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未完成作业被揪脸撞墙 当事老师是优秀教师--亲稳网络舆情监测室


For children,Born Japan should be happy.But a birthday person but because not able to finish the arrangement homework,He was the teacher hold face to the wall slammed several times,The head be dislodging multiple bale,Facial also appears bruises.

未完成作业被揪脸撞墙 当事老师是优秀教师 图为同学们说汪老师在黑板旁揪住鑫鑫的脸向墙壁猛撞。 The students said wang teacher beside the blackboard seized xin xin face to the wall barges.


Mr. Hu is mulan, huangpi district township willow village villagers miles.The night before last 11 at 30 p.m.,Mr Hu to call our hotline at 82333333.He told reporters on the phone,The day before yesterday(On October 25)Is the son xinxin 10 years old birthday,Their specially prepared lunch at home,About a friend,As a son birthday.


Can in the noon,From the school back son's Mr. Hu found,The son on the back of the hit two bale,The face of black and blue."Listen to the school classmate say,He in the classroom by the teacher in the wall the hit a few times."


Mr. Hu ask a child,Xin xin started too embarrassed to admit it.Mr. Hu said:"Your classmates tell me la!"Son is only spoke the truth.The original,Since there is no complete assignments on time,Xin xin English teacher WangAiHua will xin xin pulled to the wall,Took the child's face to the wall barges.


"I put my son to school,Is to learn knowledge,Not in school defeated!"Mr. Hu angrily say.


phone,Mr. Hu said repeatedly to break into tears:"As a father,I evening more think more uncomfortable,It is can't sleep.Please you must come to see the next day".


同学:老师体罚学生并非首次 students:The teacher the corporal punishment student is not for the first time


At noon yesterday,The reporter comes to, huangpi district magnolia township persimmon primary school grade four class of the classroom,The students are siesta.Reporters learned that after the class to ask,Xin xin yesterday did not come to class.


In that reporters after the queen,The children have been confirmed to reporters this matter.There are children active la reporters came to the foot,"Is here,Hit under five or six,Product straight ring!"The children said,Xin xin was once wail aloud to weep aloud.


In the interview,And the child has revealed,Wang teacher corporal punishment or even beat and scold students is not for the first time.A number of children told reporters,I have been wang teacher use an eraser struck a head,Everyone to the teacher are very"fear".


校长:当事老师曾评为优秀教师 The headmaster:The parties to the teacher was rated excellent teachers


Reporter in the headmaster's office to see the school principal pan.To wang teacher beat and scold the students,Pan admitted that the principal is this.But the principal pan with wang teacher has"Go home and rest"for,Decline reporter and the requirements of the interview.


Pan said the principal,After know this matter,They have put forward to wang teacher serious criticism of education.At the same time,That night,He also and other school leader went to Mr. Hu home visit and apologize for the error.Yesterday morning,The school staff and took the children to, huangpi district people's hospital for examination.But the inspection result has not come out.


For wang teacher the move,Pan principal will its qualitative for on impulse."Now children very naughty,Very bad management.Wang teacher may be the emotional impulse,Just take this the wrong way."


Pan said the principal,Wang teacher of school age has nearly 20 years,Performance has been good,Also it has been evaluated as field rank excellent teachers.It is understood,At present the school has put the matter to give mulan township education USA.And about wang teacher's dealing with problems,They will wait for superior decision.


区教育局:一旦查实绝不姑息 District education bureau:Once the thorough check never appeasement


After leaving school,Reporters came again, huangpi district education bureau.After listening to the reporters after about,Education bureau deputy director li said this is not informed.

  李副局长称,局里尽快将安排人事、绩效、监察等科室对此事进行联合调查,并根据情节轻重以及后期伤情鉴定等情况,对当事教师予以相应处理。“一旦查实,绝不包庇姑息,一定会从严处理。” Lee deputy director says,Station will arrange personnel as soon as possible/performance/Supervision of the department of joint survey,And according to the seriousness of the case and later identification of injury situation,Teachers to party shall be the corresponding treatment."Once identified,Never hide up palliative,Must be strictly processing."
