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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今天搜狐教育会客厅请到的嘉宾是NormStar集团执行总裁纪超女士,纪女士欢迎你,首先请介绍一下NormStar集团。

Today sohu education saloon please go to of the guest is NormStar group chief executive JiChao lady,Age woman you are welcome,First please introduce NormStar group.


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:NormStar集团是目前中国最大的一家人力资源测评公司,主要为客户提供人才标准构建选拔评价以及发展,帮助一流组织实现真正的人才竞争优势。具体工作就是为企业提供人才的选拔评价以及经过评价后的发展还有长期的职业规划生涯设计,我们目前有七千多家客户都属于中国百强乃至世界五百强企业我们这些年来的发展也受到国资委、中组部以及公司机构的认可,应该说在规模产业实践中为更多人提供更好的平台。

NormStar group is currently China's largest a human resources evaluation company,Mainly to provide talent standard construct selection evaluation and development,Help first-class organization true talent competition advantage.Specific work is to provide enterprises with personnel selection and evaluation, and evaluation by the development and long-term career planning career design,We now have more than seven thousand customers belong to China and even the world top enterprises top five.We these years of development is also affected by the sasac/The CCCCP and the company of the accreditation of institutions,It should be said that the scale of the industry practice for more people to provide better platform.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您作为第三方的测评机构对于学生是非常了解的,您认为现在大学生就业难的现状到底是怎样的?

You as a third party assessment institution for students is very understanding,Do you think now college students employment difficult situation exactly is what kind of?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:大学生就业难出现的毕业生,本科、硕士和博士生中,本科院校是最难的,其次是硕士和博士,难的核心主要是需求的不匹配。很多大的企业的技术都是在二三线城市,但是学生好的学校都是在一二线城市,这些地方的学生不愿意到二三线城市去工作,全挤在北上广这样的城市。第二,挤在核心的领域,比较有名的是公务员、特大型的国有企业,然后才是比较好的外资企业民资企业,范围聚焦的特别小。经过这么多年的大学生扩招,有很多大学生毕业生,但是优质的企业数量少,所以形成需求不匹配。

College students' employment difficult to appear graduates,Bachelor degree/The master's and doctoral,Universities and colleges of undergraduate course is the hardest,Second is a master and PhD,The core of the difficult is mainly demand does not match.Many large enterprise technology are in two or three line city,But students good schools are in a second city,These places the students don't want to to two three line city to work,All crowded in the north of the city so wide.The second,Crowded in the core of the field,Comparison of the famous is a civil servant/Large state-owned enterprises,Then is the better of the foreign capital enterprise what enterprise,Range focusing special small.After so many years of college students' enrollment expansion,There are a lot of college students graduate,But the high quality enterprise quantity is less,So formation needs not matching.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:校招的甄选过程包括筛选简历、项目测验、小组讨论、结构化面试等等,每个环节背后都有企业自己的目标和标准,他们都重点考察学生哪些特征,能否通过具体的实例以及数据对比介绍一下?

