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日媒揭加藤嘉一伪造履历 称其未曾考上东京大学--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

日媒揭加藤嘉一伪造履历 称其未曾考上东京大学 加藤嘉一 Kato jia a


Original title:Kato jia was day medium reveal forged history

  今天发行的日本杂志 《周刊文春》刊登了一篇名为《揭露在中国最有名的日本人(加藤嘉一)伪造履历》的文章。 《周刊文春》文中,首先对加藤的“东京大学合格了,但是自己主动放弃”的发言进行了调查。在记者对加藤所上高中进行采访后发现,当时作为加藤班主任的老师表示,

Today's issue of the journal of Japan [Weekly WenChun]Published a paper named[Revealed in China's most famous Japanese(Kato jia a)Forged resume]article. [Weekly WenChun]This paper,Firstly the kato"Tokyo university, the qualified,But his own initiative to give up"Speech to carry on the investigation.At the press of kato go to high school after interview found,At that time the teacher in charge teacher as kato said,加藤毕业的那年,学校考上东京大学的只有2名理科学生。加藤是文科特进班的学生,他并未考上东大。 Kato graduate that year,The school take an examination of the university of Tokyo only two science students.Kato is wen cott into the class of students,He did not take an examination of university.


除此以外,《周刊文春》对加藤伪造履历进行了四点总结。 In addition,[Weekly WenChun]To kato forged history on the summary at four o 'clock.第一,关于加藤是否是公费留学生的疑点,文中指出,加藤在中国出版书籍中写到自己是日本的公费派遣留学生。而在日本的出版物中介绍自己留学费用由中国教育部负担,两者自相矛盾。第二,关于加藤是否是北京大学朝鲜半岛研究中心研究员的问题,文中引用中国媒体的报道对此进行了否定报道。第三,关于加藤是否是庆应大学SFC研究所“上席研究员”?对此,周刊采访了该研究所。该研究所表示,加藤并非上席研究员,他是访问研究员。第四,关于加藤曾经获得日本全国柔道大会第四名的成绩。记者核对了该大会的历届比赛结果后,未曾发现加藤的名字。

The first,About kato is at public expense students doubt,This paper points out that,Kato published in China books wrote himself is Japan's fee sent Chinese students to study abroad.In Japan publications to introduce myself to study abroad by China's ministry of education cost burden,Both contradictory.The second,About kato is Beijing university north Korea peninsula research center researchers problem,This paper cited Chinese media reports that the negative reports.The third,About whether kato keio university institute of SFC"Precedency researchers"?this,Weekly interviewed the institute.The institute says,Kato not precedency researchers,He is to visit the researchers.The fourth,About kato won Japanese national judo congress fourth grades.Reporter checked the assembly of all previous after the match,Have not found kato name.


加藤嘉一在其官方网站回应:承认其经历造假行为 正式道歉 Kato jia a in its official website response:Admitting that the experience frauds formal apology


 he"Apology and report"For questions,And plus my signature,Will apologize content daylight.文中说"我确实没有考进东大,对此前的各种行为所造成的误解给予道歉,今后会以自己的努力表达出自己正确的经历,谢罪以及洗涤自己的污名,是自己作为信息传播者的责任"。 This paper said"I do not pass into university,Previous to all kinds of behavior caused by misunderstanding to apologize,The future will be in their own efforts to express yourself the right experience,Apologizing and washing their own stigma,Is his own as information disseminator responsibility".


China's micro blog still does not have relevant information. 


补充阅读: Supplementary reading:

  甘肃农业大学取消作家加藤嘉一励志报告会 Gansu agricultural university, cancel the writer kato jia a inspiring report


Gansu provincial micro bo said,Gansu agricultural university leadership resolutely put a stop to the students' micro bo association invited kato jia way school visit communication behavior.to"Administrative interference academic"question,Gansu province education department said,"Individual be wronged can endure,National honor and self-esteem is not contaminated,This should be the bottom line of the Chinese people".[detailed]


加藤嘉一关于南京大屠杀发表不当言论 遭民众严厉声讨 Kato jia a about the nanjing massacre published by improper remarks people severely condemn


According to the video data shows,Kato jia a May 20, in nanjing pioneer bookstore when a book,A reader questions:"I want to know,What channel can understand the true history,Of historical truth?"Kato jia a answered,Both China and Japan should know their history reflection;To understand the truth of history,Effective way is to get information channel diversification.Kato jia a added:"During the nanjing of what happened I still don't understand."He went on to say,It is because of the explanations,So he also don't understand what is the truth,Therefore only according to his proposed multi-channel way"Patiently to do".Kato jia a remarks by the media after the spread,Immediately by the numerous users of condemn.[detailed]
