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体育后备力量缩水 运动员培养陷入困境--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Walk this road sports fewer and fewer people,The reserve force in reducing the number of athletes。The appearance of this dilemma,Have all the social common heavy culture study light exercise big background,Parents worry that their children are suffering psychological elements,And youth sports training“Into more、Way out narrow”Present situation of。Although a lot of citizens is very concerned about the Olympic Games,Also analyzes the athletes to show admiration,But really want to be asked“Would you like to let the child to practice sports?”when,But many parents laugh and shook her head,Some even married all ignore。And this,Just also exposed sports talents training of malaises。July 22,,Reporter in an interview to understand,Worried about spending、More reason of literacy class delay,Many parents talk about“body”Color change。Who coaches regrets:Choose a good young plant is not easy,The parents' support is very important。


 听说练体育,家长不搭理 Heard that practice sports,Parents don't take reason


Zhifu district is the first competitive sports school in shandong province at the county level outstanding sports reserve talented person base,Successively for country sent more than excellent sports talents。Although results in,But in the school's headmaster ZhangXiGuang opinion,The expansion of the athletes reserve force is still struggling。


Now parents paid attention to children culture study,Physical exercise aspects of not enough attention。And because the students' academic burden is heavy,Parents fear of practicing sports delaying study,More are too busy physical exercise。ZhangXiGuang said,“Choose young plant”A key,Due to choose from wild child grabbed,This time biggest resistance is the parents don't support。


Zhifu district sports school gymnastics coach LvJianPing and ZhangXiGuang with the same point of view。Every year,LvJianPing will go to the kindergarten selection,See good children then communicate with parents,“A listen to is who will come in,Many parents heard married after all ignore。”


 学校体育队,人数减一半 The school sports team,Half reduced the number


Not only competitive sports faces select material difficult,In the school sports students willing to practice more and less is also the fact that does not dispute。“The most obvious example is,Organize a sports activities,No one voluntary application。”QiXiaShi peach village high school sports teacher in FengHai said。


On the high school,Enter the school sports team practice of sports in reducing students。“In 2008 the school team has people,Only three years,The school team can recruit to 32 people。”MouPing a sports chief QuPeiXian teacher also have the same feeling。


In announcing the dominated today,The school sports training to far to the attention of less than of literacy class attention to。In addition,Sports can't enter the school especially immortal often the ChongDianBan。In this context,Even sports teachers are generally feel“Not valued”。“Like teaching of Chinese maths English teacher is teacher,Teach sports teacher is not there。”In FengHai couldn't help vomit slots。

  胳膊一受伤,家长不让练 Arm a wounded,Parents don't let practice


Practice sports,Mean pay unimaginably hard and sweat。As a athletics gymnastics coach,LvJianPing the truth:“Gymnastics for children is the most cruel of one of the items。”


20,,The reporter walks into the school gymnasium for competitive sports zhifu district,Witnessed the children two and a half hours almost continuous training“cruel”,The training process,Some children the eye socket always with tears,But the action of hard again,All has never had a players drop out。“In fact the children and no matter how bitter can persist,Quitter is often parents。”LvJianPing said,Now are only children,Parents don't have the heart to children hardship。“The team a child that DingHongGe,The original practice is very beautiful,Last year arm hurts,Parents love dearly don't let practice。”LvJianPing said,After six months of parents feel give up a pity,To send to come over,But midway pause for training effect affected。

  训练和比赛,两样都烧钱 Training and competition,Both burn money


Yantai citizens the son to Mr. Song QuChunYang zhifu district who learn table tennis competition,Said to cost,Mr. Song to reporters calculate a bill:In a new racket,Close to 2000 yuan;Every month in the rubber,Add up the two sides to-;Practice children,More than two months can be worn a pair of new shoes,Is one hundred yuan of spending。In addition,In addition to ShengYunHui and provincial championships,The rest of the game is all on my own。If the other provinces and cities in the game,Schedule three days words,A registration fee of the game、Father and son two accommodation、Boarding fee will 8900。“Odds and well,More than a month and more than one thousand dollars。”Song said Mr。


compared,Gymnastics project is“Save money”much,But if you're lucky enough to enter gymnastics team,Cost is not little number。LvJianPing said,Every single to pay in the accommodation and those is 30 yuan,Economic conditions not enough good parents may also give up。

  想要进省队得耗好几年 Want to have ShengDui consumption for several years


In fact,Hardship many、High cost and not lead to parents is the main reason for the candidates,They are even more concern is,The body and money to pay,Exactly how much in return?