School recruit the selection of process including screening resume/Project test/Group discussion/Structured interview and so on,Behind every link have enterprise own goals and standards,They all emphasize on students which features,Whether through concrete examples and data contrast to introduce?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:在实际的过程中大部分的企业筛选简历的时候是筛选硬件条件,985、211这样的学校第一梯队,然后是专科筛选;除此之外第二个是专业,学生更多看中跟自己专业匹配的。虽然我们说学生的专业不重要,但是企业还是看中专业,尤其技术型的行业;第三个是地域,现在越来越重视地域,比如生源地是哪里在哪里读书,学生更愿意靠近生源地,这样比较稳定。另外看中学生实际学习的成绩,专业课程排名。其实看简历的时候还看项目经验、社会实践,这些方面有没有跟别人不太一样的。初步的简历筛选大概就是这些方面。第一面是人力资源部门或者第三方机构来完成的,第一面是劣汰的,个性、心理特征不符合企业要求的淘汰,这个比例大概是70%左右,有一部分企业是在50%左右,报一万个人,第一轮只剩五千个人。一般第二轮面试企业安排的都是比较复合型的测试,小组讨论、管理游戏,还有一些专业面试,专业面试官,通常这个环节是优中选优。第一环劣汰,第二个在差不多的学生当中分好组,基本素质方面与人沟通合作的协调性,性格方面是否更适合企业文化。第二个是专业性功底更深的,第一轮不看专业,既然都差不多的时候选择专业更合适的。除此之外与其他人相比更有一些管理潜质的,越往后选的越苛刻。有的企业有终面,这个过程是纯文化的东西。最后一面的时候见的是公司老总,他们会根据面试发现这个人说话做事的方式,待人接物的方式是不是与企业吻合。简历筛选到一面差不多是10:1,从一面到二面是2:1,二面再往后到终面是3:1,大概是这样一个比例。像一些大的客户在第一轮网上招简历的时候是两三千份简历,最后进入终面只的有两三百人,这个竞争还是非常激烈的,尤其越好的企业比例越小。

In the actual process of most of the enterprise screening a resume is screening hardware condition,985/211 this school the first echelon,Then is the specialized subject screening;In addition the second is professional,The students take a fancy to more with my professional matching.Although we say that the student's professional is not important,But enterprise or take a fancy to professional,Especially the technology industry;The third is region,Now pay more and more attention to regional,Such as germ is where where reading,Students are more willing to close to the business,It is stable.In addition to the students' practical learning achievements,Professional course rankings.Actually reading a resume also see project experience/Social practice,These aspects have with others is not too same.Preliminary resume screening is probably these aspects.The first one is the human resources department or the third party agencies to finish,The first one is the carrier of the curve,personality/Psychological characteristics do not conform to the enterprise requirements of the selection,The ratio is about 70%,Some enterprise is at about 50%,For ten thousand people,The first round there are only five thousand people.Generally a second interview arrangement of enterprise is the more complex test,Group discussion/Management game,There are some professional interview,Professional interviewer,Usually this link is the best optimal.The first ring carrier jig,The second in the same students good group of points,Basic quality aspect communication cooperation coordination,Character is more suitable for the enterprise culture.The second is a professional skills deeper,The first round from professional,Since almost all the major choice more appropriate.In addition to more than the others have some managerial potentials,The more demanding the more choose back.Some enterprises have end surface,This process is pure culture things.Finally a time seen is company manager,They will according to the interview found the people speak way of doing things,The way people are and enterprise anastomosis.Resume screening to one side is almost 10:1,From one to two surface is 2:1,Two surface back to end surface is 3:1,It is such a scale.Like some big customers in the first round for online resume is 23000 resume,Finally enter the final surface only have 2300 people,The competition is very fierce,Especially the better the enterprise scale is smaller.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们第三方机构起到什么样的作用?

Our third party agencies have what kind of role?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:说到测评也好招聘也好,一般有这样几个组成部分。第一个是标准建立的问题,第二个是流程的设计,几个环节经过设计,保证最终入选的人数要经济合适。第三个是工具的选择。第四个面试官的培养。我们做的更多的是帮助企业理清标准,很多面试官面试的时候,四个面试官会有四种标准,虽说是为了这一个企业选人,但是选出来的人千奇百怪,很多标准上不统一,这种不统一不是项目的不统一,而是更深入的理解。第二个是帮助他们设计流程,由于现在很多企业人力资源部门的人并不专业,对流程的设计走了很多冤枉路,例如到不必要的地方去做宣讲会。第二个是增加不必要的面试,增加面试官的工作量,提高谈话比例会使淘汰率更高。第三,工具,我们根据他的标准流程把工具开发设计好培训他使用。最后就是人的问题,企业面试官通常都是兼职的,平时是一些部门的工作人员,到这个季节临时抽调到大量的地方做面试官,他们需要做详细的培训,包括流程包括技术包括注意事项包括面试官的仪表各个方面,这部分工作我们都要做。真正做起来的时候,我们还会为他们来跟踪整个流程,包括帮助他们组织宣讲会以及提供考官服务等等,我们是全流程的服务。

