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“中国式接送孩子”成新热门 孩子17岁仍被接送--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  “中国式过马路”这个话题刚刚降温 "Chinese cross the road"This topic has just cooling


"Chinese shuttle children"And hot

“中国式接送孩子”成新热门 孩子17岁仍被接送送孩子的汽车挡住校门口 Send children cars blocking the entrance of the school


What is this why?


Children old enough to go to school alone after school?


The xinhua news agency said yesterday outgoing mail,From the Internet users spit slot"Chinese cross the road"/"Chinese joint children"/"Chinese road"in,It is found that,A series of questions of the answers are proved,Single number limit line outside,Ease traffic congestion the relevant departments and traffic participants can do it but not yet do still have a lot of.


yesterday,Reporters visited zhuhai several accommodation type middle school,At the door of the junior send children back to school scene buzzing.


独有的“中国式接送孩子” unique"Chinese shuttle children"


Well-known media people/Review people hair open cloud said,"Chinese shuttle children"Really belongs to"Chinese characteristics",Many countries in Europe and America,Almost no pick up the kids this kind of situation.Although don't have to"Say Europe and the United States",The us and Europe because transportation is the one that won't work in China,But even urban form/Traffic and large population, etc in China and Japan are similar,Rarely has parents shuttle children,why?Deserves reflection.


"Chinese shuttle children"By parents"favour",Mainly has several reasons:The first is the child's safety problems,There are such as urban traffic complex,Not according to the rules of driving vehicle many,Worry about the child that which is evil, etc.


现状:许多孩子由家长车接车送 status:Many children by their parents car after car to send


At 4 yesterday afternoon,Is most accommodation school students back to school time,Every forty Simon the most on the east side of the lane,Has been maintained at more than a dozen car team,Some side stop hurry off,Some children get off for holding a quilt/Toilet paper and articles for daily use,All the way, to send their child to kindergartens campus...About 20 minutes,Walk off,The number of the team did not appear big changes.In this time period,Only eight name kids alone into the school,Basically all is lightly.


More than 5 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,We stopped at the door with all kinds of send students go to school vehicle.School opposite of the shop owner Mr Lee said,From more than 2 PM until now,To send students to the vehicle in an endless stream.Mr. A car ready to leave,Reporter to meet up:"hello,Excuse me, are you to send their children to school?"


"to,Just the girl quilt sent in,Don't stop your car it,I'll go!"The gentleman's name,Live in north ring.


He told me,Although not far away from school,But the day was cold need to bring a quilt,So he sent his daughter to school.The children in the New Year,Peacetime all in residence,Go home once a week,Home oneself sit bus,Back to school he is responsible for send.


He spoke words,A small girl behind shoulders under the car,Father holding a quilt,Her brother help she took the suitcase to enter the school.


Send their children to school of xu said,His children on the senior year,Children home a week is he is in charge of transfers."Are so big,In fact she can go home,Main weekend yourself not favour,And worry about the children the road naughty,The child himself will transfer to the school heart steadfast some."


家长独白:已接送孩子14年多 Parents monologue:Already ferry their children more than 14 years


Lao wang this year 49 years old,,17 years old son is in high school,He transfers the child's time for 14 years.


Kindergarten 3 years,Elementary school six years,Junior middle school three years(Occasionally meet,Children sometimes riding a bicycle),High school in residence week transfers a.In addition,These give the child for the many cram school,Are almost transfers.


"For the children very much worth it,Transportation is the child should be,Do parents' obligation,Children learn a lot of knowledge,We will be very delighted,Sweat not in vain,See the children to grow up,It pays off."Pharaoh said.


The child this year, 17 years old,Why to shuttle?


Pharaoh said,Too far from their home,Children in zhengdong the school,And his house in the northern suburb of,The road car people not more safety,Afraid of children accident.moreover,Other family members pick up the kids,If they don't meet,Afraid to the child psychological impact,Worry about the children feel parents don't hurt him.


"Now the children in high school,Afraid of children in adolescence to early love affect learning,Fear and bad children play together that which is evil,Afraid of your child to participate in some exciting activities not safety...Anyway, in his parents' eyes are always grow up children."Pharaoh said.


Mr. Zhang's family in GuanChengOu,Also to east send children.Mr. Zhang said,Shuttle children of the vehicles in the same time highlighted in the city,No doubt to the traffic pressure.Queuing vehicles at the school gate,Often blocked the road."Don't pick we really don't rest assured,Now are mostly only children,One thousand a what matter,But several generation of people's nightmare."


孩子:其实早已能独自上下学 children:In fact already can ShangXiaXue alone


Journalists and wang talked for a while.17 year old wang tall,One meter 83 size.


"Sometimes they have to shuttle I,I am not willing to.Don't listen to their voice,I'm so big,Have the ability ShangXiaXue himself,Don't want to let them too tired/Too worry about."Wang said,Junior high school we can ShangXiaXue the,But the parents don't let.


"Our school is about 50% shuttle it,Every Friday afternoon leave school time,School Simon transfers students team can arrange two crossroads,Traffic jams every time,In fact everyone can ShangXiaXue."Wang said.


网友看“中国式接送孩子” Users see"Chinese shuttle children"


@"Until the sky blue to see the sea YJ":"Chinese shuttle children"When Hugh?Think about your school to go to school when I was a child is alone,When children are only children.Not now parents dote on children too,It is now the society more and more let a person lacking a sense of security.


@"Al midgame":Just think,The urban traffic congestion was,"Chinese shuttle children"More increased traffic jams;Traffic congestion a,Safety hidden trouble will increase;Increased security hidden danger,Parents more not trust the child safety,It is a vicious cycle.


专家:“中国式”应该全社会想办法解决 experts:"Chinese"Should the whole society to figure out a way to solve

  知名媒体人、时评人毛开云:既然“中国式接送孩子”是一个社会问题,就应该全社会想办法解决:修学校,增加和完善教育教学设施,解决孩子就近入学,这是政府的事情。维护交通秩序、整治社会治安等,这是交通、公安等部门的事情。设立“学童拥护员”、成立家长教师联合会等,这是学校的事情。拿出时间表,废除“中国式的生活习惯”,这是家长的事情。只有全社会行动起来,各方面携起手来,“中国式接送孩子”才有可能慢慢减少,直到最终彻底杜绝。(记者 张玉东 周甬)

Well-known media people/Review people hair open cloud:since"Chinese shuttle children"Is a social problem,Should the whole society to figure out a way to solve:Repair school,Increase and improve the education teaching facilities,To solve the children came near to the entrance,This is the government's job.Maintenance traffic order/Improvement of social security, etc,This is the traffic/The public security departments of things.Set up"Children support member"/Parents' federation was established,It is a school things.Out schedule,abolished"Chinese living habits",This is what the parents.Only when the whole society into action,Various aspects join hands,"Chinese shuttle children"Can be gradually reduce,Until finally complete elimination.(Reporter ZhangYuDong zhou yong)