For most of the students who is concerned,Into ShengDui、National team,In national and international sports events to get places,Is their years hard in training target and power,Is their most promising development road。But in fact,As for the athletes,Can go up step already very not。“Can players into ShengDui,Only a small number of。”LvJianPing said,The main reason is concerned for gymnastics,ShengDui recruit people on the athletes' is very strict。Even if the ShengDui training,Also after years of JiXunQi、Trial period with can become,“Some players consumption not go down。”LvJianPing introduced said,She let coach 22 years with the team,Each year almost all someone was sent to ShengDui training,But one of the only three people officially becomes。

  苦练十几年还是得转行 More than ten years hard or a career change


35 years old who is Mr. Li on zhifu competition“The old players”the,Now he made a business。Mr. Li from five began to learn gymnastics,8 years old was elected to the ShengDui,16 ShengDui from retirement,“Then what all done”。At the beginning of ShengDui with him into the player,Most of the other work starts turned。


“Took 12 years graduating class,There are more than 100 of the college entrance examination,And finally engaged in sports teaching students is only one。”In FengHai said。ShengDui retired athletes turned a line,Ordinary sports university graduates way out is very narrow,Do a professional related can only when sports teacher or into the club when coach,And when sports teacher will pass the exam,The students learn sports of literacy class is generally weak,So few people can pass。


this,QuPeiXian also sympathetically。“Poorer people of literacy class,After graduating from high school, read a higher vocational,Than normal kind of school of employment。”QuPeiXian think,Now the sports teacher post saturated has intensified this trend,“This year of PE teachers than on zhifu admitted for 8. 9,Three men a physical education teacher,Go to the 1200 people。”

  快报记者 李志波

Letters LiZhiBo reporters

  要金牌,更要“金苗” To the gold medal,More to“JinMiao”


The Olympic drumbeats sounded,The Chinese athletes,Especially athletes of Hong Kong city analyzes news,Soon will become the hot topic in the town-talk citizens。Cast in London Olympic Games open before the curtain,In addition to share our joy,Also want to explore the sports reserve talented person reserves and cultivate the slightly seriously topic。Facts prove the,Our backup talents do have a certain degree of shortage。this,From sports coaches to pull a face or heaves a sigh expressions,It can see one spot。


In fact,We have had the backup talents shortage brought bitterness。Football is a very good example,The team at the London Olympic delegation of China held when the establishment ceremony,So a word:Chinese sports delegation will attend except football、equestrian、Handball three outside of the 23 sports in the project、212 events of the game。Listen to,claims“The world first movement”football,So was granted to the Chinese people“In addition to”In outside。Say equestrian、This project I didn't upset handball qualified for,Pour also can understand,But football such hot project,I just don't have to......,'let people lose。


For football this example,Just want to say that the importance of sports reserve talented person cultivation。Other projects,Although not all like football so badly,But also more or less in similar issues。The current,We in the international sports competition ability of whole analyzes,No doubt。however,More important than the gold medal,We should often cherish the heart of anxiety,Cultivate more and more better“JinMiao”。only“JinMiao”thrive,We will continue to reap victory fruit。

  而要培养“金苗”,并不只是普及群众体育 、扩大体育招生、提高体育学分这么简单,还需要有一系列的配套举措,比如,“金苗”的训练与学习如何更合理搭配,“金苗”退役后如何消除后顾之忧等等。说到底,这不仅仅是体育 、教育部门的事 ,也是全社会都应思考的一个问题。