Say to the evaluation or recruitment or,General have so few part.The first is the establishment of standard problem,The second is the design of the process,A few link through the design,Ensure that the number of the final selection to economic appropriate.The third is the choice of tools.The fourth interviewer cultivation.We do more is to help enterprise clear standard,A lot of the interviewer the interview,Four interviewer will have four standard,It is for this enterprise selecting,But chosen to people all sorts of strange things,Many standards not unified,This unity is not project not unified,But more in-depth understanding.The second is to help them design flow,Because now a lot of enterprise human resources department is not professional,On process design go a lot of YuanWangLu,For example to unnecessary place to do teach-in.The second is to increase the unnecessary interview,Increase the interviewer workload,Improve the proportion of conversation will make higher mortality.The third,tool,We according to his standard procedure the tool development design good training he used.The last one is man's problem,Enterprise the interviewer is usually part-time,Usually are some department staff,To this season temporary transfer to a lot of places do the interviewer,They need to do detailed training,Including process including technology including attention including the interviewer in the instrument all aspects,This part of the work we have to do.It's truly up,We will for them to track the whole process,Including help them to organize teach-in and provide the examiner service and so on,We are the whole process service.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:企业现在在招聘的时候录用率普遍来说不是很高,原因是什么?

Enterprise now when in the recruitment of employment rate in general is not very high,Reason is what?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:满意度主要是对学生,企业在招聘学生的时候主要是看一种心态的问题,现在中国高速发展,所有的企业快速发展,都缺那种能干活儿的人,学生是这样一个群体,他们的未来性很强,企业的心态是会把学生当成熟的人才用,这种心态导致了企业的不满意。学生不能变成成熟的人使用,招一个学生来培养他一年两年,可能这个时间他又跳槽了,白费了很多时间。第二个是学生的问题,现在大学教育的问题,尤其是本科生。很多学生在本科阶段已经不再去学习学科的基本思维方式、核心的理论,都是在做应试,考试的时候突击一下,但是学科精髓没有掌握。比如我招了一个学电气工程的,本来学电气工程的人基础的东西都了解,来了之后发现得从头教起,什么都不熟,跟高中毕业生一样,我们对这种理论基础的不扎实的也是不满意。同时还有学生的技能问题,尤其90后的学生在面试过程中非常现实,直接问你薪酬怎么样的,不满意就不来,也会直接问你户口的问题,找你这个企业就是为了解决户口,如果面试官这个地方不能解决就不来,或者骗他来了他也会走,高的流失率也是企业非常不满意的一个原因。还有融合性问题,越来越多的孩子是独生子女,进入企业后不能主动融入企业,老想让企业融入他。

Satisfaction is mainly to the students,Enterprise in the recruitment of students' time basically be to see a mentality problem,Now China's high-speed development,All of the fast development of enterprises,The competent are short of work,Students are such a group,Their future is very strong,Enterprise's mentality is the student when mature talented person with,This kind of mentality lead to the enterprise not satisfied.Students can't become mature people use,For a student to develop him a year two years,Possibly this time he and a new job,Wasted a lot of time.The second is the problems of students,Now the problem of university education,Especially the undergraduate.Many students in the undergraduate stage is no longer subject to learn the basic way of thinking/Core theory,Are doing examination,A test the assault,But science does not have the essence.For example, I called a study of electrical engineering,Originally learn electrical engineering people basic things to understand,After come from that teach up,What all don't cooked,As with high school graduates,We to the theoretical basis of solid is not satisfied.And, at the same time, students' skill problems,Especially after the 90 students in the interview process is very real,Directly ask you pay how,Not satisfied shall not come,Will also directly ask you account problem,Looking for you this enterprise is in order to solve the registered permanent residence,If the interviewer this place can't solve shall not come,Or cheat him come he will go,High wastage rate is also very dissatisfied with the enterprise one of the reasons.And integration problems,More and more children are only children,Enter the enterprise can not active integrate enterprise,Old want enterprise into him.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:针对学生存在的普遍问题,能不能给大学生提供一些建议?

