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  看到广州城管局番禺分局政委蔡彬及其家人拥有21处房产的消息后,南京邮电大学大二男生段国超,以寄送快递的方式,向广州市城市管理综合执法局番禺分局组织人事科提出申请要求公开蔡彬2011年的工资。 See guangzhou urban management bureau panyu substation commissar CaiBin and his family have 21 homes after the news,Nanjing university of posts and telecommunications DuanGuoChao two boys,To send express way,From guangzhou city management comprehensive law enforcement bureau panyu branch organization personnel office apply,Request public CaiBin 2011 salary.
similarly,Chongqing university of commerce sophomore students YangFan,Also to fujian province transportation hall and fujian provincial department of finance sent the disclosure of government information for the application letter,Requirements for public"Watch as"Cause onlookers fujian communications department director LiDeJin 2011 years of wage income.


Previously because for application for public"cousin"YangDaCai wage and ate"Given a cold shoulder"LiuYanFeng of,Is to bring administrative prosecution to court,Asked to confirm the shaanxi provincial department of finance and safety supervision bureau does not support the public the behavior of application illegal,Ordered its make reply.


A series of events,Are people requirements"public"Officials property public/The government budget public/Government information publicity and so on appeal,To a climax.Although there is no lack of in"Behavior art"that,But these with a formal manner application,It is the epitome of folk public opinion.


Pay attention to the micro Po will find,A forwarding information and pictures,With the urgent verification and strong supervision and desire.ZhouJiu tillage events,"cousin"YangDaCai,"Room tertiary"CaiBin,Have all kinds of verify or are investigating corruption event,Show the public supervision and great strength.If the past folk anti-corruption,In the conditions and ability and lacking,Still cannot be"main"words,Micro bo era of network anti-corruption,Already have a powerful pressure and influence.More and more network anti-corruption success,Not only exposed the defects of conventional anti-corruption,Also let go through the motions of supervision is hiding,Appeared more official anti-corruption and folk anti-corruption form the necessity of the resultant force.


To give full play to the supervision of folk strength,When the shall fully respect,Active cooperation.Not by network make no way out,Be micro bo photograph on the rumours that drove have nowhere to hide the,Affected reputation,Had to take measures,But actively accept and respond to the requirements of the public opinion and questioned.Listen to and adopted the public opinion,And is not what a shame,Don't think that investigation to verify that the network,Is to"troubles"Person indulge,Is to make a snoop"crimes".


On the one hand,People's consciousness of right in awakening.As for application for public person said,"I'm just in the exercise of its citizens' right to know","Want to protect a citizen's right to know and to in the affairs of this government supervision".Face this kind of appeal,The government when respond,Cannot turn a blind eye to.Shuffle and delay,Will become more and more passive.


public,To protect the lawful property officials,To reshape the government's credibility.In veiled mist,The public will BuDa in the worst result guess officials they watch,cigarette,belt,property,Will be evidence of corruption,Even the official,In front of various rumors,I'm afraid is beyond dispute.The same,Always hide the yi,Even if the government profit for the people,Also because the black case work and the duties.You say you spent more than yuan to build the livelihood of the people project,so,Will all the project budget and expenditure,Share all public,A little to the ledger,No evidence questioning and censure,Nature will vanish into thin air.


On the other hand,When the reform experience of resistance,The power of from bottom to top,Will give its new impetus.Whether officials public property,Or public affairs of,Difficult to fully implement an important reason,Is that officials itself obstruct,Let officials leather his life is very not easy,At this time,Public opinion will serve as an important force,Promote and"DaoBi"reform.
