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大学生用微博募集30万救父 被誉为“求助样本”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

大学生用微博募集30万救父 被誉为“求助样本” 许涛将自己和父母在病床前的合影上传至求助微博。照片由受访者提供 XuTao will themselves and their parents in bed before the photo upload to help small bo.Photo courtesy of the respondents provide
   核心提示 summary


XuTao,An ordinary college students,His small bo also once unknown to public,But to realize the network save father's dream.


And many successful network salvage sample similar,With empirical materials/Reimbursement commitment/Donation public win users trust,With @ big v/Name bo forward to expand influence.


XuTao father is lucky.Let more suffering from serious illness of the people felt luckily,China's serious illness salvage system has ice.


a,The national development and reform commission jointly the ministry of health/The ministry of finance/Human resources and social security issued by six ministries and commissions such as[About urban and rural residents to carry out a serious illness insurance work guiding opinions],Has issued relevant rescue/Supporting policies to solve the problem,and"Puts forward a serious illness insurance compensation of the actual payment proportion is less than 50%".


Had a"To the micro bo system is to understand"of"Big v"(add"v"The authentication has many fans celebrity micro Po reporter note)To XuTao assertion,He relies on micro bo help raise funds"Can come to 100000/200000 good".And as of October 2,,XuTao the 23 year old college student in order to cure sick father,Raising money through the network of 321331.4 yuan,the,Only through the micro Po will raise more than 280000 yuan.At present,Money continued to import XuTao bank card.


XuTao began in renren/QQ/Taobao and micro bo on the network for help,Is being forced to.In may this year,His father process with acute myeloid leukemia M1 type,Huge treatment let this ordinary peasant family become helpless.


In order to cure father,As the Internet a unknown"Stranger a",The Beijing university of chemical polymer material and engineering professional senior students through the article 10000 micro bo,In a few months time to complete stranger raised more than 30 ten thousand yuan"JiuMingQian",Create and an Internet aid"myth".


"Material full and accurate,Express appropriate,Reimbursement commitment,Donation public accept social supervision."The Internet someone read that way XuTao created the Internet"myth".And net friend"Indeed as expected suddenly"The more apparent the micro Po save to the father for lift"A very good help sample".


10天之内,淘宝网店卖出15000元“爱心” Within 10 days,Taobao shop sold 15000 yuan"love"


"At that time I feel it seems that all the doors were closed for help."XuTao this way to the China youth daily reporter described father fell ill mood.


June 1,,XuTao father XuLiTian was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia M1 type.Sick before,The tianjin baodi district zheng zhuangzi village farmer and his wife investment and the WanYuanJian a chicken farm.The couple all be busy every day,Remove for two sons school expenses,Also saved 40000 yuan.


But after the illness,Two chemotherapy will take home the 40000 yuan savings and find relatives pastiche borrowed 110000 yuan.In order to the next chemotherapy cost,XuGuZheng prepared to sell as home the only economic sources of chicken farm.


XuTao said,Although the father took part in the new agriculture together,But a lot of treatment of essential drugs are not within the scope to submit an expense account."The first chemotherapy spent 70000 multivariate,Submit an expense account only 16000 yuan."


Heard that civil affairs departments have a serious illness to the rescue,XuTao and mother went to the place of the QingHeZhen baodi district of the civil affairs departments.Staff to get their materials and proof leave,Has been no news."The other party told us to cover five chapters,A half while is do not down."XuTao said.


But father's illness can't wait.XuTao contacted the local media,But a call for the XuGu donation in the local Tv news after,But did not cause the attention of public opinion.


XuTao back to the Red Cross, etc various charitable foundation called,Seek help,But had little effect.A charity foundation says,They have the aid of leukemia,But only to minors.


"This time,I was desperate."XuTao therefore secretly dropped tears."Save father can only rely on yourself",And he can think of the most efficient/Efficient way only the network for help.


On July 12,The XuTao taobao shop opened.store"goods"There is only one each 1 yuan"love".Online web site was XuTao link to his is located in renren and QQ space for help in the post.


Along with the post have been sharing and reproduced,His shop"business"Also is thriving.


although"buyers"Many is the student,Do much is a few dollars/Dozens of yuan"The meager strength to",But 10 days,XuTao is sold 15000 yuan"love".


But a flash in the pan,July 22,,XuTao because the shop"Has sold goods trading rules against taobao"And be taobao shut."Taobao can not be sure to raise money to do,So don't allow the individual donation behavior."XuTao told reporters.


增强求助可信度:晒信息求信任 Enhance credibility for help:Sun information and trust


Online help the door closed,XuTao yet opened the window of the micro bo for help.

  7月16日,由于担心网店募捐出问题,许涛已把求助主战场转移到了自己的 微博。

July 16,,The shop because of fears that a problem,XuTao has the help main battlefield transferred to their own micro bo.

