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江苏一中学百年庆 数千校友聚餐每人一桶方便面--亲稳网络舆情监控室


原标题:无锡第一女中百年庆 2000姐妹聚餐每人一桶方便面 Original title:Wuxi first female in one hundred celebration dinner 2000 sisters each a bucket of instant noodles


这是老校友们的要求,大家看中的是聚一聚聊一聊,并不在乎吃什么 This is the requirement of the old school friends,Everybody is the get together a chat,Don't care about what to eat


Wuxi first girls' middle school yesterday ushered in the hundred years old birthday.As school motto"Dignified QinPiao"Education concept of,The day's one hundred anniversary celebration also appear QinPiao dignified.More than 2000 alumni in the great celebration adhere to the school motto"QinPiao"Principles do not make the meal,Hands a instant noodles,And it is by the coupon.

  扬子晚报记者 张建波

Yangzi evening news reporter ZhangJianBo


百年校庆 七旬校友来帮忙 In one hundred Bryan anniversary alumni to help


Yesterday morning,Is located in wuxi city of wuxi su ning road, the first female in school gate flags flutter,Crowded at.The centennial celebration was held on on the playground of school.crowd,Several for brand"Drum for"The students with the alumni particularly conspicuous.The brand is very simple,The writing is turning to which the classroom together.


This year 74 - year - old GuBing is wuxi first female in the 1956 alumni,Her junior high school and senior high school six years time is spent here.The day she volunteered as a guide,Hope for the with the sisters to help some busy.In the scientific research work in military old alumni's impression,The first female in the education quality is a good school,And sports very strong,"More than 40 people in our class except for one due to illness can't go to college,All other pass an entrance examination,And our school in the city sports games in the group of girls,Was at the top."She also told reporters,They have to meet with more than 20 of the alumni,The sight of the old face quite happy,Women in the life to them left a lifelong mark.


食堂就餐,每人一桶方便面 Dinning room,Each person a bucket of instant noodles


The reporter understands,On the day of the celebration activities,With the guests there is no lack of political celebrities/Academic giant,It was busy scene,The female students organization performance of all kinds of literature and art show all lets the human think shine at the moment.And in celebration outside,Let a lot of alumni more relish,To calculate lunch.At noon on the more than 11 o 'clock,When the morning after the end of the celebrations,Many old girl began to swell to the school canteen,Where everyone by coupons into a instant noodles,Everyone in the school dining room table to eat up flour.


Although only a barrel surface,Plus a packet of sauce chop,Everyone still eating side chat,Appears very happy,"What to eat is not important,Is come to school to see,Recall recall,To meet our old classmates,Our sisters."An old alumni told reporters.


吃面是老校友们的要求 Eat noodles is the requirement of the old school friends


The school office of general services of a person in charge told reporters,The school anniversary lunch so simple,No arrangement collective congress meal,Because school is small places not entertain,But because the old alumni requirements.Alumni think,Since it's Alma mater birthday,Nature is to eat noodles of the celebration.Now that the school dining room suddenly can't supply thousands of copies of noodles,Simply each a instant noodles,Everyone is more care about together,Memories of youth time to go to school.


In fact,This kind of alumni"simple"requirements,Also is the one hundred years old school has been uphold the school motto"Dignified QinPiao"Among of the meaning of.


It is reported,The first three sages by wuxi to donate money to the creation of wuxi first women's demonstration school,School in one hundred from concrete number easily,but"Dignified QinPiao"The school motto has been unchanged.At present,She is the only woman in jiangsu province public middle school,grasps"Shape of elegant fair maiden,Cultivate intelligent blue stocking"Educational policy of.


They are recovery after the college entrance examination of the first college students,At that time, half a month to eat a meat,Although hard condition but does not affect their knowledge enthusiasm


On October 5,,A grand party held in jiangsu university students,More than 1000 of the 82 alumni gathered in the Alma mater.


This is the jiangsu university planned during the National Day alumni party,schools"A fraternity,A meal dining room lunch,A university ShiWuZhan time"Put these recovery after the college entrance examination system of the first gathered to college students,The students talk about feelings friendship between teachers and students.


In 1977,,Countries decided to restore the university entrance exam."When we take an examination of university is also had an army bridge."Discussion in,Mechanism level 77 alumni YuanGuoDing memories,Over the country that year a total of 5.7 million people sign up for the university entrance exam,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were only 4.8%.


About university life,The 82 alumni said most is to learn.When and YuanGuoDing class classmate in,The age of the youngest only 16 years old,The biggest are 30 years old."Everyone is suppress enough strength to learn,At 6 o 'clock in the morning every day with a lunch box back schoolbag leave dormitory,Night ten YiErDian others standing in the washroom reading."YuanGuoDing said.


When hard environment have not influence your knowledge enthusiasm."Then frequent blackouts,Summer night dormitory special hot,We can only light a candle,Fear the wind blew the candle out to close the window,You sweat in candlelight reading."A alumni memories.Mechanism of professional YangXingHua told reporters:"Our class in the laboratory often draw all night,In the winter no heating equipment,Have a classmate the second day morning start,Found that feet are frozen is broken,All this just send him to the hospital."


"At six o 'clock every morning gets up,running/Do exercises/Eat breakfast,Then read the morning,Such life habit let my lifelong benefit."From the United States come here to attend the party farm machinery professional alumni ZhangBi said.


回味:生活 aftertaste:life


食堂聚餐再品“大块肉”,想当年半个月才吃一次 Canteen meals to product"joint",Think that year half a month to eat a


the,The 82 alumni midday meals in the school canteen,Alumni to experience the time in the university ChiShiTang feeling."Three stroke two height"Lunch in,There is a delicious joint,It's alumni call to taste a dish.


Alumni side repast side chat:"At that time,2 cents a chunks of meat is the best of our food,Half a month just eat one.""To our country every month subsidies and jin food stamps,To go to school the first month I ate 60 jins,And every day hungry eyes see things in a blur.""Then want to curry favor with is the canteen teacher,He was afraid they play the vegetable hand shake,Quantity is less."


Speaking of the day of share the joys and sorrows,The boss students 谈兴 great,Appetite better,Meal pan mahjong tiles size of the joint moments later"destroy"light,"Taste really good,Just as did the same."Live in 30 years in the memory of the flavor and fresh rise,We also think of the joke."Joint was just a dish in the dining room,Then there is a girl,Just time to go to school very thin only 90 jins,Later, more long more fat,Everyone gave her up a nickname called‘joint’!"


In addition to fellowship,The boss students also specifically for students the lower classwoman opened two lectures,Share their successful experience and life.

  通讯员 吴奕 张明平

Reporter WuYi ZhangMingPing

  扬子晚报记者 万凌云

Yangzi evening news reporter WanLingYun

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