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  据新华社电 国务院总理温家宝10日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定扩大中等职业教育免学费范围,研究部署在城市优先发展公共交通,审议通过《缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例(草案)》。

According to xinhua the state council premier wen jiabao 10 presided the state council executive meeting,Decided to expand the secondary vocational education free tuition range,Research deployment in the city public transport priority development,Review through[Defect automobile products recall management regulations(draft)].


中职教育 Secondary vocational education


免学费学生范围扩大 Free education for students expanded


The meeting decided to,Since the 2012 fall semester up,The secondary vocational education tuition free range from agricultural professional students and family economic difficulties students,Expanded to all rural(Contain county town)students/City agriculture professional students and family economic difficulties students.


At the same time,The secondary vocational school grant by a national scope/Second grade rural(Contain county town)Students and urban family economic difficulties students,Step adjustment for a/Second grade students majoring in agriculture and the agricultural professional family economic difficulties students.


公共交通 Public transportation


增设城市公交优先车道 Add the city bus priority lane


Meeting to determine the priority of public transportation development key task:(a)Strengthening planning regulation.Urban regulatory detailed planning and urban integrated traffic system planning and public transportation planning to join each other.The comprehensive urban transportation system planning should be clear about public transport priority development principle.(two)To speed up infrastructure construction.Promote transfer hub and the walking way/Bicycle lane/Public parks and other supporting facilities construction,Be included in the old city rebuilding and the planning.(three)To strengthen the public traffic land comprehensive development.For newly public traffic facilities of the ground/Underground space,According to the principle of land market implementation of comprehensive development,Gains used for public traffic infrastructure construction and make up for operating losses.(four)Increase government input.The city government to the public transportation development funds into the public finance system."1025"period,To urban public transport enterprises implement the preferential tax policy,Implement of urban public transportation industry product oil price subsidies policy,In urban rail transit operation enterprises implement preferential price.(five)Widen investment channels.Through the franchise/Strategic investment/Trust and investment/Equity financing, and other forms,To attract and encourage social capital participation in public transportation infrastructure construction and operation.(six)Security bus priority right.Increase HuaShe urban public transport priority lane,Expand the scope of signal priority.Allow airport bus/School bus/Bus to use public transport priority lane.To strengthen the public transportation priority traffic monitoring and management.(seven)Perfect the system of safety management,Implement supervision responsibility,Strengthen safety supervision.Standard technology and product standard,Constructing the service quality evaluation index system.Perfect orbit traffic engineering acceptance and trial operation examination and third party security assessment system.(eight)Standard public transportation major decision-making process,A wire network planning publicity system and operation price hearing system.Establishing the city public transportation operation cost and the quality of service information openness system.


汽车召回 Automobile recall


通过缺陷汽车召回草案 Through the defect automobile recall the draft


The meeting passed[Defect automobile products recall management regulations(draft)].Draft regulation:Batch automotive products widespread endanger the safe use of quality problem,It shall immediately stop the production/sales/import,By its producers implement recall,And timely release the product flaw information.


(Original title:Bus airport bus to go public transport way)
