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超级“丹”当硕士惹争议 网友调侃:四级过了吗--亲稳网络舆情监控室

超级“丹”当硕士惹争议 网友调侃:四级过了吗

  本报讯 伦敦奥运会已结束了两个多月,但对奥运冠军的各种奖励还在继续。在房子、车子和票子的发放告一段落后,原本与这番热闹不搭界的“象牙塔”,亦不甘寂寞地走上前台。人气极高的羽毛球男单冠军林丹,近日就风风光光地从华侨大学校长手中接过硕士学位证书,他也因此成为国羽队中学历最高的运动员。消息一出,随即引起了网友热议。人们感兴趣的,并非是林丹成为中国羽毛球队第一位现役运动员硕士,而是林丹在常年训练和参加国内外比赛之余,是如何拿下硕士学位的。很多人提出疑问,在林丹获得硕士学位的背后,是否存在奥运冠军为学校扬名,学校为奥运冠军获得文凭提供便利的某种默契?

Report from our correspondent London Olympic Games already ended more than two months,But for the Olympic champion various rewards continues.In the house/The car and ticket distribution after come to an end,With the original and lively not the juncture of"Ivory tower",Also unwilling desolately on stage.Popularity extremely high badminton open champion lindane,Recently FengFengGuangGuang is from overseas Chinese university President received his master's degree certificate,He also becomes the country feather the team of the highest degree in athletes.News a,Immediately caused a hot debate net friend.People are interested in,Lin is not become China's badminton team the first active athletes master,But Lin in the regular training and to participate in the game more than at home and abroad,Is how to win a master's degree.A lot of people question,Lin earn a master's degree in behind,Whether there are Olympic champion for school go far,Schools to get the diploma Olympic champion provide convenient a tacit understanding?


According to local media reports of the fujian province,Overseas Chinese university teachers teaching in the door way of guarantee, such as Lin active athletes finish school,meanwhile,Does not exist for these athletes reduce learning requirements of the phenomenon.


but,Reporters recently is lindane concrete is how to finish school,Such as he builds full how many credits,What course done better or worse,And ordinary students' graduation requirements if there is a difference,What is the theme of the graduation thesis problems,To overseas Chinese university interview request is put forward,Overseas Chinese university refused to accept an interview.


University is higher education places,College diploma is a students to receive higher education,To achieve the corresponding education level and through the appraisal certificate.The outside world for excellent athletes in sports results in exchange for a college degree of potential risk early have doubts,Overseas Chinese university now can't positive response lindane, China badminton team athletes can ensure completion and meet graduation requirements,Will only cause to the outside world"Universities should is the Olympic champion's reputation"/"The champion athlete nominal go to college"The further question such statements.


 追求宣传效应 降低学习门槛 The pursuit of propaganda effect to reduce learning threshold


In fact,Lin this kind of situation in China and is not what news.There are many universities before,In order to pursue better propaganda effect,For national team in the main/The world champions and Olympic champion, and other well-known athletes.


Just last month at the national college students during the games,Some universities sports work in charge of the principal/Vice President in the national college sports work meeting,Has been to the university for high level athletes exist some abnormal phenomenon puts forward the question.


Universities high level sports team set up,Originally is to have sports specialty students with receiving higher education opportunities,But a lot of school is by retired or active athletes form the high level sports team main force,Its fundamental purpose is no longer push"Body teaching combined with"To carry out the,Autonomous training college competitive sports talents and promote the all-round development of college physical education,But will see it as a school go far made tool.


According to some university vice President introduced,Due to the national team athletes perennial active at a high intensity of training and competition,Let these players in his spare time to finish college is almost impossible to realize.A feasible way is for athletes keep one's name on the books,After they retired school finish school.But now it is common practice,But schools to the so-called single teaching mode for athletes"KaiXiaoZao",In fact it is greatly reduced the exam for athletes and the requirements of the credits.

  文凭岂能当奖品 国外事例引反思 Diploma when prizes can foreign cases lead reflection


Olympic champion was awarded the diploma,University register more than on a star alumni,But in this seemingly"win-win"Behind the result of,But let a person have to become to diploma prize this phenomenon mind worry.


Our country sports system because of the reason,Athletes in the process of growing up the early lost accept culture education opportunities,Set up by the state to provide an exemption for excellent athletes in the policy of the university,To some extent help make up for athletes early cultural education waste be short of regret,To athletes in retirement to society better,To start the new work and life.This policy is the most important value is the process of athletes to accept education.But the real situation is,Many athletes not felt a day of college life,Also can not reach should have knowledge level,But in hang a few years after the title of students of a university,And ordinary students got the diploma.Early a few years,Olympic champion YangWei and LiuGuoZheng have for"Super class hours"University to repel,But eventually successfully got the other university graduation certificate.


While in a foreign country,Excellent athletes in sports professionals identity be recruit into the university is not a rare example,But the school because of the popularity of excellent athletes to its lower academic requirements of the example but almost no.There is an example worth many Chinese universities reflection:German famous football player Michael ballack,In 2004 to colon sports institute submitted a study sports management graduate admission,But be colon sports institute refused,Because colon sports institute think,As a professional football player Michael ballack in accordance with the amount of training and competition task,He can't be completed at the same time postgraduate studies.

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  网友吐槽: Net friend vomit tank:

  林丹你过四级了吗? Lin you have level 4?


The small _Derek:When yao Ming is still in force in bitter read financial,Lin got the master's degree,Comparisons are odious ah!


ChenJinHui xiaopiao:For overseas Chinese university(Alma mater)As a never to school class and Lin of graduate student degree certificate issued by shame.


@ happy LiuChangHao:# lindane, obtained a master degree # lindane,You have a level 4?


@ LuoChao said the ball:Two-time Olympic champion lindane has gotten back to overseas Chinese university master degree certificate,The news caused a ring of the inside and outside figures of hot debate……It's not strange,But the overseas Chinese university,well,Remember the,Never let the son after reading this school,May graduation comes out even I don't recognize the,Do you believe it,Anyway, I believe.


Hippocrates and method:I appreciate lindane,More very admire him,But I heart look down on overseas Chinese university,A kittenish school,Didn't have a good future.


@ LiuGenQin:Deng yaping than of dr. Cambridge,Lin overseas Chinese university master weak burst,Jin yong's some reading degree, tears streaming down her face.


The sea king shark:Lin was awarded a master's degree in school,Only shows that a thing,Either Olympic champion worthless,Either school degree worthless,Yuan fang,What do you think??
