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女学生冒充公务员诈骗百万巨款 与恋人挥霍一空--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  南充一女大学生冒充公务员诈骗亲属百万巨款 Female college students in a pretend to be civil servants fraud relatives millions of money

  与恋人游山玩水挥霍一空 And lovers make a sightseeing tour was wasted

  四川新闻网南充10月8日讯(李良俊 特约记者明进)四川南充城区一名女大学生,毕业后辗转在省外和本地多家单位打工,因嫌工作辛苦,收入微薄,竟先后虚构高坪区物价局公务员、南充市政府秘书、成都市公安局民警等身份,编造可以用公务员内部价购房的谎言,在近三年的时间内,相继从母亲和两位姨妈手中诈骗了一百余万元的血汗钱,用于游山玩水和购买汽车、高档服装等,挥霍一空。最终,利用亲情恣意行骗的她跌进了高墙。9月3日,这名女大学生被法院以诈骗罪判处有期徒刑12年。

Sichuan news network in October 8)(LiLiangJun stringer Ming into)Sichuan nanchong city a female college students,After the graduation toss in the province and local much home work unit,Because too hard work,Low income,Have successively fiction GaoPing area price bureau civil servants/Nanchong city government secretary/Chengdu city public security bureau police identity, etc,Make up can use civil servants internal price buys a lie,In the last three years' time,One after another from mother and aunt two hands fraud more than one hundred ten thousand yuan hard-earned money,Used to make a sightseeing tour and buy cars/High-grade garments,Out in.finally,Use family arbitrariness fraud she landed in the walls.September 3,The college coed with crime of fraud by the court sentenced him to 12 years.

  虚构公务员身份 骗走亲人百万现金 Civil servant status fiction defrauded relatives millions of cash


In 2009, on the eve of the Spring Festival,Live in ShunQingOu road,In a business ZhuZiFang work,Suddenly from daughter complete sweet mouth heard a good news:She admitted to the civil servants,Over the years is going to GaoPing area price bureau work,This gives ZhuZiFang dark days of life bring a put on a bright color.Years of nearly fifty ZhuZiFang,Her husband is full prolong life a year ago burst in acutely ill died,Has been in misery in.now,College graduate in more than a year of work everywhere daughter finally admitted to the civil servants,Finally the end of the boil.The Spring Festival,Mother and daughter were immersed in the joy of the atmosphere.


After the Spring Festival,Complete sweet said to his mother,Her to GaoPing price bureau and went to work.But then a few months,She not only did not give home pay tribute a penny,But often stretched out his hand to his mother.ZhuZiFang every time out and out to the daughter paid all kinds of name objective cost.


April 2009 a day late at night,Complete sweet and gave mother brought more surprises:She was transferred to the nanchong city government work,And as the mayor first secretary of the high sea.ZhuZiFang natural be overjoyed.On May 1, the,Complete sweet with a handsome boy came home,The mother said,This is her boyfriend is precious,A logistics company's supervisor.


After May Day,Complete sweet and gave home back to the Gospel:She can use the identity of the city secretary,to"Civil servants internal price"Buy ShunQingOu BeiHu cheng jing housing,Every square metre only 2800 yuan,At that time the market price than the cheaper 2000 yuan.ZhuZiFang filled with joy,Still hesitate to say:"Home a total of only more than 10 ten thousand yuan deposit,Buy a house not quite afraid of it."Complete sweet said:"Then you to hurry up to sell the old house,I temporarily outside rent a house,Index co., LTD.,,Don't be too was not worth while to go round."And told ZhuZiFang,It can't take out disorderly speak.


ZhuZiFang immediately took out 100000 yuan deposit,Hand in hand to the daughter.In the house money into three days after,Complete sweet and come back to mother said,Unit wanted to organize workers tourism,But fear of collective travel influence not good,Give everyone made tens of thousands of yuan expenses,By everyone with his family, to travel.then,Complete sweet with mother and grandmother YangJinZhi,On the go to sanya romantic journey.


From sanya come back,Complete incense is urged mother to sell the house,Clear house money as soon as possible.ZhuZiFang immediately to the intermediary company sell contact.


ZhuZiFang being selling things to make her DaMei ZhuChunYu know,The other party asked her why hurry to sell,ZhuZiFang finally to sister revealed complete incense can use"Civil servants internal price"Buy BeiHu cheng jing housing.Are eager to buy and the ZhuChunYu "sister to a niece said,Help her to internal price in BeiHu cheng jing to buy a set of housing.