And to develop“JinMiao”,Not just the mass sports popularization 、Expand sports recruit students、Improving physical education credits so simple,Still need to have a series of supporting measures,For example,“JinMiao”Training and learning how to more reasonable match,“JinMiao”How to eliminate the trouble back at home after retirement, and so on。In the final analysis,This is not the only sports 、Education department ,And the whole society should think about a problem。

  □多招生 -many recruit students

  增加体育生名额更多孩子有出路 Increase the quota more children born sports a way out

  对于栖霞近几年体育招生越来越少的状况,栖霞市桃村中学的体育老师于丰海苦不堪言,“ 今年全县只招15名体育生,去年招生40人。”

In recent years to qixia less and less of the condition of sports recruit students,QiXiaShi peach village high school sports teacher in FengHai pain in the neck,“ This year the county only 15 sports for life,Admissions 40 people last year。”


Recruit students number straight decline,Change to lead to want to walk road of the sports and less and less children。In FengHai teacher said,Mid-term exam last year 20 people have signed up to take part in sports especially immortal exam,This year, only 11 people。


In the teacher according to your own personal experience,Think the school should expand enrollment,So learn sports will dare to sign up,Sports talent will more and more。

  相比市中学和县中学,乡镇中学本来升学率就呈现偏低的趋势。“ 乡镇中学的条件比较差,全县都没有一个塑胶操场,因为条件差,学生流失也比较多。”因此,于老师特别希望能提高乡村办学条件,体育器材和教学条件能得到改善。

The city and county high school than middle school,Township high school graduation rates have appeared low trend。“ The conditions of the rural middle school is poorer,The county are not a plastic playground,Because the condition,A student drain is more also。”so,In the teacher special hope to improve rural school running conditions,Sports equipment and teaching conditions can be improved。

  □转观念 -turn concept

  别只为应付中考应提高身体素质 Don't only to cope with tests should raise the quality of the body


In China,The exam is most students absolute power。Where is the direction of the exam,The goal of the student in where。Yantai also is no exception。In basic sports education in more than 20 years of FengHai teacher suggested,Can improve sports scores at ordinary times, the proportion of the exam,Children learn to sports、Love sports。


In the teacher is so said,Because every time to fast the mid-term exam,There will be looking for his parents。To help the child inside short time improve sports scores,Not exercise at ordinary times,Only by the short-term surprise。


Truth to the teacher,Although short-term surprise also have the possibility of standard,But the quality is not out of the body the assault,Still want to rely on the usual exercise,Hope that through improve sports scores proportion,Let the children and their parents pay more attention to sports,Not only manage tests。

  □当爱好 -when interest

  体育自有真乐趣培养兴趣最关键 Sports has really fun raises the interest most key


Laiyang a table tennis coach of the delay step army said,Table tennis relative in track and field project for example,Interest sex more,But tests have no place to recruit table tennis when the physical life,The children to play table tennis also from interest。


Delay step blunt the benefits of military practice table tennis,Don't get bogged down in the go professional road。“Table tennis can serve as a kind of special,Whether at school,Or after working,As interested in fine。”


“Table tennis is not from age restrictions,8 years old can play,By the age of 28 can also play。”Delay said the army,And the practice of track and field,They can't keep up with physical age,The body quality also can not reach the standard。

  “ 孩子喜欢的东西,大人只需要给他掌握一个方向,如果有益当然要大力支持,鼓励他朝着更高目标发展,但是这不代表说想叫他得到什么,比如必须进入国家队,只是给他提供一个机会和条件,让他自由成长。”支持儿子踢了十几年足球的唐女士觉得,儿子身体一直很健康 ,团队合作意识也很强,这就得益于从不间断的足球训练。而且孩子自始至终都非常快乐,这就是最大的收获。

“ Children like things,Adults need only to his master a direction,If good of course to support,Encourage him towards a higher goal development,But it does not mean that he said he wants to get??????,For example must be in the national team,Just to offer him a chance and conditions,Let him to grow up freely。”Support son play for more than ten years of football ms tang feel,Son body is always in good health ,The team cooperation consciousness is strong,This will never give thanks to the football training。And children from beginning to end are all very happy,This is the biggest harvest。
