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传福建一幼儿园老师把孩子打成脑震荡 学校否认--亲稳舆论引导监测室

金山小金星幼儿园 Jinshan small Venus kindergarten  31日晚,福州金山小金星幼儿园老师把幼儿打成脑震荡的消息在微博上引起许多网友的关注。联想到近段时间发生的幼儿园虐童事件,不少网友在微博上对此事表示愤怒,并关注事件进展。事实是否如微博上所言?老师有没有用玩具打小孩?小孩现在情况如何?1日,记者采访了幼儿园方面和当事小孩的妈妈,他们仍旧存在较大分歧。 31 late,Fuzhou jinshan small Venus kindergarten teacher put the children into a concussion news blog in micro caused the attention of many users.Association to nearly time happen kindergarten child abuse event,Not a few net friend in micro bo on the matter said anger,And pay attention to events progress.The fact is such as micro blog said?The teacher has no use playing children toys?The boy is now situation how?1,The reporter interviewed the kindergarten and the parties to the child's mother,They continue to exist great differences.


微博传闻:幼儿园老师把小孩打成脑震荡 Micro bo rumours:Kindergarten teacher put the child into a concussion


On the afternoon of December 31,A micro bo a name"Blockbuster attention!Fuzhou jinshan small Venus kindergarten teacher put the children into a concussion"Micro bo caused many users to pay attention to,"According to media sources,In today,Fuzhou jinshan small Venus kindergarten teacher put the children into a concussion,The zoo refuses to provide monitoring video.",This article from the real name the authentication micro bo below are not a few net friend message criticism and at a kindergarten teacher,Have net friend questioned event authenticity.


31 45 points at 8 PM,The net friend again hair 1"sorrow!"Fuzhou jinshan small Venus kindergarten teacher children play"Event inside"Long micro bo,Long micro bo said in his contact with the beat the younger child watch aunt/Mother and small Venus kindergarten LiYuan long.The micro bo also posted pictures of the children/Hospital of ct examination results, and the micro blogger"Interview content".


Micro Po mentioned in the"I was playing with 5 years old boy's mother,Aunt telephone interview,Also with the fuzhou jinshan small Venus kindergarten telephone interviews with the principal,From the expression of both sides tried to find the truth of the matter and inside,Specific content,In the long micro bo has told in detail.What impresses me most is that,The zoo said with parents:Families not qualified to see monitoring,Only education bureau ability is qualified."then,This article micro bo be net friend"LuoYongQuan"Released to the micro after bo,Caused more net friend discussion,Until 1, 9 o 'clock in the evening,The micro bo has been forward 1242 times.


小金星幼儿园:“微博上言论不属实” Small Venus kindergarten:"Micro blog comments don't true"


1 3 PM,The reporter comes to jinshan small Venus kindergarten,LiYuan long stretch/The vice the principal accepted reporter interviews."On the network to expose it afterwards,We are all in the fit education department and the police investigation,Now the survey also didn't come out,Shouldn't random qualitative!"Mention this two days micro blog comments,The principal of the office several teachers are some dissatisfaction.


The vice the principal think micro bo on the rumor is not true,She told reporters,The net is refers to the sum of things at a ZhouXing teacher in accept education department and the police investigation,That they have played xiao Ming(alias).


According to the vice kinzley is introduced,24 the morning,Ms. Chen sent xiao Ming to kindergarten time looking for her,"She told me,The child said last night he was the teacher hit,Ms. Chen also concerns is the teacher isn't good for her kid"."I was advised her to go to communicate with the teacher,Ask what's going on,If you have any problem in the zoo can again",The vice the principal told reporters.


"24 and 25.,Okay children into the garden,We found no exception.26 morning,Ms. Chen mother-ming to,Requirements must immediately see 23 monitoring",The vice the principal told reporters,"Ms. Chen was in a hurry to see monitoring,She said the child 25 sick at night,Doubt is a concussion".The vice calls advice ms. Chen take children to the hospital inspection,But ms. Chen insisted that soon see 23 surveillance video,"We tell her surveillance video must through the upper department approval to see,Have to apply for".Ms. Chen spot out of telephone alarm.In the afternoon,Kindergarten will be 23 surveillance video to the police station,"This is size 23 from 8 a.m. children into the garden from the garden surveillance video,Police have seen and found no xiao Ming was beat by the person image,Ms. Chen also seen that video".


Why monitoring video can not directly tuning out for parents to see?The vice kinzley is given explanation is"Kindergarten video involves the kid's privacy,Parents can request,The zoo to group headquarters application,After examination and approval before we can see".She denies that said"Parents not qualified to see monitoring".


