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中华人民共和国国务院令 《教育督导条例》通过--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Order of the state council of the People's Republic of China

第624号 624 no.


[Education supervision regulations]Has 29 August 2012, the state council executive meeting through 215,promulgated,Since October 2012 1.

  总理 温家宝

Premier wen jiabao


On September 9, 2012

教育督导条例 Education supervision regulations第一章总则 The first chapter general rules


第一条 Article 1


In order to guarantee the education law/regulations/Rules and regulations and national education policy/Policy being carried out,Implementation of quality education,Improve education quality,Promote education fair,Promote scientific development education career,This regulation is formulated.


第二条 Article 2


The law/Rules and regulations of the scope of all kinds of education at all levels to supervise the implementation of education,These regulations shall apply to.


Education supervision includes the following content:


(a)The people's government at or above the county level people's governments at lower levels to implement the education law/regulations/Rules and regulations and national education policy/Policy supervision;


(two)The local people's government at or above the county level within their respective administrative regions of schools and other education institutions(Hereinafter referred to as the school)Education teaching supervision.


第三条 Article 3


To supervise the implementation of education should adhere to the following principles:


(a)In order to improve the education quality of teaching as the center;


(two)Follow the law of education;


(three)Abide by the education law/regulations/Rules and regulations and national education policy/Policy provisions;


(four)For the government to perform education work related duties of supervision and education to the school teaching work of supervision and,Supervision and guidance and;


(five)Seeking truth from facts/Objective and fair.


第四条 Article 4 the


The state council education supervision institutions to undertake the national education supervision and implementation work,The basic criterion for education supervision,Guide local education supervision.


The local people's government at or above the county level responsible for education supervision institutions assume this administrative region of the implementation of education supervision work.


The state council education supervision institutions and the local people's government at or above the county level responsible for education supervision institutions(Hereinafter referred to as the education supervision mechanism)Under the leadership of the people's governments at the same level independent exercise supervision function.

第五条 Article 5  县级以上人民政府应当将教育督导经费列入财政预算。 第二章督学 The people's government at or above the county level shall be to supervise the education budget. The second chapter school inspector


第六条 Article 6


The school inspector system state.


The people's government at or above the county level according to the education supervision need,For education supervision mechanism is equipped with full-time school inspector.Education supervision institutions may, in accordance with the education supervision need employed part-time school inspector.


Part-time school inspector term for three years,Can continuous office,They shall serve no more than three consecutive term.


第七条 Article 7


School inspector shall meet the following conditions:


(a)Adhere to the party's basic line,Love socialist education career;


(two)Familiar with the education laws/regulations/Rules and regulations and national education policy/policy,Have the corresponding professional knowledge and professional ability;


(three)Adhere to the principle,Played fair,Behaved well,Honesty and self-discipline;


(four)With university bachelor degree or above,Engaged in education management/Teaching or education research work more than 10 years,Work outstanding performance;


(five)Strong organization and coordination ability and the ability of expression;


(six)health,Capable of education supervision.


Conform to the provisions of the preceding paragraph by the personnel of condition of education supervision institutions examination qualified,Can be made by the people's government at or above the county level shall appoint for school inspector,Or the education supervision institutions of school inspector.


第八条 Article 8


School inspector by education supervision institution appointed to supervise the implementation of education.


Education supervision institutions shall strengthen the school inspector implementation education supervision activities management,The school inspector to perform duties of the assessment.


第九条 Article 9


To supervise the implementation of the school education,Shall objectively reflect the real situation,May not conceal the fact or fiction.

第十条 Article 10  实施督导的督学是被督导单位主要负责人的近亲属或者有其他可能影响客观公正实施教育督导情形的,应当回避。 第三章督导的实施 To supervise the implementation of the school inspector was supervision unit principal heads or if there are other close relatives may affect the implementation of the objective and impartial education supervision of the situation,Shall withdraw. The third chapter, the implementation of the supervision


第十一条 Article 11


Education supervision mechanism on the following matters to supervise the implementation of education:


(a)Schools to implement quality education situation,Education teaching level/Education teaching management education teaching work;


(two)The principal construction team,Teachers' qualification/position/Employment management system construction and implementation,Recruit students/Student status management situation and the education quality,The safety of the school/Health system construction and implementation,The safety of the school situation,Teaching and living facilities/Equipment is equipped with and using education conditions of the security situation,Education investment management and use;


(three)Compulsory education popularization level and balanced development situation,Education of all types and at all levels of planning layout/The coordinated development, etc;


(four)law/regulations/Rules and regulations and national education policy provisions of other matters.


第十二条 Article 12


Education supervision agency to supervise the implementation of education,May exercise the functions and powers:


(a)Refer to/Copy the financial accounts and supervisory matters relevant to the other documents/material;


(two)Asked to be supervision unit is supervision matters relevant problems made a statement;


(three)It matters to supervise the relevant problems to carry out investigation;


(four)To the relevant people's government or the competent department to put forward by supervision unit or its relevant controller give rewards and punishment suggestion.


Be supervision units and their staff to education supervision institutions of the implementation of the education supervision shall actively cooperate with,May not refuse or obstruct.


第十三条 Article 13


The people's government at or above the county level responsible for education supervision institutions within their respective administrative areas shall, according to the school layout establishment education supervision responsibility,The school inspector assigned to duty school education teaching implementation of regular supervision.


