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大学老师课堂播放性爱电影 学生投诉反遭控告--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  性爱电影片段竟在课堂播 Sex that movie clips in classroom sowing

  学生投诉 反遭师告 Students' complaints against was against division


Tainan Chinese medical university of science and technology have six students,Seen in the classroom the teacher in the classroom broadcast movie,Feel close to the part/uncomfortable,To the school sexual flat will appeal,Didn't expect the school after investigation that sexual harassment case was established,But to lodge a complaint students was the teacher accused nuisance reputation,Although prosecutors recently made not to prosecute,But two students are scared to quickly transfer,Also let the parents criticism,No protection plaintiff.


The movie[Angle head the]Description money/Power desire of entanglement,As lawyers of male leading role and the judge battle of wits bucket force,And a score the United States in the 70 s story Mafia,The two movies are English teacher for training students' oral English teaching materials,Tainan Chinese medical university a English teacher surnamed Chen,In the classroom in turn play the two films,But because the plot has exposed/Sex fragment,Let class six students feel uncomfortable,Complaints to the school.


The university survey,Think the teacher prior told the film is restricted fragment,Also in the classroom explanation English usage,That was not the case,To avoid the embarrassment,Suggested that students turn class,Didn't expect the last student was an English teacher against hindrance reputation,Can let the family members question school leak identity.notified,Two students, so immediately transfer,Although prosecutors finally not to prosecute,But the courage to appeal,Identity is exposure to tell,No matter the teacher get studentship pipe,Such action a come out,I'm afraid to let the students dare not"Have words loudly say".


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This semester,Wuhan university general elective course system added a new course"Love a required course",Cause many college students interest,Have become popular this year wu3 da4 general elective course of.however,Formal after class,The instructor and some students feel a little confused.

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The door"Love a required course"On the content in the female reproductive health,Involved in the formation of menstruation/Dysmenorrhea treatment/How to safely contraception, etc.,Aims to remind and help girls to protect their own physical safety."Feels like listening training before marriage",A boy is red the face summarized their experience in class:On pins and needles…… [detailed]
