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  41岁的苗卫芳成了“新闻人物”。 41 years old MiaoWeiFang became"People in the news".

  河北大学研究生毕业回家种地致老父气极服毒 记者对话“种地研究生”苗卫芳

Hebei university graduate student to go home to father kept very poison gas reporter dialogue"Sow the land graduate student"MiaoWeiFang

  近日,网上出现的《研究生毕业回家种地 老父气绝服毒》视频,让河北保定阜平柳树沟村41岁的苗卫芳成为“新闻人物”。这位河北大学中国近现代史专业2008级的硕士研究生,曾因考研成功而成为整个村子的骄傲,后却由于找不到满意的工作无奈回家务农。苗卫芳回乡后,其父苗风山感觉压力巨大,选择了服毒自杀。苗卫芳因此成为村民教育孩子的“反面教材”。

recently,Online in the[Graduate home father kept ghost poison]video,Let hebei baoding fuping willow ditch village of 41 years old MiaoWeiFang become"People in the news".The hebei university modern history of China professional level 2008 master graduate student,Once for one's deceased father grind successful and become the pride of the whole village,But after because I fail to find a satisfying job but home soil.MiaoWeiFang after home,His father MiaoFengShan feel great pressure,Chose to commit suicide by poison.MiaoWeiFang therefore become the education of children"Negative materials".


Many web BBS are forward,A lot of net friend in the comments exclamation"Difficult knowledge change destiny".


yesterday,Reporter MiaoWeiFang dialogue,Interpret why"Difficult knowledge change destiny".


要的不是“铁饭碗” Will not"Iron rice bowl"


而是“环境适合” but"Environment suitable for"


reporter:Reports say,After you come back to my hometown,Began to change the job frequently,Has been to the work not satisfied,Going to looking for a"Iron rice bowl",Is that so?Do you think what kind of work is"Iron rice bowl"?


MiaoWeiFang:I need to clarify,I'm not looking for a what"Iron rice bowl",I think also and not so conservative.I want to find a formal working environment work.Because I am writing the book,And there are many topics to do,If find a at the site works,It is not suitable for.I want to work environment is,To work,And be able to do your own thing.To say such a request is not too much.


For example,Such requirements in literary federation/Scientific research institutions/Cultural institutions are allowed and encouraged,But they just are"Civil servants",Is often called"Iron rice bowl".


I am not want"Iron rice bowl"of,Just want a job for the environment.


reporter:Have you ever tried to take an examination of the civil servants,Find such a"Suitable for environment"Work??


MiaoWeiFang:I also tried to,But the age does not allow,Basically will sign up for"Conditions do not conform to the requirements"But be refused to.Older graduate student is a group,Graduate students in my situation,30 years old classmates can account for about a quarter.In the research of three,I once classmates and the civil service examination,He is also a older graduate student,Every time he was refused later,He told me,Sure you will be not top.


现在许多单位找我 Now many units looking for me


但是我都拒绝了 But I refused


reporter:You now have is the well-known,Such exposure whether to give your life brought change it?Whether improved than before?


MiaoWeiFang:Now there are many units looking for me to go to work,I refused.I can't because of the things to the society"please"To such a job.My goal is still very clear,Is to pass the exam,In their own efforts to find a job.


In our county now and past substitute teacher,Organized a field test,Through the test,These teachers can officially became a enrolled teacher.I now is in preparation for the exam,Exam is coming soon,So now also are actively preparing for these.


Before you take an examination of is not,Report not the name of the,This is county this year new a policy,To solve the legacy of a substitute teacher,so,The name to the newspaper.


reporter:You this is from home and moved to the school to review well,Home whether to the pressure?Mainly from what respect?


MiaoWeiFang:Was it I escaped it.I'm here is familiar,To my Alma mater or tolerant,Here may be nothing.


I used to at home itself is a pressure,Don't let me stay at home.Now all the ChengXinWen father committed suicide,Around the relatives and friends are in scold,said"There is a skeleton in the cupboard are",But as everyone knows things.The major responsibility or in me,Other responsibilities are smaller.They've done very well,If can let all parents think home sow the land nothing,Estimated at that time father won't have that(suicide)The thought of.


Parents around under a lot of pressure,Than I employment pressure is big.Because my father in my said to go to graduate school,This sure no problem,How wear also should have a good job.But in fact,It is so absurd to go back.All the expectations have been broken,Their faces were also hit a crushing.