According to the general problems existing in the students,Can you give some Suggestions to provide college students?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:大学生可以分两类,一类是在读生,大学生代表了一个国家的未来,应该在学校把更多的时间用在提升自己的能力素质知识经验水平上,尤其学科的造诣上面,不要急着去做很多的社会实践,无意义的实习。我知道有一些家庭条件不太好的孩子喜欢去打工赚学费,要主次分明,要有一个清晰的目标,大学只有四年,到底把什么东西作为主要方向,这个是很重要的。

College students can be divided into two categories,One kind is born reading,College students' represents the future of a country,Should be in the school put more time in improve their ability quality knowledge experience level,Especially subject above attainments,Don't hurry to do a lot of social practice,Meaningless practice.I know there are some families conditions are not too good children like to go to work to earn fees,To clear the primary and secondary,Want to have a clear goal,The university has only four years,Exactly what things as the main direction,This is very important.


The second,For graduate students,A sense of purpose is also very important,Should be more value to oneself life value realization useful things,Don't put too much stress on immediate treatment,Choose real can according to its own characteristics play director industry,Can patient do three to five years into a industry mature talented person,And then to choose you think better platform better company,I don't need to take the first step to a feet stepped into the threshold of the highest,In fact, sometimes you may stepped into the threshold of the highest finally will also fall out.Because you are not suitable for the place or your ideal is too high,Span in later found it actually not resplendent and magnificent,Also is a very common room only.Students be realistic also should have goals,Don't put the social think too ideal,The society is also very practical,This is my on one of their Suggestions.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才提到了实习的问题,现在有许多人提倡大学生从大一开始就应该去实习积累工作经验,对于这个问题怎么看?

You just mentioned the practice problems,Now there are many people advocate college students from freshman year start practice should go to the accumulation of working experience,,For the problem how to see?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:这个我是反对的。大学生课程设置目前看一二年级是基础性的课程,大学真正学习的是技能,但是两年的时间老师更多教会的是学科思维方式,学工程教给你科学数据这些东西,文科一些基本的理论常识,这些都是从事相关工作的基础。有些半路出家的人以前是学工程的还有研究生考到金融老是觉得融入不了金融的基本理论,因为没有本科教育这一段的历练。前两年还是要认认真真把基本理论学好,这个是非常重要的。

This I'm against it.College students' curriculum at present look at a second grade is basic course,University really learn skills,But two years the teacher more church is discipline way of thinking,Learn project teach you scientific data these things,Liberal arts some basic theoretical knowledge,These are all engaged in the related work of the foundation.Some people used to be a halfway decent engineering graduate students and got into financial always think the financial basic theory,Because there is no undergraduate education this paragraph of experience.Before two years or the conscientious basic theory well,This is very important.


