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On October 25,,By the China QingJiHui little angel action fund/Qinhuangdao sponsored by education bureau,Rev. HangYing development center undertakes the third high school principal public BBS officially unveiled.This is the theme of the BBS"Service learning and youth development".From the national more than 50 middle schools and primary schools headmaster/15 focused education work of non-governmental organizations and 16 media both at home and abroad,To blend in the view of service learning and adolescent development in depth discussion.The following is the world union college China's state council vice President,The international baccalaureate organization popularization of preliminary school director HuaXiaoHang lady's share memoir:


Thank you!First of all, I want to thank"Little angel action fund"and"Rev. Do"Center give me this opportunity came to qinhuangdao share with you some of the world's union college and I personally to the service learning experience.Can't say I am an expert on the subject,I just observed the for many years UWC students in service in the study of benefit.I think in the promotion of the concept of service learning,Is a under urgent things.So I just as a example to give everybody shows some problems,In fact I think under the horse doctor speech,May be more comprehensive to introduce some service learning concept and experience in Asia.So I just make a call it.

  先给大家介绍一下这是UWC,UWC就是United World College,就是世界联合学院,1962年创立于英国,现在大概是全世界12所学院,它是一个精英学校,不是靠连锁来取得盈利的。IB在座的很多校长和老师可能对这个有很多的了解了,它是国际文凭,是1968年创立于瑞士的,现在在全球已经有很多所学校,在中国也有100所学校。UWC和IB的关系,实际上在1968年IB创立的时候,三个创立的学校之一就是在英国威尔士的UWC,其他的两个学校是联合国的国际学校。IB实际上现在非常重要的一个核心课程就叫“CAS”,C就是创造,A是行动,S是服务。核心课程实际上它的概念是来自于UWC的社区服务,作为这个学校学习非常重要的一部分。我们今天来讲的就是服务性学习,服务性学习就是把传授和社区服务结合在一起,然后通过反思,反思是其中很重要的一个过程。

First of all I introduce this is UWC,UWC is United World College,Is the world union college,Founded in 1962, in England,Now the world is about 12 colleges,It is a elite schools,Not by chain to achieve profitability.IB many of you here to the principals and teachers may have a lot of understand,It is the international diploma,Is the establishment in 1968 of in Switzerland,Now in the world there are many schools,In China also has 100 schools.UWC and IB relationship,In fact in 1968 IB's creation,Three founded school is one of the UWC British wales,The other two school is the United Nations international school.IB actually now very important a core curriculum call"CAS",C is to create,A is action,S is service.Core curriculum in fact it is the concept of from UWC of community service,As the school is very important part.Today we will tell is service learning,Service learning is to teach and community service together,Then through the reflection,Reflection is one of very important a process.


UWC is a very unique organization,Is the education as a kind of power,Through the education will be different local people/Countries and culture together,Its purpose is to promote world peace.This is in England wales school a photo,It is actually about more than 140 countries in the world,Each school is preferential selection some have the ability or potential students,Around 140 countries scholarship mechanism,Will these students all together,The study and life together.Through the exchange of the 24 hours,To change the life education,This kind of education is able to do something for world peace her small contribution.Even if put some selection to students,Just like in our domestic also have a lot of key middle school,Or have a lot of international institutions,Also through the different degree of the selected students,Put them together how can realize great goals,Called for world peace? Make contributions?This is the concept of UWC core part,It is in the inside an arrow.We think only to students based on knowledge is not enough,Knowledge in middle school and primary school knowledge is very small a part of life,Knowledge is to some,But we think that in fact skills,Different kinds of exchange or/Understand or,Different kinds of skills and knowledge together,Or not enough.The key is to develop a kind of values,So the three component parts,And into action,In action before strengthening of three parts.Such students coming out of training,After their graduation to become a change agent,This is the purpose of UWC want to achieve.So students after graduation is not a graduate,He is a life learners,But it is a change agent.


The students came to school later,They are generally 16 to 19 years old children,Through two years of accommodation system education,How to achieve such a great goal?Our course is generally divided into three parts,One is the classroom course project,A we called the union class project.Why I prepare the speech translate this into"Group class project",Rather than general said extracurricular activities?Because I think this is and the whole course is related very closely,Not extracurricular,But united class.So in the above,Due to our schools are accommodation school,Accommodation life actually have a lot of accommodation project.The three ring is a point of intersection of each other.


In UWC course project,Is the class in the content of the professor,Is many teachers and principals all know,Is IB courses.IB is to teach six classes,I will not dwell on,But the core of the IB course is part of"CAS"- create/Action and service.This is the UWC each student to do,Is the IB courses already has a high requirement,And IB courses have asked the students to do service/Create and action,But in UWC there are what we call accommodation project.What call accommodation project?Now there are many domestic JiSuShi school,This and UWC boarding school is completely different,We need to do a lot of a lot of service.For example we another 200 school has more than 20 projects,These projects are all organized by student/The students to participate in,Then a week to do one or two,Insist on two years.The what kind of accommodation project?Without them have the,For example peer counseling,For example I can do a physical learning mentoring relationships,Then I have a problem in physics students help their guidance,But this is not the kind of one-on-one coaching,But in other teacher their guidance,There is a interactive process.In fact the student in the guidance of others,He also get a lot of benefits.So life kind words,Including such as students is held in weekend coffee shop,Students to do school books management assistant,Some other students will be responsible for cleaning the classroom/cleaning/Sweep the snow all sorts of different schools need to work.