说我嘀嘀咕咕有病 Said I mutter to oneself sick


我那是在读英语 I was reading English


reporter:Critics say,Peking University who can go to sell pork,Why can't the graduate student to sow the land?What do you think the graduate student a tiller of the ground the question?


北大才子就不该卖猪肉 North wit shouldn't sell pork


MiaoWeiFang:Peking University who,If really is wit words,He should not sell pork.He sold pork than direct requests to do,I think it is not he should go to do business.Pork should by the butcher to sell,If the north who had studied slaughter or professional agriculture and animal husbandry,To sell pork understandable,If learn is legal/history/Chinese professional,He should not do this.He's not adept,And dry up sure as the butcher.


Graduate student a tiller of the ground truth is the same,If not learn this word of professional,You should not go to sow the land.


reporter:A village villagers say you even sow the land all kinds of bad,Is that so?


MiaoWeiFang:I kept,Sure no professional farmers grow well,Kind of good just strange MAO!The village people in slander me,Because once in the village,I disdain those people,Somebody else's disdain I.They use"mouth"Beat me/Despise me.And sure to me is an imperious,Is opposite to the.I see the way they don't say "hello",Secretly of certainly is much.


They said I was crazy to the media,Said I always talks to himself,Whispering so I,In fact,I was reading English,I read English how?They couldn't understand,He said I was crazy.This also is very normal.but,In the city is not the thing,Environment or different.


reporter:You are home situation how?Parents' emotional all stable yao?


MiaoWeiFang:Of course,Now in many aspects of the work,The government layer leadership will go,There will also be some mental and physical help.Rural society is a"Acquaintances society",Good news goes on crutches bad news travels fast,So the things a,All good to know,All know who who who home a graduate student,Graduated from the home to the farm,Finally the Lao tze gas have committed suicide.


Local leaders will advise the home parents,Then give the home some help.although,I in the village is no status,But I am in county's popularity is quite large,By many people attention.People in the village to see me,Look at my one eye,He even see,Also laugh at me,Secretly whisper I.


but,Local leadership to I was very important,Saw I will ask me after the problem of employment,Think of a way to/brainstorm.If it weren't for has this kind of spiritual support,Help me,Let I can support down,Otherwise, I must have committed suicide,I won't commit suicide?The suicide is my.


自杀本身具有偶然性 Suicide itself has contingency


reporter:Some people think that,Your spirit father's suicide is a kind of unfilial behavior,How do you see?


MiaoWeiFang:The problem how to say.This thing has a chance,Suicide itself has contingency.Because he said suicide,But who can take this as a particularly true??This happens is quite unexpected,Before he also said such a thing,Others said such a thing also has a lot of,"I have committed suicide,Return true not dead",but,The real suicide and have a few.


Dream cannot be lost,But some must be more pragmatic


reporter:You this time from father suicide home out to the outside,Ever and his father say any words?


MiaoWeiFang:I said,If you can find a let you decent job,When I rush back to help you sow the land;If can't find,Is not the kind of.If can't find words,Even the amateur farmers also when not,In addition to time is not allowed,The family is not recognized.now,I'd rather outside their the drift.


reporter:How do you evaluate yourself?Happened to you on these things,And how to evaluate?


MiaoWeiFang:Thing itself,Is a tragedy,Tragedy is the social,Destiny tragedy,And personality tragedy.Personal fate/In personal character and social three factors that caused the"tragedy",The factors accounted for more main it's hard to say,This is the background of social tragedy,The tragedy occurred character/The destiny tragedy.


My personal character is certainly one of the factors,As more people didn't go back,Or go back to her father also does not have the suicide ah.but,Back,,Suicide might really have.Because holding the environment can have the idea of writing a book,I don't dare to go back,Have the bottom spirit back.I and home said,They also understand,He only said that I was a tiller of the ground,Can I have the pursuit of higher? A tiller of the ground!To family,I was somewhat guilty of,Although say they can support down,But he's still a person outside the drift,Itself is a tragedy ah,to,To family,For parents,Didn't it all.

  以后有规划的话,梦想不能丢,但是肯定要更加务实一些,在更加务实的基础上,实现自己的梦想。 记者张丹

Hereafter have planning words,Dream cannot be lost,But some must be more pragmatic,On the basis of more pragmatic,Realize your dream. Reporter zhang
