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2013年国家公务员多为艰苦职位 被称最苦金饭碗--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


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The central organs and institutions directly under the 2013 annual examinations civil service announcement


专题报道: Special report:

  2013 年国家公务员考试报考指南

In 2013 the national civil servant exam guide to enter oneself for an examination


网友称“史上最苦金饭碗” Net friend say"In the history of the most bitter a golden bowl"


In 2013, more than 140 countries, the central organs and their directly under the body ZhaoLu 20339 people,Specific position at the table yesterday(13)Officially announced.But excitedly download position table,Also moments that make many candidates"cool"The heart.Although 2013 ZhaoLu announcement early in the morning has said"Post will to grassroots tilt",But see position on the list many looking at all the chilling note,Many candidates once also adapt to not come."This is called a golden bowl?It is the most bitter history: a golden bowl!"Have net friend such feeling.

  扬子晚报记者 杨 彦

Yangzi evening news "reporter Yang


2013年国家公务员史上最苦? The 2013 national civil servants on the history of the most bitter?


In the past the impression,National official is almost"At leisure"/"High salary"/"Guarantee good"The pronoun of,Many people enter oneself for an examination officeholder,Feel relaxed,And in 2013, the ZhaoLu position table,Only a job description,and"At leisure"From very far away.


岗位情况:中央机关也要常年出差 Post situation:The central authorities also want to travel throughout the year


一半岗位加了条件限制 Half of the post added conditions


National official post,Always all is the"Go up the",degree/Work experience as well as the higher the conditions.2013 years of ZhaoLu,Party and government organs at or above the provincial level employ civil servants,Except some special position outside,All for more than 2 years working experience in personnel at the grass-roots level.To participate in the position competition,It is normal for outstanding people from all walks of life.But although the examinee condition is superior,Nor does it mean that work at leisure.In 2013 the central party and the central administrative authority of,There is a lot of"drudgery".


Such as the central discipline inspection commission/Ministry of supervision organs hall which kinds of recruit nine disciplinary inspection and supervision position,Without exception indicated the"Perennial travel"Four words.Party school of the CPC central committee general office three position,Is marked the"Position requires night duty".And the state administrative organs at the central in,The ministry of water resources state flood control and drought relief headquarters office ZhaoLu by a position"Need to often to the emergency rescue and disaster relief,Hard conditions,Suitable for men".The state oceanic administration more become a hard place of position,"To sea"/"To adhere to the holidays to work overtime"/"Suitable for travel"……Half of the post is added a similar additional conditions.


国税、海关满眼是“苦差” National tax/Customs eyeful is"sticky"


In the past in enter oneself for an examination,National tax/Customs two system for many,Threshold and is relatively low,So never enter oneself for an examination is big popular.But in 2013 the two system post can become"favourite",Still have to play a question mark.This is because the two systems post the remarks,More than half of a post to convey to the examinee"sticky"information.


With national tax system as an example,"State-level counties"/"Less developed areas"/"Do not provide dormitory"/"This unit minimum service period five years"And note can be found everywhere.Even the jiangsu wuxi winner mountain national tax bureau for which a basic branch office staff post,Also clearly written"Rural substation hard conditions"A few words.


Customs system note more and more straightforward.Beijing customs have eight position clearly indicate the need"24 hour shift work,Physical good,accommodation".Almost every provincial customs are more or less appeared"Open operation"/"Work intensity"/"Physical demand high"/"Travel case"/"Suitable for men"Such words.


专家分析:“苦差”增加是公务员招录趋势 Expert analysis:"sticky"Increase ZhaoLu trend is a civil servant


“一份报纸坐半天”的公务员生活已成过去 "A newspaper sit half a day"The civil service life has become the past


2013 years of civil servant posts how bitter have to feel like added coptis root?Civil servants is really"travel"/"Holidays to work overtime"/"Work intensity"?Reporter yesterday also contacted several has set foot in civil servants of the threshold"Elder people".The a n experienced person said,Whether province or country civil servants,All do have comparative at leisure of position,But need to work hard and many,Especially the grass-roots civil servants,Busy work overtime has become normal."A cup of green tea a pack of cigarettes,A newspaper sit half a day"Such civil service life,Has become"Past tense".


Leave in 2010 admitted to the nantong land and resources bureau,In the villages and towns to be a clerk.She told reporters,The post is fast two years,To work overtime is used."Before the National Day almost always in overtime."Said leave,At ordinary times a month four weeks,Also there are at least two double cease day to spend in the unit,Although one year also have subject,But season or is in the majority."Busy especially busy,Sometimes all at 9 o 'clock,Also was summoned to the office."


In wuxi a locally administratered level procuratorate work miss qin viewed themselves the civil servants work also had gone just induction of"aura"."This is too hard,Enter oneself for an examination didn't know before."Miss qin told reporters,She is responsible for the anti-corruption work,Work overtime is often the case,The longest time she had worked overtime for a month,Too tired to almost snivel."The most sad is‘Sunlight wage’after,Salary than a lot of good unit friend also sent a large margin.feeling,We don't have civil service the best of times."


新入职公务员扮演“服务者”角色 New appointment civil servants play"server"role


The 2013 national civil servant became"In the history of the most bitter a golden bowl",The expert's eyes but not accidental.China map education civil service examination research experts ShaoJunYi told reporters,Civil servant posts to grassroots tilt,Is the trend in recent years.2013 years was especially obvious,One reason is that civil servants position table shows more and more detailed,So people feel is particularly prominent.


