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86岁教授与琴为伴70余载 大学起开始免费教琴--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  “琴棋书画最能修身养性,古琴又是文房四宝之首,我弹了70多年的琴,对身体和精神都有大有好处。”86岁的叶汉声是湖南大学一位退休教授,他的一生与琴为伴,免费教授学生500余人,至今还在授课。 "Chess most can cultivate one's morality raises a gender,Gu qin is the four treasures of study,I play the piano for more than 70 years,On the body and mind has a lot of good."The 86 - year - old YeHanSheng is a retired professor of hunan university,His life and piano company,Professor free over 500 students,Still in the teaching.


"Every day I 10 at night to sleep,The morning get up at 7,The noon a nap,The rest of the most of the time are in play,Teach students."Speaking of health techniques,YeHanSheng think gu qin is the biggest"hero".Listen to the voice of the long-term harmonious beauty,Can make people breathing/pulse/Blood pressure/Endocrine all over the body such as the system to reach a benign operation and cycle.More important is,Likes to play the piano can dive down to,Indifferent to fame and wealth,Take place since,Avoid a lot of mental distress.


"All of the people live longer,You see the ancient medical condition is very poor,The average life expectancy is only 40 years old,But will the piano player life is very long,Confucius lived more than 70 years old,Kangxi and qianlong emperor are very long life."He said,"My material life is very simple,Jinde all don't touch,Only drink plain boiled water."YeHanSheng although has 86 - year - old,His body even more than young people healthy.

  叶汉声老家在湖北,出生书香门第,家中四代都是读书人。13岁时,他跟着父亲的朋友开始学习古琴,“从中学到大学,从来没有忘记过古琴,总觉得要留住文化的根。”大一时,他因为弹琴在学校小有名气,有人来拜师学习,由此开始了教琴生涯。“我教学生从来不收钱,我想把传统文化传播给更多的人。”有趣的是,叶汉声学的是教育统计学专业,后来在湖南大学也一直教授统计学,古琴只是他的业余爱好,但他教古琴的时间却是教统计学的两三倍。(记者 张萌 实习生 侯新萍 杨力菲)

YeHanSheng their hometown in hubei,Was born a literary family,Home is the fourth generation scholar.At the age of 13,He followed his father's friends began to learn gu qin,"Learn university,Have never forgotten gu qin,Always feel to keep cultural root."A big,Because of his play a minor celebrity in school,Someone to master learning,Thus began to teach music career."I teach students never accept money,I'd like to traditional culture spread to more people."Interesting is,YeHan acoustics is professional education statistics,Later, in hunan university has also been professor statistics,Gu qin is his hobby,But he taught gu qin time is taught statistics two or three times.(Reporter ZhangMeng interns HouXinPing Winston fe)