The second,I don't object to practice,Practice orientation should be contact with the society/The process of hoisting capacity.We found the students present a practical ability,Including some specific plan/Organization control/decision/Lead the ability.The school learning is more of a single to single,After the organization into these related practice is very important,And these abilities are usually in the social activity obtained.This is a good,And the actual recruitment will find that the time will be those who have the practice experience performance better,More in line with the requirements of the enterprise.But I think it is good point,If I go to send takeout,Then I learned to on time,Very good allocate time,Good communication with people,Choose a good work style.After six months I have grown up, don't do that again.In turn, a lot of enterprise,For example, I go to the top enterprise,All day long is let you print a teapot bag for leadership,This exercise ability?Also exercise,But as students to do these things is a waste of time,Poor targeted,Take the time as the better read some books to learn more.The third,Do not you do the practice for three years practice enterprise feel hello.Enterprise see special key two paragraphs,The two section have results come out,Some students of universities do a dozen work,This resume HR instead is fluctuating,Think you university didn't dry business will make money,This is not good.Junior second half of the year begins to find so a two feel really can improve their ability of the enterprise to practice once is enough,This is my suggestion.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:很多大学生在上大学的时候就做了很多份实习工作,也有相当一部分大学生可能受到社会舆论的影响非常恐惧职场害怕进入社会,可能为了逃避这些事实去考研,作为一个过来人,您认为职场到底是什么样的呢?

Many college students in university is to do a lot of work practice,There are a number of college students could be influenced by the influence of the social public opinion very fear workplace fear entering society,May in order to escape from these facts to one's deceased father grind,As a a n experienced person,Do you think the workplace exactly is what kind of?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:我确确实实是过来人,我大学毕业这么多年,我自己对现在职场的看法更轻松透明。现在的90后入职后的领导一般都是70后80后,他们的老板可能也就是60后,这些人一般是经过正规大学教育的人,本身是知书达礼的人,而且他们也经历过从大学到职场的过程,从领导方面他们很理解这部分新人,愿意培养他们给他们机会,从用人的角度不是一个很大的问题。从成长来说这个反而是会有一些人担心的,因为大学生在前20年的人生中都是老师教、自己学、交作业这么一种方式。进入职场以后老师不教了,虽然有培训但是都是比较浅的东西,更多要自学,自己学习能够独立完成任务,最重要的承担责任,这个是很多学生害怕的。交给你一项工作,领导说三天交给我,做不好捱批评可能影响一个很大工作的完成进度。被放到一个链条上不再是一个独立的个体,承担责任可能是现在很多孩子害怕的事情。他们从小到大很多责任被家长老师被社会承担了,他们没有很多承担责任的机会,这个是他们害怕的。但是他们是有承担责任的能力,所以要有这种心态和准备,我做的事情要负责任把它做好,哪怕是件很小的事,只要一步一个脚印去成长,企业是接纳他们的,并不一定说有那么可怕。

I indeed is a n experienced person,I graduated from the university for so many years,My own view to now the workplace more relaxed transparent.Now after the 90 after induction of leadership is commonly after 70 after 80,Their boss may also is after 60,These people are generally after normal university education people,Itself is knows the book to reach the ritual people,And they also experience the process of from university to the workplace,From the leadership they are understand this part of the couple,Are you willing to cultivate they give them a chance,From the point of view of choose and employ persons is not a big problem.From for the growth it is there will be some people worry about,For college students in the first 20 years of life are all teachers to teach/learning/Hand in your homework so a way.After the workplace teachers don't teach,Although there are training but are relatively shallow things,More want self-study,My own learning independently to complete the task,The most important responsibility,This is a lot of students' fear.To you a job,Leadership three days to me,Do not didn't criticism may affect a large the completion of work progress.Be in a chain is no longer an independent individual,Responsibility is probably now many children are afraid of things.They size many responsibilities are parents teacher was for society,They don't have a lot of chance to take responsibility,This is what they are afraid of.But they have the ability to bear the responsibility,So to have this kind of mentality and preparation,I do want to be responsible to do it well,Even if it is a small matter,As long as one step at a time to grow up,Enterprise is accept them,Don't be certain to say there are so terrible.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:现在校园招聘会又开始如火如荼进行当中,面对90后的职场新人,公司应该更着重考察学生哪些素质,与以往是否有一些变化?

Now the campus recruitment began to like a raging fire going on,In the face of 90 after the new workplace,The company should be more focuses on what students quality,And in the past if there is some change?