In the middle of May 2009,ZhuChunYu got complete incense to tell her the good news:The city leaders and gave her a set of special permission in BeiHu cheng jing to civil servants internal price for sale housing.Glad ZhuChunYu struck the second day he took 50000 yuan deposit,Hand in hand to complete incense,To her full issue a receipt.During this period,ZhuZiFang her on the road to the housing more than 20 sold,Let daughter pay house money.See my sister at sell the housing to buy a house,ZhuChunYu foreign niece in energy,She has taken to complete sweet paid four house money,The more than 100000,Less is 20000,A total of 370000 yuan.Complete incense to the big aunt said,Developers decorate unified arrangement,Later can direct moves into a new living.


In January 2010,Complete sweet home,Mother said to her,I heard you two aunt ZhuGongXing also ready to buy a house,Are relatives,To treat,Are you to think of a way to also buy her a set of DiJiaFang,Otherwise later you two aunt know will be angry."Complete sweet said:"You first do not give her revealed,I'll ask our boss,See index run out of no."


After a few days,Complete sweet tell mother,Boss call the,BeiHu cheng jing internal purchase index finished,But the BeiHu and more than 10 sets of maneuvering room,Aunt buy two words,Just to make money,As long as 2900 yuan per square meter.so,ZhuGongXing and have become to"Civil servants internal price"Purchase of another"lucky".She has seven times to complete incense made house money,Get her 7 a receipt.Complete sweet again and again to mother and two reminds my aunt,Don't put the internal price to buy a house with the news out,Otherwise the house can't get,She and relevant personnel to punishment.

  新房缥缈如浮云 受托者大玩隐身法 Bridal chamber dimly discernible such as floating clouds bailee play stealth method


To turn in December 2010,Had cleared the BeiHu cheng jing purchase and renovation costs of ZhuZiFang and ZhuChunYu,Often go to that place around buildings,Find someone has moved in to live in,Can they even room shadow also didn't see,Even buy floor and number also not clear.ZhuChunYu let elder sister call for his daughter,Ask this is how one and the same,Complete sweet impatiently replied:"The city looking for use‘Civil servants internal price’Buying things,You don't ask east west asked,The house is no problem,Is decorating."


ZhuZiFang and ZhuChunYu repeated cross-examine the stories of a house and number,Complete sweet finally told them:Two house is the next,Respectively is 15 floor of a/Number two.ZhuZi in the heart is still not dependable,And accompanied her daughter to see the apartment now.In late December of 2010 day morning,Her mother's complete incense,With her grandmother and YangJinZhi,Came to the BeiHu cheng jing village.Three people in just 15 floor,I still have not found a room,Go in front of the complete sweet mobile phone rang,She said to the phone:"I said to them,They don't listen to,Always want to take a look at……oh,good,I'll take them back."Hang up after,She angrily rebuked mother said:"Boss in the ignition,You really don't listen to dissuade,Want to go to see,An accident is not only to cancel the qualification,House money also confiscated!"YangJinZhi and ZhuZiFang had to go back.According to the full after the sweet by police officers in the trial confession,She is actually the day prior to cell phone set the alarm,Alarm rang,She put on an act to pick up the telephone,And that is"boss"From the,Easily deceive the mother and grandmother.


On the same day,The big aunt ZhuChunYu also in two ZhuGongXing, accompanied by my aunt,To BeiHu cheng jing 15 floor 2 things,The results showed that the suites have lived a person.Suspicious ZhuChunYu day call complete incense,Ask this is how to return a responsibility,The other party didn't care to say:"There is a leading relatives took a fancy to you the house,Insisted on change,I have no choice."But ZhuChunYu did not eliminate suspicion.From then on,She and ZhuGongXing make complete sweet cell phone,Always in a state of shutdown.


In march of 2011,Tidings lost more than a month of complete incense,Finally to her mother ZhuZiFang send a message,She said a man with internal price purchase three suites,The report by a colleague,The city looking for it,Leadership hurriedly she transferred to chengdu city public security bureau,At present she is jinniu district branch office work,Call her mother and two aunt have don't mess about house,If the head to catch up with her,Not only her dead,Three family members of the house will not.ZhuZiFang three sisters although feel very suspicious,But there is no way,Only looking for complete the whereabouts of incense,But always not hide or hair of her since.That may,ZhuZiFang and received a message from her daughter,Said she was transferred to chengdu city government,The mayor zhao when the secretary,Let them not to worry about the house,She will please lead to it straight.At this time,The three sisters concluded that complete incense in and they hide and seek/Irrigation fan soup,Never believe her.