  在其名为“北京化工大学许涛”的 微博中,9月20日,“甜豆儿5139”却对许涛的微博求助表达了质疑。“甜豆儿5139”强调:“兄弟,现在骗子太多,不得不防。” “甜豆儿5139”希望以此向许涛解释他的疑虑。

In the name"Beijing university of chemical XuTao"Micro bo in,On September 20th,"Sweet bean son 5139"But to XuTao micro bo help expressed doubt."Sweet bean son 5139"emphasize:"brother,Now cheater too much,Had to prevent." "Sweet bean son 5139"Hope to XuTao to explain his doubts.


"From the first release information to help now,Question with all the way."This question,XuTao fall behave quite understand.


XuTao know,Micro bo, after all, different from the QQ space and renren."Because in the QQ space and renren see posts of is all my classmates and friends,, classmate, or classmates/Friends of friends,Through such a network spread out,Will be more easy to trust."


Studying the tianjin a university ChanHuiJie it is through renren see the help XuTao posts,She says"No doubt",And XuTao trust the most important reason is that"We still have a lot of common friends".She mention this to their parents,Parents immediately gave 500 yuan to let her"Contribute some more".


Reporter noticed,Taobao shop to the net"love"The net friend in the message, the total not say XuTao for"senior"/"alumni", etc,Obviously these through the renren/QQ space to understand it"buyers"Directly or indirectly XuTao knowing.

  但微博中不存在这样的熟识度。 “北京化工大学许涛”对于绝大多数网友来说,只是一个默默无闻的“路人甲”。

But micro bo not present in such familiar degree. "Beijing university of chemical XuTao"For the vast majority of users speaking,Just a unknown"Stranger a".


As early as in April this year,XuTao is opened micro bo.But only occasionally turn,Or to express to the life of university"Small mood",Its message never more than 30 words.


July 16,,XuTao issued the first turn micro bo,For the first time the broken hundred.But he felt"140 words were difficult to make things clear".


6 August,He will father's photo and father's diagnosis certificate photos uploaded to micro bo,In order to"Picture is truth".


In the morning on August 12,,XuTao released his first long micro bo,There are themselves and mother's mobile phone number/Father report of the diagnosis/Certificate of village committee/Parents and their own photos/Photo id card and pay treasure and bank card number.


XuTao think this is not enough.so,On September 8, he will be their student id photos into long micro bo.


On September 18,,He was long micro bo to add their JiangXing counselor teachers and school mobile number issued by the proof reading photos.He also find through the authentication of"North moralize people BBS"Help wrote to prove"It is indeed true".


Even so,Several days ago a public welfare organizations in XuTao to express the donations will at the same time,Also pointed out:The hospital certificate of diagnosis is too simple.


But XuTao think,constantly"Sun information,And trust"Effort is also effective,"After all now questioned for help the authenticity of the has much less!"


渴望被关注被帮助,坚决不“哀求”不“乞讨” A craving to be pay attention to be helped,Resolute don't"Cried out to"Don't"begging"


"he,Elsewhere to work 15 years,Never buy for themselves a snack,Home three times a year,Never forgot‘wahaha’Give me;Domestic chickens to 10 years,Get up at half past five,To rest at,But never a sound tired,A sound quarrels with his;Won't buy insurance,Just for saving money for their son to go to school/Improve food;With leukemia,Would rather not heal also want to let me continue to school;In the face of death,A sad face but no.


Call me how to reward you,My father?"

  在许涛看来,9月18日9时25分他最新发布的这140字求助微博,相较之前以 “我是许涛”和“向大家求助”开头的,更有细节,更能引发共鸣,也更易受关注。

In XuTao seems,On September 18, 9 when the 25 points his latest released the 140 words for help micro bo,Compared with before "I am XuTao"and"To you for help"beginning,More details,More can cause resonance,Are more likely to concern.


From July 16, began to micro bo turn to now,More than three months time each day XuTao heart is hanging,He is afraid of micro bo didn't get more forward and attention.In order to catch the"The last straw",Micro bo the beginning is to use"hello everybody"or"How do you do"Let this science male was ravel.


He felt now that is for help,Tone must welcome tactful.Each @ one,He will they"Help did not have the day day father!"because"Although not met,But save common reason:Big love nothing,Father like a mountain."Continuously after"Thank you for your!thank you!thank you!"


Although a craving to be attention and forwarding,But XuTao resolute don't allow his breath into"Cried out to",As at the beginning in order to enhance credibility for always does not love his father taking pictures in the picture,Father uncovering a face"easily"smile.The patient does not allow pictures with his pain,even"Can't shoot close their eyes".


In micro bo in,XuTao specially reiterated some time ago elder fellow villager for father donations mother said"Your loan in,Home rich don't,Home in a child only old man at home do not."

  对于捐款情况,许涛做了详细记录,并在博客和微博上公布。他声明“以人格作保”筹集善款,希望捐款人能给他一个详细账号,会在3至5年内还款,他还特别说明“因为是借,我承诺每年支付5%的利息给您”,无论以后从事什么样的工作或是工作变动,都会及时将联系方式和情况公开,“不会让大家找不到” 。

For donation situation,XuTao made detailed records,And in the blog and micro bo published.His statement"Surety in personality"raised,Hope donors can give him a detailed account,Will be in 3 to 5 years reimbursement,He also special explanation"Because through,I promise to pay interest of 5% per year for you",After no matter what jobs or job change,Will promptly contact way and the situation will be open,"Won't let you find" .