Education supervision institutions according to the education development needs or the requirements of the people's governments at the corresponding level,Can the provisions of article 11 of these regulations, one or several issues on is to supervise the implementation of the special supervision unit,Also may the provisions of article 11 of these regulations, all matters to be supervision unit integrated supervision.


第十四条 Article 14


School inspector to the implementation of the responsibility to supervise the regular school each semester shall not be less than 2 times.


The people's government at or above the county level to the next level people's government shall be conducted at least every five years a special supervision or comprehensive supervision;The people's government at or above the county level responsible for education supervision institutions within their respective administrative regions school,Should every three to five years to implement a comprehensive supervision.


第十五条 Article 15


Regular supervision over,School inspector to education supervision institutions shall be submitted a report;Find the illegal act or endanger the teachers and students life safety hidden trouble,It shall timely urge schools and related departments processing.


第十六条 Article 16


Education supervision offices to implement special supervision or comprehensive supervision,Shall, prior to determine steering matters,Steering group was established.Steering group consists of three or more school inspector composition.


Education supervision institutions may, in accordance with the need to joint the departments concerned to implement the special supervision or comprehensive supervision,Can also employ relevant professional personnel to participate in special supervision or integrated supervisory activities.


第十七条 Article 17


Education supervision offices to implement special supervision or comprehensive supervision,Shall, prior to be supervision unit by written notice of supervision.


第十八条 Article 18


Education supervision department may require be supervision unit organization self-evaluation.Be supervision units shall, in accordance with the requirements of self-evaluation,And the self-evaluation report submitted to the education supervision mechanism.Steering group shall audit was supervision units of self-evaluation report.


Steering group shall be the supervisory units on the site investigation.


第十九条 Article 19


Education supervision offices to implement special supervision or comprehensive supervision,Shall solicit the public opinions of supervision unit,And take a symposium or other forms of special listen to students and their parents and teachers' opinions.


第二十条 Article 20


Steering group shall be the supervisory units of self-evaluation report/Field investigation and public opinion is appraised,Form the preliminary opinion supervision.


Steering group shall apply to be supervision unit feedback preliminary opinion supervision;Be supervision unit can defend oneself.


第二十一条 Article 21


Education supervision institutions shall, according to the supervisory team to supervise the preliminary opinion,Comprehensive analysis is supervision unit defend oneself opinion,To be supervision units issued supervision submissions.


Supervision shall opinion supervision matters to be supervision unit to make objective and fair evaluation;The existing problems,Within a time limit shall be proposed corrective requirement and advice.


第二十二条 Article 22


Be supervision unit shall, according to the supervisory opinions for improvement,And the rectification report education supervision mechanism.


Education supervision institutions shall be the supervisory units rectification of checks.


第二十三条 Article 23


Special supervision or comprehensive supervision over,Education supervision institution shall submit to the people's government at the corresponding level supervision report;The local people's government at or above the county level responsible for education supervision institutions shall also report the newspaper will supervision level people's government education supervision department for record.


Supervision report shall publish to the society.

第二十四条 Article 24  县级以上人民政府或者有关主管部门应当将督导报告作为对被督导单位及其主要负责人进行考核、奖惩的重要依据。 第四章法律责任 The people's government at or above the county level or the competent departments shall report to the supervisor as by supervision units and their principal heads in the assessment/The important basis of rewards and punishments. The fourth chapter legal responsibility


第二十五条 Article 25


Be supervision units and their staff have one of following cases occurs,The education supervision institutions criticized and shall order them to rectify the situation;Refuses to make corrections or if the circumstances are serious,The leading persons directly in charge and other responsible,The education supervision mechanism to the relevant people's government or the competent department to dispose of the Suggestions put forward:


(a)Refused to/Block education supervision institution or according to law so as to implement education supervisor;


(two)Conceal the truth/fraud,Cheat education supervision institution or the school inspector;


(three)Not according to the supervisory opinions for improvement and rectification report education supervision institution;


(four)The school inspector retaliation;


(five)There are other serious hinder education supervision institution or school inspector shall perform their duties of the situation.


第二十六条 Article 26


School inspector or education supervision agency workers have one of following cases occurs,The education supervision institution giving critical education;If the circumstances are serious,Shall be given sanctions,To school inspector shall cancel the appointment or employment;Constitute a crime,Shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law:


(a)Dereliction of duty,Delay supervisory work;


(two)fraud,Engaging in malpractices for personal gain,To supervise the influence result of justice;


(three)Abuse of power,Interference is supervision unit of normal work.


School inspector in violation of the provisions of article 10 of these regulations,Should avoid but not inevitable,The education supervision institution giving critical education.

  督学违反本条例第十五条规定,发现违法违规办学行为或者危及师生生命安全隐患而未及时督促学校和相关部门处理的,由教育督导机构给予批评教育;情节严重的,依法给予处分,取消任命或者聘任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第五章附则
School inspector in violation of the provisions of article 15 of the act,Find the illegal act or endanger the teachers and students life safety hidden trouble and fails to supervise the schools and the relevant departments of the treatment,The education supervision institution giving critical education;If the circumstances are serious,Shall be given sanctions,Cancel the appointment or employment;Constitute a crime,Shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. The fifth chapter by law


第二十七条 Article 27


Since 2012 the regulations on October 1,.