In August 2011,ZhuZiFang to receive the complete sweet messages,Said she had an accident,Has no intention of mayor zhao saw a privacy,Be zhao closed the confinement,Zhao want her to make 200000 yuan deposit,Three years not to speak it out,When will the money even this belt and returned to her.She also said the mayor in the house has solved,The three sets of housing the contract that buy a temporary was he the mortgage.She called to her as soon as possible ZhuZiFang at 200000 yuan to account,She will put all shelf flat.


At this time,Her mother's old houses sold,Bridal chamber and a life,Money is not,Where to get the 200000?Can't find her daughter all day lacrimosa,To complete sweet sent a lot of messages,Her a also didn't reply.Two aunt know perfectly well be,They united hands,All day looking for complete incense.But she like the human life evaporate,Audio file disappear without a.

  沉迷游山玩水 恣意骗取亲人钱财 Indulging make a sightseeing tour arbitrariness swindle money relatives


2012 years after the Spring Festival day,Two ZhuGongXing ShunQingOu aunt in the long road to walk,Suddenly saw a brand new ford cars passing from the side,Drive girl as if a little like a complete incense.She put the findings tell the ZhuChunYu sister,Two sisters and put up line hat and sunglasses,To search for every day in this area,Looking forward to complete incense appeared again.February 20, 2012 in the evening,They finally saw complete sweet and a young man the hand in hand,Beam with smiles to stepped into the ShunQingOu peace address community.The second day early in the morning,The two sisters came to the village keep watch at the door.Morning at about 10,Well-dressed complete incense inside came out from the village,Two sisters immediately rushed forward,Stopped each other,Will she returned to purchase.At this time of day,Complete incense and in every possible way shuffle/prevarication,She claims to be actively looking for their purchase,And do not listen to called ask around,Now the relevant departments of the house was frozen,Shut her what matter?Noisy in,Three people happened body conflict.A bystander didn't know the name of the old man thought that two of the women in the bully a young woman,Then call 110 called the police.Police arrived on the scene very quickly,Will three people to the nearby police station ShunQingOu beicheng survey.A pile pretend to be civil servants/Use family defrauded huge wealth above the water series of fraud.


has,Complete incense to investigators replacement the motive and the process.


Complete incense from by parents tube very strict,And without any escapades,Her mother and grandmother/Aunt, said she read from primary school to university are very clever obedient.In the spring of 2008,Her father and prolong its life full of sudden cerebral apoplexy left the world.The summer,Complete incense from chengdu university of our graduate,In order to livelihood and comfort the mother grief,She has to shaanxi and local companies work and the supermarket,Each to a place,All too hard work/Pay little,How long can do walk away.The Spring Festival in 2009,In order to let mother from the shadow of the loss of her husband came out,She pretends to take an examination of the GaoPing area price bureau of civil servants,Really made mother happy for a while.But soon,The white lie is fission into sin trap,Firmly tied up her three relatives.


In April 2009,She met in a logistics company's employees are precious,Young man in his late fifties,Have kissed the blarney stone,Let the complete sweet love at first sight.She is fond of precious and tourism,Everlasting love two people visited some places,Complete sweet feel so happy.But empty pockets can shore up the high consumption,And she will be the mother of the initiation of the deposit cheat the idea of hand.later,The two love from her aunt also a strange combination of circumstances to hit her at gunpoint,Became suckers.


According to complete sweet confession,The hand from relatives tricked into coming to the huge debt,In addition to her mother and grandmother was accompanied by a outdoor travel outside,Also many times accompanied her boyfriend is precious and gold mother, etc,Successively to zhangjiajie/jiuzhaigou/East China five city/Kunming play.wherever,Spend money like water,Live star hotel,Eat luxury banquet,Buy designer clothes,And all high places,Live to live an extravagant life/A luxury and dissipation life.In addition,She spends more than 10 ten thousand yuan,Bought a ford cars.


Although her mother was complete sweet torn,But she gave up to her daughter's charges,So complete sweet commit crime amount is judicial organs recognized as ZhuChunYu 37 and ZhuGongXing 287000 yuan,A total of 657000 yuan.


On March 2, 2012,ShunQingOu approval of procuratorate of suspected crime of fraud of the complete sweet arrest.In the same year on September 3,,ShunQingOu people's court sentenced to complete incense with crime of fraud imprisonment 12 years.


(Requirements should be the victim,In this paper the famous people melt processing)