Reporter noticed,A net friend in the donation after the beep hope XuTao keeping the promise.The net friend said:"Is not this money",but"For we continue to trust this society is very important."


XuTao told reporters,Micro bo raising money let him not"begging"feeling."For strangers,Forwarding or not/Donation or not is voluntary."


And in micro bo on,This need help a shown by the self-improvement and self-esteem,The same moved some net friend.See all three of XuTao photographs,"Baby bear's Luo"said"See them three eyes,His tears were nearly fell down,So pure,kind,guileless."


At the same time,Someone will say to forward"Hope more people see,Bless you and your father",There are people cheer them:"refueling!Will be over!"This message,Will undoubtedly make XuTao feel warm.


“大V”关注成“拐点”,治本之策在制度完善 "Big v"Attention into"Inflection point",The essential strategy in the system perfect


So far,XuTao remember on August 14, before 4 when 13 points,He micro bo appear for help"Inflection point"That moment.


At that time stand in front of the computer,Always burn the midnight oil in micro blog busy @ celebrity he,Suddenly found that has more than 250 fans writer MuRongXueCun forward his help long micro bo,Then XuTaoWei bo interface will appear constantly @/comments/Usually letters tell remind.After more than one hour,With more than 170 fans actor QinLan also transmit this article for help micro bo.


On August 14th,XuTao from all over the country were received the remittance of $8000."Check Carrie's money,I was shocked."He felt that his father has been already saved.


Over the next few days,The micro bo be continuously forward,On an average day bank card will receive 3000 yuan remittance.On September 1,,Micro bo for authentication status"ZhenGe fund founder/New Oriental joint founder"The XuXiaoPing forward and caused another donation of small high tide.


Collected tens of millions of people even strength micro bo now seems to be a XuTao"Life-saving straw".And this kind of"magic"Effect produce,To a great extent, it is depend on the Internet celebrity attention and forwarding.


For celebrity effect,XuTaoZao know any.before,Every day he forward his help"Long micro bo"when,Will @ a"Big v".


But in fact"Big v"To such help the micro bo forwarding but err on the side of caution.


With 700000 fans of Beijing foreign studies university international news and department professor zhan jiang said,Although believe most help micro bo is true,But rarely forward."Because verify difficult,Not one hundred percent sure,He didn't want to irresponsible forward."Once in a while and only after add"v"The authentication or know distribute or forwarding help micro bo.

  免费午餐发起者、媒体人邓飞的 微博粉丝数为240多万。由于“一转发肯定有人会捐款”,对于自己每天收到的求助私信或@,他一般会交由志愿者核实,某些具有新闻价值的信息则会介绍给媒体。经过核实后,他会有选择地通过自己的微博公开转发。邓飞坦言:“需要帮助的人实在太多。”

Free lunch initiators/The media people DengFei micro Po fans number is more than 240.because"A forward sure someone will donation",Every day to receive help usually letters tell or @,He usually volunteers to verify,Some have news value information will be introduced to the media.After verified,He will selectively through their own micro bo public forward.DengFei said:"Those who need help too much."


XuTao for help micro bo be"Big v"Pay attention to forward congratulate oneself at the same time,The thought of if their help micro bo had is not"Big v"Pay attention to and concerns very,Just can't help"Emit cold sweat"."After all, many like my face a serious illness cannot find way out the family out of turn post,Because information to verify difficult to get celebrity forward,Finally is submerged in the Internet voluminous information."


Exhibition jiang said,Some serious illness patients with a serious illness,When there is not enough capacity to pay for treatment,In normal channel unable to get aid cases,Can only hope that micro Po save his life."Such cases micro bo for help,Is the social medical insurance system is not perfect/The lack of social security with trepidation."He thinks,For serious illness serious illness diagnosis and treatment without money is the fundamental solution or universal coverage/A serious illness the improvement of the medical insurance system.


Reporter noticed,A number of netizens in forwarding XuTaoWei bo also leave a message in succession:"Hope to medical treatment of a serious illness measures introduced at an early date".


"The disease,Can make a well-off family break the bank even in debt,If there is no more effective rescue mechanism,Like my house this tragedy will be kept on."XuTao regrets.In micro bo on,He met a lot of established rescue fund intention,And he also hopes to promote set up first"Adult leukemia rescue fund".But for the implementation of the idea,XuTao call a spade a spade:"But to wait for your own thing to solve."


Although XinWei bo help bear the window I do not know when will also for"Not sure to raise money to do"The causes to be ruthless shut,But to father treatment cost of the nearly three hundred thousand yuan gap,XuTao is also only through micro Po raise,Fortunately now donations continue by into his bank card.


so,The 23 year-old young fellow mood every day to complex in front of the computer:Anxious the/Worry about the,Also touched the.