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:这个事情我们也在分析。2013年真正的90后开始进入职场,他们一般都是在90、91年左右出生,他们的年代比80后更开放。90后与80后相比第一个是他们更加国际化,因为他们从小接触的东西就不再是中国国内的东西,他们吃穿用住了解的品牌知识很多内容包括生活方式非常得国际化,他们开放性很强。

The things we are also analyzed.In 2013 the real after 90 to begin to enter the workplace,They are commonly in 90/Born around 91,Their s more than 80 more open.After 90 and 80 after the first is compared them more internationalization,Because they from contact things will no longer is China's domestic things,They live with food and clothing brand knowledge about a lot of content includes the way of life is very international,They open is very strong.


The second,After the 90 students from character speaking more directly,This may with foreign influence have relations,Not as we used to think this is euphemistic,After 90 is very direct very enthusiastic,And his performance is strong desire,But I think that these cannot be said to faults.If in 80 and 70, we see is faults,Now look at should be wrong,Our enterprise unit of choose and employ persons should be as a neutral characteristics,The normal social phenomenon to view,Don't say a student very outgoing or very direct he found don't want this person.Society such,Normal contact their these characteristics,More study the person's ability quality.After 90 than 80 more realistic,Reality to each month's salary,For instance you told him an annual salary of one hundred thousand,Each month to send five thousand this all not line,The salary in year every month to send ten thousand he feels this is to rely on the spectrum,If the annual salary 130 thousand award,This very difficult,Reality to such a degree.On the issue of buying a house,I am in you work here,Three years can loan,Loans or the entire section considering this problem,Others sounds terrible,Actual is such.They will ask the interviewer many didn't may be asked questions.To correctly understand the correct guidance,More to show enterprise long-term attract student's example,Career development channel,Can't take money move.Although they ask money,But not really take a fancy to money,If you this place can create value,For example, there are some companies with his three to five years to grow a very good basic management personnel,He'll think this place is very attractive,So the enterprise task is how to attract them to work for you,And not to say that I can't open your wages don't you.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为学生应该从哪几方面准备校园招聘会?

Do you think students should from which a few aspects to campus recruitment?


JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:Students in this turnoff exactly what to do,Don't have to,It's a waste of the enterprise's time,You want to good exactly what conditions should be considered.Looking for a job,Students before resume to an understanding,Students with the teacher about can also be used with fellow students know about,This major this kind of schools include such people in what aspects competent or employment opportunity may be greater or is suitable for,Development foreground is good.Do some neighboring survey,Put these know next time looking for good industry good enterprise or the ideal region,There is a clear preparations later to start looking for a job.


The specific job resume, of course, is the most important a ready to open.Ready to resume don't do too loud,Seeking truth from facts,A lot of the interviewer to see whether you seriously,Are you full introduction of her situation,Did you express the characteristics of,These are necessary.We don't say very beautiful,But to be at least a very real reflects his situation,A good resume is very important.Some say you want to every company to prepare a resume,This also unnecessary,You compare the tendentious several kind of job resume ready.


The third,To introduce yourself/Show yourself preparation.Ask you what problem how to answer,The students in the face,HR in the opposite,Now enter a time virtue dwarfs vice DaoGaoYiZhang era,Students return uncut jade to return true instead,Ask you to put it tell the interviewer is ok,Don't go to guess you want me to answer??????,Because in your guess he,In his guess you,So many students face after your answers with others have a problem for certain.The interviewer's question,For you do not know can't see through time he can only choose negative,He can't say I cannot see through see again,He had no time to.The second,Also should actively strive for,In the process such as some group discussion group activities,Especially those normally taciturn students,They are very hard.Often with they suggest,In this occasion into it,Since everyone together to play the free to play,This discussion question discussion question,Don't be afraid to say the wrong thing or expression is bad.The real expression from the evaluation terms,True expression can really see your abilities and characteristics,The mask to others the more bad feeling.Many thought performance fully children why can't get tickets for the next round of promotion,It is because he behave too false,Not more than performance fully.This is very important.


finally,To have a bottom line,What finally choose??????,Could not everyone choose the best enterprise the ideal city,In many elements city/industry/salary/account/Regional many places finally have a their own choice,In extreme circumstances what will give up,This to good,Otherwise the last choice is to be others,Still want to become active choice.