The vice the principal told reporters,29 is also on Monday,Education bureau staff to kindergarten obtaining the 23 of the video,"We knew that ms. Chen 26 and education to reflect it".


"31,Ms Chen said xiao Ming is still in spit,Also went to the intravenous drop,She suspected xiao Ming is 22 playing by the teacher,Want to see 22 surveillance video,But our monitoring preserve only 6 days or so,22 have been covered".The vice the principal said 1 ms. Chen with xiao Ming came,When education department and kindergarten in group to investigate this matter people are present,"We see a child is very lively,Her mother brought him home is not willing to go,Noon still in it ate two bowl of egg Fried rice".


"I also understand to the doctor,If really has been playing concussion,Should be 24 hours of reaction,Not like they say 22 being beaten,25 began to spit",The vice the principal told reporters.


"Xiao Ming is September this year turned to small Venus kindergarten classes,He usually very active,Is naughty."Yang said the principal deputy in the kindergarten are plastic toys,No micro bo said the"gyro".then,Reporter to xiao Ming in the class watched put the toy box,Corner few box plastic toys are small,The teacher introduces these are can splice of toys.


小孩母亲:儿子调皮,但老师不该打他头 The child mother:Son naughty,But the teacher shouldn't hit his head


Come out from kindergarten,Reporter went to see this going to police station with survey of ms. Chen and xiao Ming.Ms. Chen told reporters,Xiao Ming 23 before he goes to bed at night suddenly to her medicine brush,"He told me a headache,To coated,Is the teacher take toys played head".


On the evening of 25,The child started vomiting,Ms. Chen began to tense,"I suspect that the child was the teacher into concussion".Then as the vice the principal said,Ms. Chen 26 morning to kindergarten asked to see 23 monitoring,After the rejection alarm.


26 afternoon,Ms. Chen children to the hospital inspection,Reporters from her provide diagnosis list to see,Diagnosis for"Head injury",CT results show that"Not seen obvious anomaly".Ms. Chen told reporters,The doctor oral told her xiao Ming is a mild concussion.


"After return,I suddenly remember that day 22 to pick up when xiao Ming,He want a little girl said to me xiao Ming today was a teacher to cry,But I was no attention.so,I again please relatives to help make a phone call to the education department report,And ask for a transfer to see 22 and 23 monitoring".


"31,Education department told me that 23 monitoring no problem,I offered to see 22 monitoring,But kindergarten said it had gone",Ms. Chen said she didn't believe that kindergarten said 22 monitoring are covered response,"I doubt they put this period of wash off".


Ms. Chen told reporters,Used to play xiao Ming's toys in the kindergarten is the joining together of toys,Is several round plastic splice together the combined.


仓山区教育局:协助警方调查 等待调查结果 CangShan district education bureau:To assist the police investigation waiting for the results of the survey


1 night,The reporter interviewed investigating the matter CangShan district education bureau to manage do forest section chief.The section chief Lin introduces to the reporter,Ms. Chen is on October 26,(Last Friday)Manage to do reflect the children were playing.After the weekend,On Monday,The departments to take measures to look into the matter.


Lin section chief told reporters,On October 29,We can do the obtained on October 23 round-the-clock surveillance video,After watching not found that the teacher with a toy struck xiao Ming head behavior,Xiao Ming is very active in the video,Look in a state of health.In addition,We can do the personal interview on October 23, xiao Ming the middle shift 3 employees,3 per capita said no gyro toy struck xiao Ming.meanwhile,We do visited xiao Ming in the class,The children found the direction provide toy did not"gyro"toys.


1,Lin section chief once again came to the kindergarten survey,Just meet with ms. Chen with related media reporter arrived here.so,Education departments/Ms. Chen/The zoo sat together three party negotiations.conversation,Lin section chief requirements the zoo careful about the child's condition,Timely the door family visit,Understand parents appeals,If the child's psychological so times storm affected,To timely psychological persuation.Lin section chief told reporters,Both parties agree"All to the child's physical and mental health as heavy",But for children by the teacher whether with the toy's strike,Both parties differences still exist.

  目前,警方已经介入调查此事。林科长表示,如果有了有关金山小金星幼儿园“打童”风波的最终结论,教育主管部门将适时向社会公布。(福州新闻记者露薇 文/摄)

At present,The police are investigating the matter.Lin section chief said,If the relevant jinshan small Venus kindergarten"Playing children's"A final conclusion,Education departments will timely publish to the society.(Fuzhou news reporter Lou wei wen/taken)