Then the third ring is I've told united class project,We UWC students about about 200 people,200 people school all the organization's projects,At the very least, want to have more than 80.Speak it now is in the Nordic world union college of an example,Our school union class project can be divided into three broad categories,We have weekly activities,Every day is in after class.Our school class is generally at two o 'clock in the afternoon will be over,Our professor IB courses,IB is two years need 240 hours,We is far below the IB teach,Because we has long end the class.In addition to have a week outside activities,Students also take organization other activities,This time the school closed,There are some that informal activities,These are completely students spontaneously,No teacher guided.Each week activities at least one,Two years is about four semesters,We require two years come down on average every week to have 3 to 4 hours,Each activity to insist on at least two semesters.Then other activities,Students in other activities in time,Relative these activities more.We each semester to the school organization global awareness day,The global awareness day there will be a topic,Students through the course and course in other activities,To their organization a big talks.We have special project day,For example, there are some special activities/Special occasions,At that time the school closed all day to do the project.This is a special project weeks,This is a week,On the basis of the project is to learn.Informal activities include WenHuaRi,Student organization the whole day WenHuaRi activities,And improv.


Continue to lift this example.We UWC northern branch of the Red Cross,Group class activities requires six attention point,Because we are the Red Cross so we require students to engaged in humanitarian associated activities.Because be in northern Europe,Nordic very pay attention to environmental protection,So our school will ask students engaged in relevant environmental protection this union class project.Because we in northern Europe,So to learn a lot to do with the Nordic culture and northern European people's related activities,The three is the creation of the IB/Service and action,So is there are six emphasis.Students choose or design their own service projects,How do they design course?Our teacher is according to the six emphasis to the students.


So every two years to do just now I say that six emphasis balance,Every week to have three or four hours.In fact the real UWC students,Every day should have three or four hours to perform these activities,Because they feel engaged in these activities to learn something interesting books,And more meaningful.


So the weekly activities of the organization,Is divided into two kinds of.One kind is can the teacher to guide the,But more is the teacher just do a prison guide,Completely is a student organization,From beginning to end is the leadership of the students.We in the students of these projects play a role,In two years is a basic design.He has just come is a trainers role,And then the participants,There are some students village after some programs can become leaders,So the top is these students finally become the whole course and the whole project designer and training other students and the teacher's activists.


Actually I learn the concept of service,I think is a very new concept,Also should do the concept of further discussion.If we can say so?Service learning is actually for learning and service,But also for service including learning,Must complement each other.Because I always feel,Especially young generation of children,You've been talking to him to serve for others,He would think I was higher than service,Or I am a selfless attitude,I am volunteer to do things for others.We so many years of experience it,In fact the best project should be the student from this program, the benefits are actually over he can give be server to provide benefits,And in those two the interactive relationship should be equal,Not a higher than another.


Here in the edge,The most important is actually reflection.In UWC is a more special place,Because students from his family and social background to be drawn,In a strange country,In the study together two years later and all separated.So he did a lot of things,Not a very long-term consequences.For example I have grew up in Beijing's,The circle is a relatively fixed,If I do a thing failed,A lot of people will know.We are UWC we are very encouraged students to failure/To try.You fail it doesn't matter,As long as you reflect on,Then get some experience,In the next to do,You can do better,This is the successful.So this is also I think UWC is in this respect more easy to do some,I think is a very worth recommending things.Because the young children they should not be overcautious of,But should be brave to try not try things.We UWC Canada have a very famous headmaster,He one day suddenly announced that he was retiring.Then the teachers asked why you suddenly decide to retire?He said this morning, there is two student to come to my office,Said in the school to try something,He'll told the student,This matter has been tried,Is not successful.Later, the students went away,He'll do the reflection,He felt that I am in the school has to stay too long,Because I'll told the student,In the past have tried without success,Just think you try it now also won't succeed,He will feel this time he should retire.


Then the idea to the influence of students I can say is lifelong,And it is the transformation of the sex.UWC graduates will have very good grades,This some I don't lift,He will also be into the famous university such as harvard and Cambridge,This I also don't lift,I want to mention was an American,Is a philanthropist,That Davis,He set up a special UWC scholarship program,As long as you was admitted to 94 American university,He full scholarship for you to read.Why did he do it?He is not philanthropist,He is a philanthropist,But he said very understand.He said I just let the UWC students to my American university to influence people in the United States,Let the americans are more service spirit,Let the americans have more new ideas,Will be more for social services.So I think this is UWC on students' lifelong influence the best witness,This charity people will put UWC students improve into American society and the American changer,A seed.


These graduates from 62 after founded,Until now there are 50000 graduate students,They are engaged in many, many different jobs.All of these people,In talking about their UWC for two years of experience,Are all said it is change my life of two years.I think this and service learning and global children together,The two common node is very, very important.And I also say,If we just put these children get a key middle school or a private students,He won't have these ideas,He would not the future life is such a big change.


So UWC graduates in China,Is also a lot of people of accomplishment.I want to answer a question may you all have a problem,Is your school to teach classes so little,We the class begins at eight o 'clock,There are still one and a half hours of different rest,Then two o 'clock ends,Each year the number of days in class about 190 days,But the real class is 140 days.In this case also do IB project,How you can ensure that the children go to sweep the snow when can achieve very good result?I think it is because we ask the student to have the responsibility,To sweep the snow/To be the librarian/To give to others,He will be more have the responsibility to take care of himself.So our teacher can be very relieved don't leave him homework,Don't give him teach,He will also have the responsibility to learn.So finally achieved the goal is not only to learn well,But also can become a very perfect.


This is mandela,Our honorary chairman very emphasis,Is a sense of responsibility.The sense of responsibility is not to rely on teaching/Speaking to,But by two years of practice to achieve.So if you want to sum up a word words,I think it's service learning will make learning more beautiful.