纪超[诺姆四达集团执行总裁]: JiChao [noam sida group chief executive]:接下来介绍一下校园招聘中关于标准的设计,我们一般在校园招聘开始之前会帮助企业去设计本次招聘的评价标准,交到面试官手里请他来做参考,这个叫做评估模型。一般有两类,一类叫做通用的模型,一类叫做结合岗位的模型。在这个模型的设计中通用的岗位本次校园招聘没有明确的岗位要求,我们就在所有的学生拿一个普通的评价,这时候一般会包括像人际沟通合作、个性、分析思维这样一些大的方面,每个方面有一些二级指标,这样帮助面试官更清晰的了解一个人。如果针对一个具体岗位的时候,比如销售岗位,我们就会有一些个性化的指标进来,比如他会增加压力承受、成就表现这样一些与销售岗位的工作特点和工作内容特别相关的一些指标。两个对比以后可能面试官在选择销售岗位的时候会使用针对性的标准。

Then introduce campus recruitment of standard design,We usually campus recruitment in before the start will help enterprise to design this recruitment evaluation standard,Make the interviewer hand please him to reference,This is called the evaluation model.Generally there are two types of,A kind of called universal model,A kind of called the union post model.In this model in the design of the general post this campus recruitment no clear post requirements,We will in all the students take an ordinary evaluation,At that time usually including interpersonal communication cooperation/personality/Analytical thinking so that some big aspects,Every aspect has some secondary index,This helps the interviewer more clearly understand a man.If for a specific position time,Such as sales position,We will have some personalized index to come in,For example he will increase under pressure/Such achievement performance with sales job characteristics and work contents especially relevant some index.Two contrast would later be interviewer in the choice of sales positions will use specific standards.


After a standard,We'll make all kinds of evaluation,After many kinds of methods of evaluation will draw such a conclusion,In data and charts is the way to present,Each person will have their own diagram,The graph above four overall aspects see a person which side is strong,The specific to ten several index on his advantage is what.overall,We finally will use star way to performance,There are five stars,Four is positive recommended,Samsung this man basic right,This week or don't fit right.But what we call the right or not is said he and position matching degree,Instead of saying this man the absolute best and not excellent,Finally suggested that students may be in financial evaluation on the result is not very ideal,So can consider whether to change course manager or general class post,Then try may find a better answer.The evaluation of benefits is also can help us interviewer rapidly to the student to carry on the classification screening,Avoid a student many times interview a waste of time.Through the front screening the report form reflect,Report according to the individual character/Power and ability so that three latitude for a person to the present conclusion,Personality is and discord,Can ability is the problem,The back is not willing to let the problem.The man I can do it well,My personality is suitable for well,Finally I was willing to do it well,We think is the best.


 Finally the end of is end PK degree,We look at an example,Such as the person overall capacity matching degree is 37%,Personality is 56%,Power is 76%.Such people may from three aspects is mainly in terms of power is very strong,This man is willing to do it,Personality basic fit for this kind of work,But he is related to sales,This is a sales report,His ability and sales position compared with general 37%,We see this sales personnel is very enthusiastic very willing to do ability almost,Sales result is not very good.This with post related,The position compared with individual character performance is very good,His character is very suitable for,Such as he is the kind of comparative extroversion,The characteristics of the post with his comparative matching,His power and abilities are still have,But some enterprise to gather the last moments of the ability to think about of time more willing to choose personality and power more outstanding students into the enterprise,Means that the students are more likely to fusion the position more easily into the enterprise,This is more important.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢纪总作客。

Thank you for age always away.
