some kind of experiment.In the department of chemistry laboratory,Xiao lu and yangzi evening news reporters wear the mask/Plastic gloves and began to operation.The experiment has two parts,Reporter use first ladies wear white fungus nail to experiment it is in average household is common"Silver needle";then,And choose the real silver needle experiment again.


The experiment


The experiment purpose:Will tremella nail/Silver needle, etc into the apple/eggs/Sulfur powder/Copper sulfate solution,Macroscopic observation tremella nail/Silver needle surface change.


The experiment equipment:925 tremella nail a gold/Custom silver needle two root/Apple two/Eggs two/Sulfur powder/Copper sulfate solution.


What kind of earring is the real white fungus nail?Tell you:Observe carefully stud earrings,You will find that there is a mark"925"(Namely purity 92.5%),This is the basic judgment.


实验1 Experiment 1


银耳钉扎苹果鸡蛋没变色 Tremella pinning apple eggs didn't change color


Experiment began,Yangzi evening news reporter with a piece of marked"925"The purity of tremella nail insertion of the apples in this is not a fairy tale of the queen"Poison apples",expected,Tremella nail no reaction;Then insert the eggs,Still didn't respond,"Very normal,The egg is no poison."Xiao lu said.


实验2 Experiment 2


银耳钉试硫粉硫酸铜没变色 Tremella nail doctor powder copper sulfate didn't change color


In order to make white fungus nail a bit"reaction",Xiao lu found the sulfur powder/Copper sulfate solution.Generally speaking,Tremella nail contact with the two kind of material and they're going to black.But the accident happened,Ear nail not only not black,But very light!Reporter simply put white fungus nail into the copper sulfate solution soak half an hour,Still didn't respond."If silver can really check out poison to,Won't need such a long time."Xiao lu think.


用纯度为99.9%的银针试毒 With the purity of 99.9% silver needle to try poison


Will not because 925 silver earring contain other impurities which could and these things? Reaction?therefore,Reporter in taobao find a special customized silver needle shop,Spend 40 multiple to have something made to order two root two inches long/The purity was 99.9% of the silver needle.


银针扎苹果没变色 Silver needle pierced apple didn't change color


Lu's use a knife to cut the apple the next block on the white on the test paper.Yangzi evening news reporter will silver needle insertion in the apple,Standing out after 10 minutes,Silver needle surface is still very bright,Filled with metallic luster.It seems,Non-toxic apple does not make silver needle black.


银针扎鸡蛋针头立即变黑! Silver needle pierced eggs needle immediately black!


so,Silver needle insertion other non-toxic food also did not change it?


Yangzi evening news reporters and open the boiled eggs,The silver needle insertion eggs in the egg yolk,After a while pulling out,Amazing happened:The silver needles part almost a insert will be darkened,Surface covered with a layer of light black substance;And it did not contact egg needle body still bright.


"Didn't expect so quick responding."See the needles so fast is black,Xiao lu also feel very interesting.


实验3 Experiment 3


银针试硫粉三分钟变黑! Silver needle doctor powder three minutes black!


In the sand the silver needle surface black burnish off later,Xiao lu from the experiment agent in the take out three spatulas flaxen sulfur powder on the test paper,The silver needle into which wrap up.


Silver needle a start and no obvious change.Waiting for three minutes,Yangzi evening news reporter noticed,Silver needle surface began to appear a little light black.Xiao lu will remove the needle,Reporter observed,Silver needle surface obviously darkened.


It seems,And sulfur powder contact will make silver needle black,But black speed no eggs so fast."Sulfur with silver reaction is generates the silver sulfide,Egg yolk inside there should be a sulfur,But can let silver so fast color or pretty strange."Xiao lu think,May be some organic eggs to promote the occurrence of the reaction.


实验4 The experiment and


试硫酸铜溶液没变色 Try copper sulfate solution not change color


Copper sulfate solution is acidic,Belong to the protective inorganic bactericide.And lime milk mixed available bordeaux solution,Used as pesticide."Sulfuric acid root ion is relatively stable,Silver is also stable metal,They should not happen reaction."Before the experiment,Xiao lu speculate silver needle not become black.


Again blackened silver needle after grinding,Xiao lu from agent bottle out of the three spatulas blue copper sulphate solid in the test tube,Add 10 ml of distilled water,With a sky-blue copper sulfate solution,Using tweezers clamping silver needle into.Let stand at least ten minutes,Xiao lu withdraw the needles,Yangzi evening news reporters after careful observation found,Silver needle surface and don't have any change.


专家解析 Expert analysis


China southern airlines attached middle school chemistry teacher SongFanFan is introduced,The ancients with silver needle try"poison"Arsenic is basically,Namely arsenic trioxide.Ancient refining technology lag behind,Arsenic containing a small amount of sulfur impurity.It is these sulfur impurity and silver happened REDOX reaction,Made silver sulfide,Make silver surface black,Just check out the poison.Modern technology level,Arsenic is no longer contains sulfur impurity,With silver needle want to check out"poison"Is not reality.


In the Yangtze evening news reporter to make the experiment of,Apple contains material basic for carbon/hydrogen/oxygen,Can't and silver biochemistry reaction.And eggs can rapidly make silver needle black,Song the teacher considered egg yolk contains of hydrogen sulphide played a role."Hydrogen sulfide in negative bivalent sulfur ion,Meet silver will soon reaction generating silver sulfide.Sulfur powder sulfur is the simple substance sulfur,With silver reaction will take a little longer,Even heating it to see phenomenon."


为什么 why


银耳钉验毒总不变黑? Tremella nail test poison always the same black?


As for 925 tremella nail why not react,Song the teacher say it may and purity and 925 silver the making craft of relevant."May be in production process there are other impurity wrapped in outside,The inside of the silver cannot occur the reaction."


用银餐具有益健康 Silver tableware are beneficial to health


倒是真的 's true

  “现代人用银针验毒没有科学依据。”南京师范大学化科院从事金属研究的韩敏副教授介绍,一般情况下,硫、硒等物质都能跟银发生氧化还原反应,从而使银变黑。含硫的物质中,有一部分是有毒的,如亚硫酸钠,但有毒的老鼠药、氰化物等就不能被银针检出。“人体的氨基酸中就含有硫,不能说能让银变黑的就是有毒的。”不过,韩敏告诉扬子晚报记者,虽然“银针验毒”不可信,不过由于银离子已经被证明具有一定的杀菌功效,日常生活中使用银餐具、银首饰可能会在一定程度上有益人体健康。(大学生记者 宋璟 扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 文/摄)(扬子晚报)

"Modern people with silver needle test poison no scientific basis."Nanjing normal university chemical science institute is engaged in metal research HanMin associate professor is introduced,generally,sulfur/Selenium and other material can occur with silver REDOX reaction,So that silver black.Sulfur in the material,Some are poisonous,Such as sodium sulfite,But poisonous rat poison/Cyanide and cannot be silver needle detection."The human body contains sulfur amino acid,Can't say can let silver black is poisonous."but,HanMin tell yangzi evening news reporter,although"Silver needle test poison"Not believable,But because of silver ion has been proved to have certain sterilization effect,Silver tableware used in everyday life/Silver jewelry may be in a certain extent beneficial to human health.(College students' reporter song Jing yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi text/taken)(Yangzi evening news)