"Countries will civil servant posts to grassroots tilt,Especially for graduates,Is trying to avoid a school will wear‘Officer cap’Takes place."ShaoJunYi told reporters,From this years post situation,New into the position of the role of the civil servant more like"server".Let the new appointment civil servant in a line/Grassroots post exercise,Help to understand the situation of civil servants at the grass-roots level,In the work more accurately grasp the policy,To the civil servants growth is favorable."At leisure and high salary job attractive is understandable,But this kind of situation has less and less,Students need to realize this,But also to realize,A line/Hard work is not no prospects for development."ShaoJunYi said.


职位表“暗语”,你读懂几个? Position table"argot",You read a few?


"Position written on table‘The minimum period of service for five years’,Don't equal to tell you it is a very hard job?You can sign up to clear!"Register online before,A detailed study of the position table,Pick out the can enter oneself for an examination of the post,Is the examinees are of a job.To study thoroughly the examinee also sums up the position on the table some"argot"to,Many candidates from"argot"Read on the position of 2013 civil servants"bitter".these"argot"Understand the right thing??Yangtze evening paper also please expert analysis a.


最低服务期五年=超艰苦岗位? The minimum service period five years = super hard position?


"The minimum period of service for five years"The words in the party and the masses of the central authorities and the central administrative organs appeared in the post not much,And in the central state administrative organs directly under the institutions and agencies is common,Such as the national tax system,Jiangsu as an example,210 jobs,Without exception was marked"The minimum period of service for five years"".A lot of the examinee to understand,Minimum five years in service period means that post hard,They need through a prescribed period of service to"Execution.".


ShaoJunYi told reporters,Said the minimum period of service five years = super hard position actually not necessarily."In the past there will be some examinee enter oneself for an examination a post,Also admitted to the,But the probation period is not finished up the.Also has the examinee in the post for less than one year, two years,Think not the right post,You take the exam again or resign situation.So in the past two years in some units when they enter oneself for an examination set minimum length of service,To avoid this situation.In 2013 the national civil servant exam regulation service period less than two years of civil servants shall not enter oneself for an examination,Also from increasing the stability of the new civil servants to consider."But ShaoJunYi also said,Regulation service period for five years"Execution."The situation is really exist,Proportion is not low,A lot of post regulation service period also mark the counties,The general is really hard position.


服从二次分配=最终岗位只会更差? Obey the secondary allocation = final position will only worse?


In maritime/Customs system"Obey the secondary allocation"The note appear more.The scare a lot of candidates.ShaoJunYi said,"Obey the secondary allocation"In previous years have,The note,Means that the examinee after take an examination,Post may also vary."Do not eliminate some special excellent candidates will be transferred to the more suitable for the post.But as with the university entrance exam fill volunteer,Obey the volunteer general always compare with the first volunteer,maritime/Customs itself and have a lot of a line/Hard jobs,The examinee enter oneself for an examination in the need to be prepared."


懂当地方言=岗位在最基层? To understand the local dialect = post in the grassroots?


"Understand the local dialect"The note in the position in the table is wider in scope,National tax/The national bureau of statistics/Customs system have appeared.Some students will understand the local dialects understand directly into position in the grassroots.ShaoJunYi said,Chinese dialect system complex,Different dialects sometimes can't even normal communication.Admit by examination unit proposed the requirements,From the work of the reality.Requirements understand dialect post,Really is commonly basic position,Direct and the masses of dealing with more,Some may also need to often go to the countryside/Deep fields,Is hard.


报考提醒 Enter oneself for an examination remind


In addition to"bitter"This a big characteristics besides,2013 years of position table and some unexpected detail,These details also reflected and take an examination of some changes.For to the examinee,A good grasp of these changes,Master enter oneself for an examination skills,Also may improve exam and shooting.


岗位问到了配偶工作 报名信息要准确详细 Post asks about spouse work registration information to give an accurate and detailed


Compared with previous years,2013 position table explanation is undoubtedly the most meticulous.Post do,Professional test exam??????/How to score,Post needs what certificate,Many in the position the table we have clear landmark out.The supreme people's court trial department a administrative trial position,Besides I needs to have more than two years work experience law,Through the national judicial examination and so on high demand outside,The spouse profession puts forward requirements if the spouse is engaged in the legal profession,It can't enter oneself for an examination the position.


Personnel examination experts remind,Detailed instructions for the position of transparency also more and more high,The examinee enter oneself for an examination should see conditions,Problematic can call ZhaoLu unit,Don't play adventure"Edge ball",For some look more virtual requirements,Such as higher writing level/Computer level,Conditional best can provide evidence,In order to increase their competitiveness.


档案馆要招昆虫专业 冷专业也有“春天” Archives to recruit insects professional cold professional also have"spring"


accounting/Chinese/law/Computer 2013 positions on the professional requirements,The four"Traditional professional"Still row on the demand of the first four.But refer to position table can also be found,In the past is not heated holds some professional post choice also a lot more than usual.Such as journalism,Previous call to the news is not much,A lot of news professional examinee can only go to squeeze Chinese categories for the post,But in 2013 is"call"But more up.Only the central organs of the party and the masses have 15 position to journalism,The old popular computer also but 16.And whether it is English or minority language,2013 years are a post.


In addition,Some unexpected unpopular major also demand.Such as China's second historical archives called a"With agriculture and forestry insect pest control"Professional students,Also requires the graduate student,Mainly engaged in archives insect mould prevention and control.Other jobs"call"Professional is unpopular,Such as aviation aerospace propulsion theory and engineering/Vehicle engineering/Dance director/Mining engineering and so on.Personnel experts remind,If your professional very unpopular,Don't lose heart,Sift through position table,Good mastery of professional categories,Perhaps have their work can enter oneself for an examination,Compared with common and professional,A higher risk of admission.
